Recently 5 more countries like United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Qatar, Iran, Saudi Arabia were added in the nomenclature panel of Indian Ocean region. It is accompanied with a sudden release of harmful radiations or radioactive materials or both together into the environment. This chapter explores the disaster preparedness of libraries in the coastline areas of India and demonstrates the disaster preparedness of libraries in gauging their current resilience levels to natural hazards, specifically cyclones. Hazard caused by short-lived, micro- to meso-scale extreme weather and atmospheric conditions that may last for minutes to days: Cyclone, Storm Surge, Tornado, Convective Storm, Extratropical Storm, Wind Cold Wave, Derecho Extreme Temperature, Fog, Frost, Freeze, Hail, Heat-wave Lightning, Heavy Rain Sand-Storm, Dust-Storm Audio-visual warnings should be implemented at level crossings to warn road users about approaching trains. The cyclones are natural phenomenon.We cant control nature, but if we focus on preparedness,adaptation, adequate response the damage caused by cyclones can be mitigated. The current threat from Cyclone Jawad, which comes at a time when crops in most parts are nearing harvest. Cyclone Disaster Management 1) Introduction Indian coasts are highly vulnerable to tropical cyclones and the consequent recurrent loss of life and property. The most powerful cyclone in the Arabian Sea in decades, Cyclone Tauktae has claimed lives, destroyed infrastructure and laid waste crops as it raced from Kerala to Gujarat. A cyclone can be defined as an atmospheric disturbance where winds rotate counterclockwise direction in the Northern Hemisphere around a low pressure center. Strict guidelines and command structure involving the participation and cooperation of local communities including the state and central government in the affected area should be incorporated. Inadequate data on these losses does not make it easy for policy makers to come up with fire mitigation policies. For building and bridge collapse, standard building materials should be used. Springer. Require some significant investments towards capital and maintenance of railways infrastructure. Fire + water + bombs: Disaster management among academic libraries in Marawi City, Lanao del Sur, Philippines. Library and Archival Security, 22(2), 99114. (2007). . This initiative has led to the construction of 200 new cyclone shelters, operating in places such as schools and community centers to ensure regular maintenance. Restaurator, 31(34), 207221. The main causes of. An anticyclone is the opposite phenomena of wind system of a cyclone. Weather Forecast 3:460476, Velden C et al. Climatological: Events caused by long-lived meso to macro-scale processes. Lakes in which such activity occurs are referred to as, A cool lake bottom indicating an absence of direct volcanic interaction with lake waters, An upper and lower thermal layer with differing CO, Proximity to areas with volcanic activity, Now there is concern about lake Kivu (Border of Rwanda in Congo), Cyclone, Storm Surge, Tornado, Convective Storm, Extratropical Storm, Wind, Extreme Temperature, Fog, Frost, Freeze, Hail, Heat-wave, Extreme hot/cold conditions Forest/Wildfire Fires Glacial Lake Outburst Subsidence, Epidemics: viral, bacterial, parasitic, fungal, or prion infections. Springer, Cham. Some of the major causes of Rail accidents include: The capacity of the authorities to deal with the disaster and the vulnerability of disaster affected area shall be taken into account for planning and tackling disaster management. For example,more than a million people were evacuated for both these events. Some of the measures are : Tropical cyclones are intense low pressure areas confined to the area lying between 30 degree north and 30 degrees South latitude. Library Review, 51(6), 287292. Surface displacement of earthen materials due to ground shaking triggered by earthquakes. Cyclone Idai: A Time to Reassess Disaster Management. Phase I Phase II Phase III 4 5. Saving lives, providing first aid, minimizing and restoring damaged systems (communication and transportation), meeting the basic life requirements of those impacted by disaster (food,water and shelter). Restriction on construction and other developmental activities such as roads and dams, Limiting agriculture to valleys and areas with moderate slopes, Control on the development of large settlements in the high vulnerability zones, Promoting large scale afforestation programs, Construction of bunds to reduce the flow of water. Tsunamis can be predicted and even after that they can damage the habitation. Disaster management practices of academic libraries in Panay Island, Philippines: Lessons from Typhoon Haiyan. b. Buildings storing food supplies should be protected against the winds and water. Rain Shadow areas in the Western and Eastern Ghats and Deccan Plateau. The growth of chemical industries has led to an increase in the risk of occurrence of incidents associated with hazardous chemicals. Promotion of natural broad leaf trees in place of Chir Pine trees. Disasters can be categorized into natural and man made. Google Scholar, Gohil BS, Mathur AK, Verma AK (2001) In: Proceedings of Pacific Ocean remote sensing conference, 2000, 58 Dec 2000, NIO, Goa, Indi, Goni GJ, Trinanes JA (2003) Ocean thermal structure monitoring could aid in the intensity forecast of tropical cyclones. The paper aims at proposing policies and approaches to manage dual disasters of flooding and COVID-19. (2021)., Musharraf, M. N. (2016). Unlike other natural disasters, human beings play an important role in causing floods. Ash fall; Lahar Hot or cold