It is important to note here that this protocol incorporates the FAO Personal Data Protection Principles (AC No. An alternative to these policies would be to increase extended producer responsibility. Bilo je interesantno, ali ne kao kada se radi u prirodi jer su bandere, stubovi, ograde vrili refleksiju signala, ali to je davalo posebnu zanimljivost traenju. Volume 2. The PRO was set up to satisfy the European Union's End of Life Vehicles Directive. Abstract: This FAO Statistics working paper presents a new methodological approach aimed at measuring progress towards sustainable agriculture in countries and across agri-food systems typologies, by measuring socio-economic and environmental dimensions with available national statistics, with sixteen indicators defined and constructed from FAOSTAT data. deforestation, fire or floods); and/or 5) more effectively and assuredly reaching target populations. Princen, T. (1999). Abstract: A lack of institutional and individual capacity often undermines the long-term impact of otherwise technically sound programmes. Ideja je bila da se prikau, standarno, radio ureaji i oprema, ali i ARG, tj lov na digitalnu lisicu kako je to Aca YU7TUX to nazvao. Abstract: The CWP Handbook covers the concepts, definitions, classifications and data exchange protocols and not least the codes as applied to fishery statistics globally. The FIES is the first standardized measure, of people's direct experiences of food insecurity, appropriate for application on a global scale. Advantages and disadvantages of fabrication methods. Documents listed under the fishery and aquaculture subjectinclude topics related to fishery and aquaculture statistics, fishing and aquaculture operations and small-scale fisheries. The Central Product Classification (CPC) constitutes a comprehensive classification of all goods and services. Auto Recycling Nederland (ARN) is a producer responsibility organisation (PRO) that organises vehicle recycling in the Netherlands. Convention of Mails and Sample Mails. Data collection tools; 3. The European Union adopted a directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). The lessons cover the index and its components, along with strategies and guidelines for collecting, integrating and modelling the necessary data from a variety of sources. Alternative data sources; 3. There are both high speed, intercity maglev systems (over In fact, in 2020 alone, fossil fuel subsidies were worth USD 5.9 trillion or about 6.8% of global gross domestic product (GDP). Abstract: The purpose of this note, which is part of FAO Statistics Working Paper Series, is to inform on the statistical methodology for computing and monitoring target 2.3 and measure progress in SDG indicators 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 approved by the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on the Sustainable Development Goals. Abstract: Prepared by the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSARS), this Technical Report aims to provide guidelines for the application of different remote sensing products in various agricultural landscapes, and for the preparation of an integrated database to be used as a baseline in constructing the Master Sampling Frame. Abstract: This document presents the results of a validation of the version-2 of the WaPOR database, produced by the FRAME consortium partners, eLEAF and VITO. Abstract: This course covers the techniques for spatial data acquisition, spatial analysis, modelling, integration of various data sources and sharing spatial information (international standards and interoperability, spatial data infrastructure). At the end of this session, the participants will know: a) What additional parameters are; b) Whats the rationale behind the best option among different sources; c) What FAO recommendations are; and d) International recognized standards. This paper is part of FAO Statistics Working Paper Series. The world's first passenger train or tram was the Swansea and Mumbles Railway, in Wales, UK.The Mumbles Railway Act was passed by the British Parliament in 1804, and horse-drawn service started in 1807. Abstract: This publication, which is part of FAO Statistical Development Series, is a methodological review of the agricultural censuses conducted within the framework of the Programme for the World Census of Agriculture 2000. For compiling international trade statistics on all merchandise entering international trade, and to promote international comparability of international trade statistics. The Guidelines build upon methodologies presented in papers, technical reports and manuals published by FAO and other organizations. A closer look at the proportion of population insufficient to their needs brings positive news on regional hunger reduction such as in Sub-Saharan Africa and Western Asia. Abstract: Prepared by the Global Strategy to improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSARS), this technical report presents different dimensions of employment and underemployment within agricultural households in three communities in Kenya. Abstract: This supplement,whichis part of FAO Statistical Development Series,is intended to assist countries in improving their current surveys of aquaculture and to provide a framework for those countries planning to develop databases on aquaculture. The objectives of this presentatin are to: a) Present different sampling designs and estimation techniques when the MSF is a list frame; and b) Provide guidelines for the use of auxiliary information to improve the sampling design. Abstract: Prepared by the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSARS), these guidelines set out a methodology for the collection of data and information on various aspects of the fisheries and aquaculture sector, especially concerning small-scale operators. Furthermore, at the request of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), new subheadings have been introduced for the monitoring and control of fentanyls and their derivatives as well as two fentanyl precursors. The training therefore targets decision-makers in agriculture or fishery ministries and National Statistical Offices (NSOs), survey managers, trainers of field staff, data analysts, researchers, teaching staff and students at training centres of statistics and agriculture or fisheries. It is a guide to the collection of agricultural statistics through households, within the context of the programme. When establishing new regional fishery bodies, FAO Major Areas often becomes a basis to determine the scope of their jurisdiction. This module describes all the processing and analysis operations on a data set to obtain the desired information from a source such as a census, sample survey or administrative record. Environ Sci Technol, 34 (7), pp.170 A-175 A. James Sallzman, Sustainable Consumption and the Law, 27ENVTL. The