planism, meaning economic planning) and in France by Marcel Dat and Pierre Renaudel (leader of the SFIO's right wing), Ren Belin of the General Confederation of Labour, the Young Turk current of the Radical-Socialist Party (Pierre Mends-France) argued that the unprecedented scale of the global economic crisis, and the sudden success of national-populist parties across Europe, meant that time had run out for socialists to slowly pursue either of the traditional stances of the parliamentary left: gradual, progressive reformism or Marxist-inspired popular revolution. The solution is an alliance of democratic states working together to counterbalance the authoritarian states in the world. Maybe communism will ALWAYS devolve into state capitalism. Marcel Dat says that the French Revolution (1789-1799) has tended towards a National Democratism while he says that the French people are now tending towards National Socialism But in his claims the first movement was as revolutionary as the second that has the same meaning while it went in the same direction but it is absolutely wrong to pit the revolutionary ideals against each other and also the "National Popular Rally" (RNP) has less violent Anti-Semitism than the "French Popular Party" (PPF). The "National Popular Rally" (RNP) has a militant weekly is called Le National Populaire while the political party was supported by the L'uvre newspaper that Marcel Dat have worked with in the past and there are other French Collaborationist Socialist newspapers that supported the (RNP) such as L'Atelier, L'Effort, La France Socialiste, Le Rouge et le Bleu & the Germinal newspaper. Drawings involving spheroids representing political ideologies What all these countries have in common is a Welfarist Capitalist economic system that we can further expand on. Neosocialism was a political faction that existed in France and Belgium during the 1930s and which included several revisionist tendencies in the French Section of the Workers' International (SFIO). Throughout history, we have continued to progress even if we had many challenges and "rough spots" we have nonetheless continued to progress civil rights. This is untrue, late-stage capitalism does not exist. I am a globalist. I believe that only through the world working together can we achieve the best possible future. Democracy is the most essential human right as it safeguards other rights. The Party has claimed to be the "largest and most active" National Socialist organization in the United States and is a descendant of the American Nazi Party (and possibly the German American Bund). Universal Basic Income is not only feasible but prepares for an increasingly approaching problem of mass unemployment due to automation. It's democracy. It also takes Ideas from Eco-Transhumanism eg. All other examples are of more specific ideologies. Cookies help us deliver our services. That said I think it would not be wrong to keep our options open. Many will say the problem with modern foreign intervention is ultimately boiled down to 3 problems which I will now address. Marcel Dat writes in his political memoirs that he opposed radical Anti-Semitism while distinguishing between foreign Jews who had recently arrived as undesirables and French Jews who are assimilated in the nation even he had the names of them such as Henri Bergson who was acclaimed by the "National Popular Rally" (RNP) congress. The "National Popular Youth" (JNP) was created by Roland Silly while it was lead by militants from the "Federation of Revolutionary Students" (SRF) or other structures of the Trostkyists among with other leaders such as Roland Goguillot who is known as Roland Gaucher as member of the (SRF) even the (JNP) has song that is a march of the "German Communist Party" and the (JNP) does not have a program of action but four commandments. Neosocialism is a revisionist tendency of Socialism that seeks to engage in class collaboration with the bourgeois, as opposed to fighting them, in a similar manner to Fascism to bring about a revolution from above. The Anti-Semitism of the "National Popular Rally" (RNP) is indisputable but it is behind that of the other political parties of collaboration while the leaders of the (RNP) demanding that the Jewish people should be rejected from the nation but not from humanity thus the internal bulletin of the (RNP) admits the distinctions between various categories of Jewish veterans and useful Jewish scholars, intellectuals & producers that must be integrated into the nation in which the "French Popular Party" (PPF) later violently criticized. In the wake of the Great Depression, a group of deputies led by Henri de Man in Belgium (the leader of the Belgian Labour Party's right-wing, and founder of the ideology of planisme, i.e. Socialism is always economically left, and culturally neutral however has found itself becoming synonymous with progressivism mostly in the west at the most recent times. From the start, this linked them to fascist politics in France and many neosocialists expressed admiration for Italian Fascism. That is not an act of hate that is basic national security. It is in France during this time that many socialists started