mixture of earthen material flowing on the slope of a volcano either during or between volcanic eruptions; Pyroclastic Flow Extremely hot gases, ash, and other materials of more than 1,000 degrees Celsius that rapidly flow down the flank of a volcano (more than 700 km/h) during an eruption. A Review of Tropical Cyclone Disaster Management Using Geospatial Technologies in India. October, 100, 133153. These community mitigation activities can be achieved with the support from government and other civil society organizations., Thiem, J. Communication facilities for disaster management include Digital Cyclone Warning Dissemination System (DCWDS) it is used pre hazard information. Earthquakes are also responsible for landslides. Since time immemorial, libraries have been imperiled by various disrupting calamities that severely alter their usual functionality. These walls of water can cause widespread destruction when they crash ashore. The coastal regulation zones have been declared by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate change under the, It is a weather warning that is issued by the. Most of these deaths could be prevented, provided we take proper steps in preventing the fire. Liquefaction the transformation of (partially)water-saturated soil from a solid state to a liquid state caused by an earthquake. In: Singh, A. Some of the most vulnerable states are Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim and Darjeeling and subdivision of West Bengal and all the seven states of the northeast. It also involves a systematic approach to managing the responsibilities of disaster prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery. Remote sensing and satellite imageries can be useful in identifying the possible river basin and in identifying the groundwater potential. Surfaces seismic waves produce fissures on the upper layer of the earths crust through which water and other volatile materials gush out, inundating the neighbouring areas. Cyclone Gonu was the strongest tropical cyclone on record in the Arabian Sea, and it was one of the most devastating cyclones that hit Oman in recent history. Extra tropical cyclones occur in temperate zones and high latitude regions, though they are, The state government of Odisha has started undertaking. Natural Channel of streams encroached by buildings, bridges, roads etc For example encroachment in Jhelum basin caused floods in Srinagar. Consequently, this study will help the institutions in drafting a disaster management plan for their libraries. Green belt plantation along the coastal line in a scientific interweaving pattern can reduce the effect of the hazard. There are about 15.0 million people living in the vulnerable areas, covering 21 000 km 2 of coastal and offshore islands of Bangladesh which . Example floods in Gurugram. India is a country with the long coastline of 7516.16 km.Indian coastline experiences around 10% of tropical cyclones in the world. Land use control should be designed so that least critical activities are placed in vulnerable areas. Rising from the Wreckage: Development of tsunami-affected libraries in Sri Lanka. Disaster management approaches for academic libraries: An issue not to be neglected in Greece. Surface displacement of earthen materials due to ground shaking triggered by volcanic eruptions. Habitat Ready: Disaster preparedness for homeowners. (eds) International Handbook of Disaster Research. Part of Springer Nature. Library Management, 23(3), 115123. (1994). Scientists believeearthquakes,volcanic activity, and other explosive events can serve as triggers for limnic eruptions. Hence, gathering information and monitoring the possibilities of landslides is not only difficult but also immensely cost intensive., Superio, D. L., Abaday, E. M., Oliveros, M. G. H., Delgado, A. S., Palcullo, V. E. V., & Geromiano, J. F. (2019). Amarasiri, U. Droughts have cascading effects on various aspects such as: Some of the following steps can be taken to mitigate droughts:: The NDMA manual sets out four important measures that a state government should take at the time of drought, with the help of Union government. In 2019-20, India witnessed multiple cyclones including Amphan, Nisarga, Nivar, etc. Mass movement of earth materials, usually down slopes. India should prepare to mitigate and deflect the destruction caused by Cyclones.India need to invest more on research and development on technology, communication and remote sensing satellites for more accurate and efficient weather forecast. The cycle involves the following five stages: 1. Landslides are largely controlled by highly localised factors. Lack of coordination between the local communities makes the rescue operation more difficult and thus casualties are increase in. South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science, 65(1), 6271. desastre=bad star) refers to sudden serious disruption of normal functioning of a society, involving large damages to life, property and environment, beyond its ability to cope with its own resources. Strong coriolis force that can prevent filling of low pressure at the centre. Am Meteorol Soc, Singh PK, Rai PK (2017) Landslide prediction mapping through frequency ratio (FR) model using GIS and earth observation data sets: a case study of part of Northern Uttrakhand (India) has been submitted in Natural Hazard. Thus a closed cyclonic vortex is formed. 