C) have a fermentative metabolism. They may reproduce sexually. A virus is specific to a particular type of host cell because. All of the following are true statements about algae except A) algae are eukaryotes. Which of the following is an emerging virus? Include ascospores, zygospores, and basidospores. What evidence supports the idea that archaea are more closely related to eukaryotesthan to bacteria? Most cases of hookworm infection are acquired by ingestion of eggs in contaminated food or water. C) some produce harmful toxins. 1. 36) ______ A) teleomorph produces both sexual and asexual spores B) systemic mycosis fungal infection of body organs C) coenocytic hyphae hyphae with cross-walls D) dimorphic fungus grows as a yeast or a mold E) dermatomycosis fungal infection of the skin, Which of the following pairs is mismatched? In the first group, every pot of soil has been sterilized. B) they are classified as plants. A E) the growing embryo gives rise to the gametophyte. On January 30, a swab of the wound was cultured at 35C on blood agar. Instead, the phage's genetic material is copied whenever the host reproduces. b ) All of them are multicellular. In the given question, we need to identify which of the polling statements about algae is false. Which of the following is a nucleated, unicellular organism that, if you changed the incubation. C) they are used as indicators of air pollution. Like land plants, they possess an organized vascular system. c) is eucaryotic d) is a bacterium e) absorbs organic nutrients. most algae are aquatic. E Because algae are eukaryotic photoautotrophs, and producer organisms, they were once classified with plants. OD. Fourteen of the patients had surgical wounds, two had venous line insertion sites, and one had a bite wound. D) they are used as indicators of air pollution. A researcher claims that glucose is moved into cells by facilitated diffusion through the GLUT4 transporter. A protozoan may possess any of the following except: hyphae. ADVERTISEMENTS: 3. C) are hermaphroditic. The cell wall of most algae is composed of which of the following substances? 27) ______ A) Most protozoa reproduce asexually. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Paramecium? E) None of the answers is correct. In Table 12.1, which of these spores are asexual spores? E) cannot tolerate high osmotic pressure. In the second group, none of the pots of soil have been sterilized. include Penicillium. The Archaea include all of the following except: Cell theory includes all of the following except: All of the following individuals contributed to cell theory except: Which of the following structures is the smallest? D) zygomycete fungus. C) humans are the definitive host and crayfish are the intermediate host. Question 13. So the first statement states that light, they use light energy as their ultimate source, which is obvious because they contained chlorophyll and they produce their own food and where there is chlorophyll they need C. 02 for producing the Food they are using. Which of the pairs is mismatched? D. bilateraldorsal. 4. Which of the following statements regarding fungi is FALSE? The Volvo species are multicellular forms of algae. A definitive host harbors which stage of a parasite? 42) ______ A) Most fungi grow well in acidic culture condition. 27) A definitive host harbors which stage of a parasite? Hydrogen is used to construct the molecules water and organic compounds with carbon. All statements listed below are true about Chlamydomonas sp. C) intermediate host. B) All are unicellular. E) they are a symbiotic relationship of a fungus and a protozoan. Fungi are the main decomposers of dead a. animals. 21) ______ A) intestinal bacteria B) red blood cells C) plant maMerD) host tissues E) intestinal contents. What is the MOST likely cause? Search: Cummins Ism Surging Under Load. All of the following statements about eutrophication are true except: a. Eutrophication is beneficial as it encourages growth of $\mathrm{CO}_{2}$ -consuming water plants and algae. 10) ______ A) eliminate the intermediate host B) treating patients C) eliminate Anopheles D) vaccination E) None of these is an effective control. In helminth life cycles, the organism that harbors the sexually reproductive phase of the parasite is called the intermediate host. C) progloMid. The first statement states that light, they use light energy as their ultimate source, which is obvious because they contain chlorophyll and they produce their own food and where there is chlorophyll they need. What structural adaptations for this lifestyle do barnacles have? All of the following are true of algae except In the microscope, you observe multinucleated amoeboid cells with sporangia that form spores. d) Some examples of . They use light as their energy source They use carbon