to reject the gradualism and utilization of utopian communes of the older Utopian Socialists. It emphasizes efficiency with control from the people. The most successful countries in the world I would argue are those of the Nordic Region + Germany and Switzerland. As a result, Dat's neosocialism was discredited in France after the war. All characters must be ideologies. Despite all these thinkers being considered Utopian Socialists, their philosophies differed greatly in many ways, with Owen's ideology resembling Socialism in the modern sense more so than the other two. If that is indeed the case then does that not show the failure of communism. Socialists Culturally Center Culturally Right Nationalists Fascists Corporatists Syndicalists Syncretic Esoteric (Some), Anti-Capitalism Anti-Communism Anti-Reactionarism Anti-Marxism (Mostly) Anti-Semitism (Mostly) Authoritarian Socialism Babouvism Fascist Syndicalism French Constitutionalism French Fascism French Republicanism Neo-Jacobinism Pan-Europeanism Social Corporatism Totalitarianism Catholic Fascism (Later). In 1918, Marcel Dat resumed his studies at the "cole Normale Suprieure" (ENS) while he came in second for the special classification of the aggregation of philosophy under the tutelage of Clestin Bougl who is a radical sociologist, friend of Alain & also a member of the "Radical Party" as well but then Dat taught philosophy in the city of Reims and then in 1920, he turned to sociology. I do not support the exchange of a socialist dictator for a Capitalist one. This page was last edited on 16 September 2022, at 21:24. But the modern definition of the word socialism, popularised by European Social Democrats, and the Democratic Socialists of America, is "any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods." For my first example, I point to WW2. All content is shared by the community and free to download. some people out there that believe their The "National Popular Rally" (RNP) has a small group of Trotskyists that came from the "Internationalist Communist Party" (PCI) lead by Raymond Molinier become the members of this political party including Henri Molinier, Roger Foirier, Maurice Dglise and then Andr Gailledrat dit Morgat & Jean Desnots. Dat led his splinter party into the Socialist Republican Union, a merger of various revisionist socialist parties, and participated in the Popular Front coalition of 1936. The Party has claimed to be the "largest and most active" National Socialist organization in the United States and is a descendant of the American Nazi Party (and possibly the German American Bund). In April 1941, the "Centre Syndicaliste de Propagande" (CSP) was created by a team of the trade union newspaper called "L'Atelier" who joined the "National Popular Rally" (RNP) such as Francis Delaisi, Georges Albertini & Georges Dumoulin in the expectation of creating a national trade union rally while in the meantime the (CSP) is a think tank pressure group calling for a labour charter that is more favourable to employees and there are general secretaries of this group such as Georges Dumoulin, Aim Rey, Roger Bertrand, Klber Legeay & Ren Mesnard. Socialism is an ideology used to represent the broad range of ideologies that fall under the umbrella term of "Socialism". The "Peasant Centre" was created by Ren de Robert who is a agricultural engineer and a member of the "European Circle" while the members of the group was Andr Gorse, Julien Dobert & Jean Desnots who is a member of the central committee of the "French Communist Party" which switched to Trotskyism. I would hope you would agree that the Axis powers were an evil force in the world that needed to be stopped as soon as possible. "The ZOG". Marxism, which arose from Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, became the most influential socialist philosophy in history. Vol Vol. [citation needed], Horn, G. R. "From 'Radical' to 'Realistic': Hendrik De Man and the International Plan Conferences at Pontigny and Geneva, 1934-1937" Contemporary European History. Everything collapsed once Tito died and I don't want to live in a society completely hinging on one dictator. Councillor Schleier noted that the vast majority of supporters of the policy of collaboration come from the French left as Otto Abetz pushed to promote the entry into the Vichy French government of trade unionists or Socialists who had acquired collaboration while Marcel Dat would eventually join the government and the "National Popular Rally" (RNP) lead by Marcel Dat continues to criticize Philippe Ptain along with the "French Popular Party" (PPF). But much of the conservative western world says that socialism is an authoritarian leftist ideology, in which a bureaucratic state controls the means of production, in a bureaucratic way. The "National Popular Rally" (RNP) in quantitative terms failed to seduce the masses just like all the parties of collaboration but it generally granted members between 20,000 & 30,000 and in 1942, the political party reached its peak as other estimates give it only 2,640 truly active members of whom were only 13% industrial workers. We can't stop automation but we can work with and around it. It prevents the "tyranny of the majority" that comes with Direct Democracy but also the oligarchic corruption that comes with Representative Democracy. The first socialist thinkers were social critics and philosophers of the 19th century from Western Europe. 