objective of COICOP is to provide a framework of homogeneous categories of goods and services, which are considered a function or purpose of household consumption expenditure. Lesson 4 Analysing and reporting. Copyright 2022 | WordPress Theme by MH Themes, Aktivacija YU7AOP/p YUFF-0043, Carska bara Memorijal Goran Savi YT2A 2022, Aktivnosti: Polaganje ispita za amaterskog radio operatora. Greening international trade: Pathways forward. Abstract: This paper presents the FAO Damage and Loss Assessment Methodology as a framework for identifying, analyzing and evaluating the impact of disasters on agriculture, including crops, livestock, aquaculture, fisheries and forestry. The selected country experiences include:Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Ethiopia, Georgia, Guatemala, Nepal, Rwanda, USA and USDA experiences in Nicaragua, Nigeria and Tanzania. It is part of FAO Statistical Development Series. Outline of this module:1. It also provides recommendations on aspects of the organization of training, such as a sample training duration timetable (see appendix). Abstract: This publication provides a compendium of internationally comparable series of statistical indicators which are currently available using the data bank of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, called the Interlinked Computerized and Processing System on Food and Agricultural Comodity Data (ICS). Many of these concepts and definitions are applied in a wider context, but the user is advised to check the validity of such applications. The assessment framework covers the institutional infrastructure, human and financial resources available, statistical methods and practices, and data availability at the country level. FAO Statistics Working Paper Series / 21-26, Measuring progress towards sustainable agriculture, Operational guidelines on listing and survey preparation for household and non-household agricultural holdings and special farms, FAO Statistics Operational procedures for selecting samples for repeated agricultural surveys with a rotation design, World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2010. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development 2001, p. 21-22, Environment Protection Authority New South Wales 2003, p. 2-4. This training provides the necessary background to apply independently the Degree of Urbanisation method. The purpose breakdowns within Divisions 14 and 15 of COICOP 2018 replicate the purposes in the classifications for NPISH in COPNI and general government in COFOG. Other e-learning courses, training material or webinars. To do that, coherent policies are required across the entire food value chain. Outline of the session: a) Introduction; b) Scope of animal production activities and livestock statistics; c) Contribution of livestock to poverty reduction and development; d) Livestock statistics in policy agendas. Training course on livestock production and productivity (Module 1/4) - Advocacy: why do we need accurate livestock statistics? Outline of the session: a) Introduction; b) Concepts and definitions; c) Identifying loss hotspots or critical loss points; d) Example of other loss assessments. RuLIS brings together harmonized indicators and comparable data across countries and over time on rural incomes, livelihoods and rural development. It highlights the role of UN agencies in supporting data collection and analysis, and it presents the SDG indicators under FAO custodianship. Prepared by the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSARS), this document describes the methodological approach that was tested and subsequently adopted. Browse our listings to find jobs in Germany for expats, including jobs for English speakers or those in your native language. The HS 2022 Edition introduces new subheadings for specific chemicals controlled under the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), for certain hazardous chemicals controlled under the Rotterdam Convention and for certain persistent organic pollutants (POPs) controlled under the Stockholm Convention. The training material can also be used to train trainers and experts involved in the delivery of capacity-building activities on the compilation of SUA and FBS using the revised methodology and newly developed tool and to introduce the concept and methodology of FBS to students of agricultural statistics and statisticians/data analysts not specialized in agricultural or food security statistics. This publication is part ofFAO Statistical Development Series. Results show that, in general, food groups available for consumption differ across income-level country groups. The results show that 5.2 percent of grain is lost at harvest and 3.8 percent lost at drying. Relationships to Other International Classifications, Classification of Forest Products - SITC Rev.4, Classification of Forest Products - Harmonized System (HS), Classification of Forest Products - Customs Cooperation Council Nomenclature for the Classification of Goods in Customs Tariffs (CCCN), Classification of Forest Products - International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Classification of Forest Products - UN Classification by Broad Economic Categories (BEC), Classification of Forest Products - Central Product Classification (CPC) Ver.2.1,,,, 4,,,, Joint FAO/ECE Working Party on Forest Economics and Statistics. You will also: reinforce your hands-on familiarity with the survey Computer assisted personal interview (CAPI) application for AGRIS; test the usability of the CAPI application for the Core module. Brookings Institution. Abstract: This supplement provides specific recommendations for countries in Asia and the Pacific for carrying out agricultural censuses. The training material can also be used to train trainers and experts involved in the delivery of capacity-building activities on the compilation of SUA and FBS using the revised methodology and newly developed tool and to introduce the concept and methodology of FBS to students of agricultural statistics and statisticians/data analysts not specialized in agricultural or food security statistics. In this paper, we use quantities of commercialized foods from the Supply and Utilization Accounts (SUA) compiled by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to analyze trends in food available for consumption based on by region and country income level group. The training topics covered by the training material are the following: 1. Cerin, P. (2005) Environmental Strategies in Industry: Turning Business Incentives into Sustainability. Abstract: This first issue of the publication presents data not only from the recent surveys but also, in a number of cases, from some undertaken as far back as the 1970's in order to provide some perspective of the changes over time. Abstract: Indicators to measure food poverty and undernourishment are useful for