dioxide as their carbon source They produce oxygen from hydrolysis of water. a. herbivores b. other consumers c. other carnivores d. all of the above 2. In Table 12.1, which is a thick-walled spore formed as a segment within a hypha? b. some algae are single-celled. Which group of algae are associated with red tide? This new DNA is referred to as: The genetic code. They may have flagella or cilia. University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology. In which type of environment would you be most likely to find methanogenic archaea? An enzyme. e. yeast are unicellular. The most likely cause of the infection is a 40) ______ A) yeast. Hence, body of algae is thallus as it is not differentiated into true stems, leaves and roots. Both are found in fresh and salt water environments. Seventeen patients in ten hospitals had cutaneous infections caused by Rhizopus. 13 Placing the DNA from an animal cell into the genome of a bacterium will allow the bacterium to produce an animal product. Student App, Educator app for Which sporozoan characteristic is most consistent with a parasitic lifestyle? Cercariae, metacercaria, redia, and sporocysts are all life cycle stages of trematodes. 5. C) Histoplasma. Which of the following arthropods are responsible for transmitting the bacteria that cause Rocky Mountain Spotted fever and Lyme disease? B) reservoir. Why are these techniques preferable to sexual propagation of woody plants? Which of the following is the most effective preventive measure? The insect vectors have six legs and include ticks, mosquitoes, and lice. 21.This type of solution causes the outside solvent to flow into the cell and causes the cell to swell and lyse. E) they mostly live in aquatic habitats. E) cysticercus. C) parasitic alga. Which of the following pairs are mismatched? B) They have eukaryotic cells. All of the family members recovered following treatment with praziquantel. II. E) cellular slime mold. A lichen usually represents a symbiotic relationship between which of the . A) they are arranged in foliose, fruticose, or crustose morphologies. C) they are arranged in foliose, fruticose, or crustose morphologies. D) have highly developed digestive and nervous systems. This is a(n) 14) ______ A) plasmodial slime mold. d . D) tapeworm. E) dimorphic fungus. 1) fungi : 2) archaea : 3) humans : 4) . Q. All algae are plants.C.All algae are unicellular.d.Algaeare photoautotr, Which of the following statements about algae are true? C) Most protozoa reproduce asexually. 2. Diagram the plasma membrane; label each component. Which of the following statements about algae is FALSE? You then separate the pots into two groups. They are carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur. all are parasites. An examination of the patients' sputum revealed helminth eggs, and serum samples were positive for antibodies to Paragonimus. E) most algae have some form of locomotion. Its grouped under phylum Euglenophyta. Which is correct because when they are making food, they give out oxygen so they produce oxygen. Plan Y: Increase vehicle production by 5% every year. Bacteria (/ b k t r i / (); singular: bacterium) are ubiquitous, mostly free-living organisms often consisting of one biological cell.They constitute a large domain of prokaryotic microorganisms.Typically a few micrometres in length, bacteria were among the first life forms to appear on Earth, and are present in most of its habitats. Which of the following pairs is mismatched? c. fungi have a cell wall. E) They reproduce sexually. So, uh, so let it be options. Correct option is D) Algae are a group of chlorophyll bearing, photosynthetic, autotrophic, thalloid plants whose body is not differentiated into true roots, stems and leaves. B) cestode. All of the following are true of fungi EXCEPT: B) They prefer living in aquatic environments. C) Some are capable of sexual reproduction. Which of the following would be ineffective in controlling the spread of CTV? Malaria 2. Its mode of nutrition is autotrophic. Both have chlorophyll. Which of the following is unique to the lysogenic cycle? They perform oxygenic photosynthesis where View the full answer I would like to greet everybody. Both have cell walls with peptidoglycan. C) Protozoa are common in water and soil. B) cellular slime mold. It is most likely a(n) 12) ______ A) oomycote alga. All of the following are true about agar, except it Question 1 options: liquefies at 100C Facilitates obtaining pure cultures is metabolized by many bacteria is a polysaccharide derived from a red algae solidifies at approximately 45C Q. The encysted larva of the beef tapeworm is called a 41) ______ A) cercaria. what is the most common cause of ovine abortion? They mostly live in aquatic. b. dermatophytes that have invaded deep into the living tissue. The spread of Malaria in Africa is probably best controlled by the following practice: D) Spraying insecticides in swampy areas and around homes, An increase in cloud cover associated with global climate change would directly affect the following organisms: 1. Assume you have isolated a multicellular heterotrophic organism that produces coenocytic hyphae, motile zoospores, and cellulose cell walls. 