3: Foreign Intervention is purely motivated by racism: This statement is just blatantly false. It brutally punished deserters and burned down countless churches. Western Imperialism might also be blamed but I would think that rather shows a critical flaw in communist society's lasting power. Yet for years we sat back and watched as Germany and Japan grabbed even more land. In June 1945, Marcel Dat was sentenced to death in Absentia but was never arrested while in 1947, his family including himself moved from Genoa, Ligurie to Turin, Pimont in which he goes to a boarding school for girls run by nuns called the "Joan of Arc Institute" even he takes the maiden name of his wife and then he was used by a Catholic religious order in the convent from San Vito, Sardinia in which he becomes a Catholic but he stayed in Turin where he wrote his memoirs until he died in January 5th, 1955. In the "National Popular Rally" (RNP) there are some activists with two different political tendencies that will try to carry out a strategy of Entryism that is to tactically form an influential group that can change its policy in the desired direction for example there are some Trotskyists who accustomed to the strategy of entryism within the Left-Wing parties and there are some Algerian Nationalist Militants who hope to advance the cause of the independence of their country. In June 23th 1941, Marcel Dat in his report to foreign minister Joachim Von Ribbentrop that advocated a peace treaty that would prevent the establishment of a Left-Wing government with an opposition against the "Axis Powers" in Europe but Otto Abetz the ambassador to France therefore favoured the "National Popular Rally" (RNP) in accordance with his personal inclinations as a former Social Democrat but also he preferred to work with former Socialists such as Marcel Dat with the collaborators mainly motivated by Pacifism with the idea of unifying Europe, even if it was under domination by Nazi Germany rather than the "French Popular Party" lead by Jacques Doriot for suspected of being too independent because he could end up imposing himself while arousing a national mystique capable of renovate the France in the National Socialist sense in which Berlin does not want. The neosocialist faction inside of the SFIO which included the senior party figures Marcel Dat and Pierre Renaudel was expelled at the November 1933 party congress, partly for its admiration for Italian fascism, and largely for its revisionist stances: the neosocialists advocated alliances with the middle classes and favoured making compromises with the bourgeois Radical-Socialist Party to enact the SFIO's program one issue at a time. This approach saw great success in the Belgian Labour Party in 1933-1934, where it was adopted as official policy with the support of the party's right (De Man) and left (Paul-Henri Spaak) wings, though by 1935 enthusiasm had waned. Marcel Dat along with relatives joined the "Republican Socialist Union" (USR) but then Dat became a member of the "Vigilance Committee of Anti-Fascist Intellectuals" lead by Franois Walter but in 1936, Dat became the Minister of Air in the French government but he quickly resigned his post over disputes with Prime Minister Albert Sarraut with the increasing threats represented by Nazi Germany even Pacifism is an important part of Dat's commitment and then the (USR) rallied to Prime Minister Lon Blum after the victory of the "Popular Front" lead by Maurice Thorez but then Dat was defeated in the French Parliamentary Elections of 1936. Marcel Dat from the outset intended to give preponderance to his Socialist friends for the programmatic part by creating a series of commissions along wit study committees that brings together the thinking heads of the Left-Wing while welcoming the fact that he could use his extensive links in the academic world as well as in all kinds of technical or intellectual circles and after the departure of the Right-Wing elements of the "Revolutionary Social Movement" (MSR), Ernst Achenbach suggested that Dat make contact with the masses while insist on the socialist orientation of his movement but in fact the standing vommittee, the governing body of the "National Popular Rally" (RNP) included twelve people from the "French Section of the Workers' International" (SFIO), the "Socialist Party of France/Jean Jaurs Union" (PSdF) & the Republican Socialist Union (USR). If you want a "revolution" to undermine a democratic system but then restore democracy but only for ((enter group here)) then you are a Fascist with a very poor mask on. Alpino-Temporism English Heritage Thought High Quality Pageism Moderate Conservatism Social Democrat National Atheism NymNism XQcism Thirtyism. Oil might have been an enticing factor to intervene in other countries but was not the overwhelming reason. I actually quite like peace and I usually think violence is not the answer. French Revolutionary Ideals, Socialism