anchor-is-valid: Enforce all anchors are valid, navigable elements. Used to specify the format of the content produced by the onEditorChange event. The listenTo method of the controller lets you listen to events raised by other objects: Target objects must provide on of the following method forms: addListener addEventListener on. For information on configuring the application for deployment, see: Create React App - Deployment. The disabled prop can dynamically switch the editor between a disabled (read-only) mode (true) and the standard editable mode (false). Your event handlers will be passed instances of SyntheticEvent, a cross-browser wrapper around the browsers native event. Would you mind opening an issue or helping us out? For detailed information on using the value prop, see: Using the TinyMCE React component as a controlled component. None of the configuration props are required for the TinyMCE React component; however, if the apiKey prop is not configured when loading from Tiny Cloud, a warning message will be shown in the editor. Chrome has an experiment available to enable their inspection tool. Eg below: Has the content inside the editor been changed? As mentioned earlier, you can also use a specialized kind of selector function called a "memoized selector" to help improve component rendering, and we'll look at how to use those in another section. Certain controls react to keyboard events with their own handling. Note: You will be aided by your editors intellisense. Since the 1.0 version, the original author has changed the API and requires the application using any draggable components to have a top-level backend context. Sets new values on the model and fires a change event if necessary. For example, the