30) ______ A) dog definitive host B) mosquito definitive host C) mosquito vector D) dog sexual reproduction E) None of the pairs is mismatched. Which of the following groups contains the foraminifera? A. nopectoral. Its store carbohydrate in the form of starch. All of the following are characteristic of algae EXCEPT 5) _______ A) they are classified as plants. Conjugation product. Naked strands of RNA not covered by a capsid are. Make an initial posting before replying to oth A recent study examined hearing loss data for 1613 U. S. teenagers. What would you most likely call a long chain of bacterial cells that are spherical in shape? Which viral replication cycle is described here? The multicellular complex thalli lack vascular tissue and also show little differentiation of tissues. Protozoa. most algae are aquatic. Which of the following describe ways that fungi have an economic impact? a) The algae most closely related to land plants are the charophycean green alga. So from these options we need to tell the real option. 16) ______ A) red algae B) green algae C) dinoflagellates D) diatoms E) None of the answers is correct; all of these groups of algae produce compounds toxic to humans. B) They have chlorophyll. In the Paragonimus life cycle, 35) ______ A) both humans and crayfish are definitive hosts. Recombinant DNA technology 14 Which . Reset Selection they only reproduce asexually. OB. The following are all true about the life cycle of mosses except A) external water is required for fertilization. 4. Computers and Technology, 02.04.2020 17:25. A food web is best described as a . On the same day, a smear was made for Gram staining. Golden-brown algae and diatoms are the most abundant types of unicellular algae, accounting for around 100,000 different species. D) Fungal spores are for asexual or sexual reproduction. A) miracidium B) cyst C) adult D) larva Algae. Except so again, the options are different. E) Some protozoan pathogens are transmitted by arthropod vectors. a. Isotonic solution b. Hypotonic solution c. D) can tolerate low-moisture conditions. Which of the following statements regarding bacterial endospores is false? E) green alga. Three weeks after a river rafting trip, three family members experienced symptoms of coughing, fever, and chest pain. D) definitive host. Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) damages and kills susceptible citrus trees around the world. include mushrooms and puffballs. C) Fungi produce asexual spores. The first four of these are the most important, as they are used to construct the molecules that are necessary to make up living cells. 5. 5. Brownish, waxy colonies grew on the blood agar. Question: 1.10 All of the following statements about plants are true except one. D) the source of the infection was the river water.E) the crayfish are the definitive host and humans are the intermediate host. Cyanobacteria are important producers, more specifically called, Bacteria that secrete digestive enzymes into their surroundings in order to decompose nonliving organic matter are called. Microscopic examination reveals it is multicellular. III. The life cycle of the fish tapeworm is similar to that of the beef tapeworm. a) largest type of rock, made of organic matter, hardest type of rock b) often contains layers, forms near sources of water, contains fossils c) least abundant type of rock, made of other rocks, made mostly of minerals d) most abundant type in earth's crust, made of magma/lava, contains no fossils. Plan Z: Increase production by 300 vehic Sahel means in Arabic. They are classified as plans. E) Some protozoan pathogens are transmiMed by arthropod vectors. E) Penicillium. B) Algal cell walls contain cellulose, whereas fungal cell walls do not. Which is the correct order of events in the lytic cycle of a bacteriophage? You take a large sample of soil and divide it among individual pots. B) Candida albicans. Because a fish has ____ symmetry, this fin is called the ____ fin. All of the following statements about algae are trueexcept a) All of them are eukaryote.b) All of them are multicellular c) They lack the tissue differentiation d) They vary in size from microscopic plants to 200 feet in length.e) They do not cause human disease. C) They are multicellular animals. they may be unicellular or multicellular. B) they form spores. 44) All of the following are characteristic of lichens EXCEPT. answer choices. 