Without Marx & Collaboration. During the same year Marcel Dat made his support of the Munich Agreement in an article that was titled Why Die for Danzig?, published in a newspaper called "L'uvre" in which augured that France should avoid war with Nazi Germany if it seized Poland but then the publication caused a widespread controversy that propelled Dat to national fame who would collaborate with the newspaper during the entire period of Vichy France during World War Two (1939-1945) and Dat also denouncing the guarantees given by Great Britain to Poland while rebelled against the idea that French workers or peasants had to shed their blood for such a distant cause. Progress is inevitable. I admittedly wish that the US had eventually gone into Iraq based on his previous war crimes and not just oil but it is certainly justifiable. Intervention was not the problem in this situation but rather the people in charge. In France, this brought them into conflict with the Socialist Party's traditional policy of anti-governmentalism and the neosocialists were expelled from SFIO. 1. This page was last edited on 7 November 2022, at 18:10. Late-Stage Neoliberalism (or just normal neoliberalism) does however and I believe that to be our current problem. WW2 could have been ended earlier but instead, every country waited, hoping for a false peace that would not come. This motto adopted at the first congress will serve as the theme for the posters illustrated by the Joseph Bara drum thus displaying the kinship claimed by the "National Popular Rally" (RNP) of the revolutionary Jacobin heritage and the "National Popular Youth" (JNP) has 2,500 members for the entirety of France. After 1936 many evolved toward a form of participatory and national socialism which led them to join with the reactionary right and support the collaborationist Vichy regime during World War II. Wear a banner as a cape to make your Minecraft player more unique, or use a banner as a flag! Cookies help us deliver our services. In the same year Marcel Dat joined the "French Section of the Workers' International" (SFIO) out of Philosophical Idealism than Materialism but then as he worked to get a philosophy degree in which World War One has started, he joined the French Army while in active duty that lead him to earn the Lgion d'honneur along with five bravery citations to be a ranked captain under the pseudonym of Tad and then Dat published a piece of literature called the 'Cadavres et maximes, Philosophie d'un revenant/Corpses and Maxims, Philosophy of a Ghost' where he expressed his horror of war from the trenches which explained a visceral Pacifism that would be decisive for his choices in his career while at also he was fascinated by collective discipline along with camaraderie/comrade at the front. Anglo-Saxonism Anonism Anti-Airisuism Brazilian Nordicism Gallomarchyball Hoganacracy Monarcho-Transhumanism Narco-Capitalism Paleolibertarian Authoritarianism Reactionary Cosmopolitanism Religious Transhumanism Robotnikism Kanmurism Blue Lives Matter National Posadism Nerism Arloist Thought High-Tier Hierarchycracy EMBERism Spectreism Liyue Model Keqingism Lawrencarchy Ei's Eternity Morax Theocracy Guili Adepticracy Makoto's Eternity Catboy Feudalism Schwabism Orobashi Theocracy, Kogosianism Libertarian Pacifism Manchester Liberalism Subgenius Voluntaryism. I am not a "hawk". Instead, they advocated a revolution from above which they termed as a constructive revolution. Anarchist Catalonia was only a paradise when compared to Franco's regime. But disillusionment in democracy eventually caused many neosocialists to distance themselves from the traditional left and call for more authoritarian government. In March 16th 1942, Marcel Dat was at a conference at the grand theatre of tours but then an improvised explosive device was thrown from the third galleries but the wick came off when hitting the desk and the perpetrators of the attack such as the leaders of the National Front Louis Andr & Maurice Beaufils, Georges Bernard & Maxime Bourdon were founded to be shot along with four young Communists according to a witness to the attack. The "League of French Thought" believes that the France must work with Nazi Germany to obtain in return the restoration of Secular or Republican institutions as well as a good place in a brand new Europe while the league is supporting the line of Pierre Laval and also opposed to Petainism described as Reactionary, Catholic, Regionalist & return to the land). Conclusion: It's upsetting that the US government is so motivated by money but ultimately a dictator was overthrown. Cookies help us deliver our services. Chile under Allende is often pointed out to be the best representation of Socialism and I could not agree more. It truly disgusts me that there are still some people out there that believe their I hope to maximize all three in society. OC characters are restricted (-9) 3. In the classical sense, socialism describes worker-owned means of production, heavily supporting worker coops, democratic self-management, and workplace democracy. Neo Social Libertarianism mainly combines most aspects of Social Libertarianism with Interventionism and the