2022 Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. Ansari, A.J., Ali, P.M.N. Environmental methods and means are the best and the most sustainable. Cyclones are the most intense storms on earth. Libraries and the Cultural Record, 40(2), 128144. Collection and Curation, 40(2), 3341. It is estimated that a total 775 303 people died in the coastal and offshore islands of Bangladesh within the last 222 years (1775-1997) due to cyclone and storm surges alone. Springer, Singapore. According to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) with the occurrence of Global Warming the intensity of precipitation and cyclones has increased leading to heavy rainfall. India initiated this project to undertake structural and non-structural measures to mitigate the cyclones effects. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 31, 8591. There are many steps in the disaster management cycle, including: 1. In response to Cyclone 05B in 1999, Odisha established the first state agency in India to address disaster management specifically (Odisha State Disaster Management Authority - OSDMA). Mechanism to assess and monitor forest fire risks and increase sustainable application of warning systems. Journal of the History of Ideas, 40(4), 507526. Flood Plain zoning to regulate land use in the flood plain in order to respect the damage due to floods. Indian Railways should switch completely to the Linke Hoffman Busch (LHB) coaches as they do not pile upon each other during derailments and hence cause lesser casualties. Dedicated helpline to reduce response time- mapping of cities using color coded zones based on their level of vulnerability. In: Zschau J, Kppers A (eds) Early warning systems for natural disaster reduction. Mitigation strategies for man-made disasters: a. These disaster situations and their specific features are captured in a Disaster management matrix shown in Table. Disaster: Response and recovery at a major research library in New Orleans. World Sci, Emanuel K (2007) Environmental factors affecting tropical cyclone power dissipation., Kostagiolas, P., Araka, I., Theodorou, R., & Bokos, G. (2011). Tsunami waves travel at very high speed across the ocean but as they begin to reach shallow water, they slow down and the wave grows steeper ., Shaw, M. D. (2015). The common causes for chemical accidents are: Chemical/industrial accidents are significant and have long term impact on the community and environment. Construction of explosion and fire resistant buildings in future. The IMD recognizes five drought situations: Drought Week: When the weekly rainfall is less than half of the normal. Agricultural Drought: When four drought weeks occur consecutively during mid-June to September Seasonal Drought: When seasonal rainfall is deficient by more than the standard deviation from the normal Drought Year: When annual rainfall is deficient by 20 percent of normal or more, and Severe Drought Year: When annual rainfall is deficient by 25 to 40 percent of normal or more. Areas receive less precipitation such as TransHimalayas areas of Ladakh and Spiti,. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips. Cyclone Idai, which has been . To conceal illegal timber cutting, the forest are deliberately set on fire by timber mafias., Mohapatra M, Bandyopadhyay BK, Tyagi A (2012) Best track parameters of tropical cyclones over the North Indian Ocean: a review. Excessive accumulation of energy results in building up of stress which ultimately leads to the breaking up of the lock and sudden release of energy causing earthquakes along the Himalayan arch., Corrigan, A. New Library World, 110(3/4), 175187. Earth Observ Syst, Gopalakirhsna VV, Ali MM, Araligidad N, Shenoy S, Shum CK, Yi Y (2003) An atlas of the XBT thermal structures and TOPEX/POSEIDON sea surface heights in the North Indian Ocean. Communities should participate in the mangrove plantation which could be organized by the local authorities, NGOs or the community itself. The 5 Stages of the Disaster-Management Cycle When properly implemented, the disaster-management cycle can lessen the impact of a catastrophic event. For the Indian Ocean region, a nomenclature formula for cyclones was accepted in 2004 between eight countries in the region. Holland GJ (2009) Global guide to tropical cyclone forecasting. An anticyclones winds rotate clockwise direction in the Northern Hemisphere. These new countries will also suggest a set names. Ali MM, Jagadeesh PSV, Jain S (2007) Effects of eddies on Bay of Bengal cyclone intensity. Polish libraries and archives during the great flood of 1997 and after. PubMedGoogle Scholar, Centre for the Study of Law and Governance, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, Delhi, India, International University Network Netexplo, Paris, France., CrossRef, Kaur, T. (2009). doi: 10.4102/phcfm . Prevention Disruption of water supply, sewerage, power supply, transport and communication system is common. The evacuations were considered to be the. Traditions destruction: On the library of Alexandria. India simultaneously recorded one of the wettest Januaries and one of the driest Marches in over 120 years. Library and Archival Security, 14(2), 6166. Chalk out strategies for strengthening education, research and documentation for strengthening tsunami risk management preparedness measures by academic and professional institutes. Regular inspection and timely maintenance of defective equipment, Enhancement of existing infrastructure with advanced technology & well trained fire-fighters. Action Plan for cyclone disaster management is dealt in Three phases. Prone areas destroys 2 % of total geographical area in India channels and its spillover is present flood prone conflict! ( 5 ), 108111. https: //, Kaur, T. ( 2016 ) to L3 finds mention And public libraries in Sri Lanka example, more and more public Awareness should be selected, using.! //Www.Jstor.Org/Stable/779096, Hussein Moustafa, L. 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