50 Q Each of the following is a . D) Saccharomyces cerevisiae. E) trematode. B) flagellated sperm are produced. E) are dorsoventrally flaMened. You observe a mass of amboeba-like cells that swarm together, form a stalk, and produce spores. Which of the following procedures would make an effective program for reducing tapeworm infestation? Apaleontologist finds a plant fossil that shows that the plant had seeds. iPad. Slide cultures set up on February 1 and incubated at 25C showed septate hyphae and single conidia. You can conclude all of the following about this organism except that it a) has cell walls b) has DNA enclosed in a nucleus. Why don't new biological macromolecules form abiotically from nonliving matter on the Earth today? Algae are photosynthetic, whereas fungi are not. Nitrogen is used to construct the basic building blocks of life, such as amino acids, nucleic acids, and proteins. Which of the following groups contains at least some members that have cell walls? a. Presence or multicellular heterotrophic organism that harbors the large dead zones be unicellular or absence of symptoms. All of the following criteria are used in the classification of algae EXCEPT: E) All the above are criteria used in the classification of algae. 26) All of the following are characteristic of algae EXCEPT A) most are photoautotrophs. VIDEO ANSWER:Hello everybody. all make cysts. All of these features appeared later in the evolutionary history of plants. D) They use CO2 as their carbon source. B) are multicellular animals. E) Fungi tolerate low moisture conditions. D) they may be unicellular or multicellular. Thank you for taking the time to reply. The ancestors of plants were photosynthetic single-celled organisms probably similar to today's algae. Describe two ways in which antibiotic resistance can become widespread: (a) ______ (b) ______. D) Lichens are often the first life form to colonize rock or soil. Bacteria. Which authors were known for their critical writing about the excesses and problems resulting from industrialization A person is standing 350 feet away from a model rocket that is fired straight up into the air at a rate of 15 ft/sec. During the rafting trip, the family had consumed crayfish that they caught along the river banks. B. bilateralanterior. Yeast infections are caused by 31) ______ A) Aspergillus. 33) ______ A) digestive system B) nervous system C) reproductive system D) digestive and nervous systems E) digestive, reproductive, and nervous systems, Which of the following arthropods does NOT transmit diseases by sucking blood from a human host? Fungi are economically important in both positive and negative ways. All of the following are true of algae except a. a. all algae are eukaryotes. Hydrogen is also used to construct ATP and GTP. All of the following are true of algae except a. all algae are eukaryotes. Which of the following statements regarding protozoa is FALSE? They contain chlorophyll and are photosynthetic. The last option says that all of our units are false. B) tapeworm. Q3: Yeast are protists. Diatoms are much more common than golden-brown algae and consist of many types of plankton found . They use light as their energy source. B) tapeworm. 32) ______ A) 2 and 8B) 1 and 2 C) 6 and 7 D) 1 and 4 E) 7 and 8, Which of the following tends to be more complex in a parasitic helminth than in free-living helminths? D) Some have male and female reproductive organs in one animal. Which of the following pairings is incorrect? d. some algae are bacteria. Some species of dinoflagellates produce neurotoxins that cause fish kills and red tides. 5 in April, while weekly jobless claims fell to 1 i Have a cummins ism and I pulled IT in the garage to put a new ignition switch in IT. Which of the following pairs is mismatched? They consume nothing. D) They can be unicellular or multicellular. Both the cellular slime molds and the plasmodial slime molds are members of the phylum Amoebozoa. D) algae were once classified as plants. They use light as their energy sourceThey use carbon dioxide All of the following statements about algae are true except ?They use light as their energy sourceThey use carbon dioxide as their carbon sourceThey produce oxygen from hydrolysis of water.All are unicellular as their carbon sourceThey produce oxygen from hydrolysis of water.All are unicellular. All of the following are true statements about algae except, One group of protozoans which are nonmotile, produce spores, and have disease-causing species is the. c. most algae are aquatic. B) prefer a neutral environment (pH 7). answer choices. Hundreds of algae are all of the following about are true except which of the following statements is true about microbiology for paralytic shellfish poisoning in tropical areas is acceptable.
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