principle of greater liberty from Neo . r/Polcompball Rules. Socialism in the modern age advocates workers' democratic self-management, high taxation on the wealthy, nationalisation over key parts of industry, and preventing climate change. (-10) 2. National Socialist Movement (United States), Black man who led Detroit neo-Nazi group dies amid bid to destroy it,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). It was founded by User YellingYowie in Los Angeles, California in March of 2021. I have come to the conclusion that Anarchy is Anti Liberty because though it embraces Negative Liberty and in some cases (such as Anarcho-Communism) Positive Liberty, it utterly rejects the third principle of Liberty known as greater liberty. The National Socialist Movement is a Neo-Nazi organization in the United States and it is a part of the Nationalist Front. In 1932, Marcel Dat was elected deputy of the 20th Arrondissement of Paris against Jacques Duclos who is a Communist but then in November 5th 1933, Dat along the other Neosocialists were expelled from the "French Section of the Workers' International" (SFIO) for their revisionist views including disagreements with Lon Blum's policies toward Prime Minister douard Herriot who is from the "Radical Party" as the leader of the second "Cartel des Gauches/Cartel of the Left" and then later the official position of the (SFIO) supported the Cartel without participating in the government which it considered bourgeois. The needs of the working class are therefore ignored. Non Whites. The "National Popular Rally" (RNP) has members that came from the urban middle classes such as employees that are civil servants, teachers, craftsmen, traders & Liberal professions while the political party has few workers especially railway workers and in total the political party has older intellectual members but therefore less activist, than the "French Popular Party" (PPF) & the "Francist Movement" lead by Marcel Bucard. You may be wondering why I am not an anarchist then. (-50) 2: Countries don't want to be democracies, they should be able to choose their own form of governance: Countries don't have feelings people do. Robert Owen would go on to develop several socialist communes and villages, being the first to attempt to actualize a socialist society, though these projects were often on a small scale and subject to much criticism. There also emerged a Christian Socialist movement in France led by Philippe Buchez. Neo Social Libertarianism is a Libertarian, Culturally Progressive, Semi-Transhumanist, and Interventionist ideology. Yugoslavia was very successful for many yearsif you were Serbian. This page was last edited on 8 November 2022, at 04:57. Marcel Dat who was a speaker since 1933, at a protest rally against Adolf Hitler's pursued Racism or Anti-Semitism throughout the 1930s while he speaks at various "International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism" (LICRA) Anti-Nazi meetings and then in November 1935, he participated in a protest meeting against the Nuremberg Laws while he says we are a people of mestizos Invoking Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling, Immanuel Kant, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe & Friedrich Schiller of German Idealism while he wanted Germany to reconnect with humanism to regain its true face. We are not living in the 1800s. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. The invasion of Iraq is still justified, (even if I think it was handled beyond awfully) because Saddam Hussein was a dictator, he killed up to 1/4th of the entire casualties of the Iraq war in only a week with the Al-Anfal campaign, and he was selling oil to China. 1. Marcel Dat would collaborate with the "L'uvre" newspaper in his disagreement with Vichy France while refraining from attacking Philippe Ptain or Pierre Laval who could get him a position in the government but then in December 14th 1940, he along with Laval was briefly arrested by the Vichy police by order of General de La Laurencie and then following the failure of his attempt to form a single party, he undertook with the help of parliamentarians from the Leftists along with the Rightists. Dat replaced class struggle with class collaboration and national solidarity, advocated corporatism as a model of social organisation, replaced the notion of socialism with anti-capitalism and supported a technocratic state which would plan the economy and in which parliamentarism would be replaced by political technocracy.[4]. Why not Capitalism then. Distrubitsm denies public property (a thing I personally like very much) while Georgism has the opposite problem. Many American Socialists claim we are living in late-stage Capitalism. Industries must be moved to space however this is to a lesser extreme than Eco-Trans. We have now successfully ruled out Socialism as an option, so what are we left with? I truly wish issues such as gay rights, trans rights, racism, sexism, and others would become apolitical. People should choose their own form of governance and there is a word for that. I don't support declaring war on just any country.
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