understanding food insecurity at national level and within countries. Lead is found in the screens of phones, TVs and computer monitors and can damage kidneys, nerves, blood, bones, reproductive organs, and muscles. An advanced recycling fee is charged to those who purchase a new vehicle and is used to fund the recycling of it at the end of its useful life. They provide a detailed explanation of the calculation process for calculation by countries willing to generate a more accurate estimation using their national data. It is part ofFAO Statistical Development Series. In particular, the publication presents a practical exercise focused on the production of disaggregated estimates for SDG Indicator 2.1.2, on the Prevalence of Moderate or Severe Food Insecurity in the population based on the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES). The Uruguay Round established the World Trade Organization (WTO) and brought about the biggest reform of the worlds trading system since the GATTs establishment after World War II. Machinery in the HS is the most relevant for international trade while in this classification is the machinery and equipment most used on the holding therefore it is often more detailed than the HS. It illustrates the rationale of the indicators, the definitions and methodologies on which monitoring activities are based, and explains the process and the tools available for compiling data related to the two indicators through the Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) Programme. First, to assess the relevance of concepts and indicators of Decent Work (DW) for rural areas and employment in agriculture, especially in low-income countries, where coverage, data availability and reliability are particularly problematic. The trade wars between the US and China and vaccine inequities during the COVID-19 crisis are two emblematic examples. Training course on the use of CAPI for agricultural surveys - Is CAPI right for my survey? Abstract: The overall objective of this virtual training was to provide (government officials responsible for monitoring SDG indicator 2.4.1) capacity development on the methodology, data collection and analysis relevant to sustainable food and agriculture and how to asses data gaps starting from available national and subnational (farm-level) information and associated reporting processes through 3 half-days virtual trainings. The training material can also be used to train trainers and experts involved in the delivery of capacity-building activities on the compilation of SUA and FBS using the revised methodology and newly developed tool and to introduce the concept and methodology of FBS to students of agricultural statistics and statisticians/data analysts not specialized in agricultural or food security statistics. Abstract: This publication, which is part of FAO Statistical Development Series, presents guidelines for the 2010 round of agricultural censuses, covering agricultural censuses to be undertaken between 2006 and 2015. [32], One of the advantages for EPR is that it becomes more and more effective as the EPR policy puts pressure on countries that export their E-waste. Item 5: The relationship between the dispute settlement mechanisms in the multilateral trading system and those found in multilateral environmental agreements. Basic identity and approach; 2. Abstract: Prepared by the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSARS), this Technical Reportis to introduce a revised version of the short form and the long form of the Woodfuel Supplementary Module (WSM); to describe the proposed methodology to incorporate the WSM into existing surveys; and to describe the indicators of consumption and production of woodfuel that can be derived from the data collected. Abstract: This course has been developed to support countries in the analysis and reporting for SDG Indicators2.5.1and2.5.2. The revision took place as part of the WCA periodical review; the aim was to harmonize with the SEEA Land Use Classification. Books and resources for environment and ecology. According to the WTO, 15 MEAs incorporate trade measures to help them achieve their goals. Machinery and equipment (manually operated, animal-powered and machine-powered) used on the agricultural holding. 127-140. Abstract: Since the formalization of the FRA network of National Correspondents in 2005, FAO has been organizing Global Meeting of National Correspondents with the objectives to officially launch the reporting process and strengthen the National Correspondents network. For example, the Paris Agreement must deliver a long-term reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from cross-border transport and trade, at the same time the WTO is facilitating their expansion. It was also recommended that this revision should ensure that the needs of all regions of the world are accommodated. These indicators will serve as a tool for monitoring progress at country level and for providing counterfactual information necessary for measuring impact in countries. The analysis provides a novel framework for the analysis of progress in achieving sustainable agriculture by country and agri-food system type, that can be implemented effectively and allows for exploring solutions across development pathways. *The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam. Zoz and @WillCaruana at #BalCCon #BalCCon2k19 #hacking #community #NoviSad, This year we have #BalCCon badge "do it yourself" thaks to Zoz #BalCCon #badge #hacking #community #NoviSad. Abstract: The development of these guidelines falls under the framework of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics and builds on the International Household Survey Network methods and practices. Abstract: The objective of the research topic SUST-3, Data Collection Methods for Agri-environmental Indicators is to provide a framework for agricultural sustainability indicators and related statistical definitions, and measurements tools covering the economic, social and environmental dimensions. Using input-output analysis, researchers have attempted for decades to account for both producers and consumers in an economy in a consistent way. Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00153 Rome Italy. Abstract: This paper is the first in a series of ongoing and planned efforts to build on current knowledge and develop methodologies for estimating new components of food systems emissions, with a view to disseminate the information in FAOSTAT. Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; It is part ofFAO Statistical Development Series. Although this classification was initially designed to improve the compilation of harmonized catch and effort data on the STATLANT B questionnaires and in fish stock assessment exercises, it has also been found very useful for fisheries technology and the training of fishers. Lesson 2Key features of SDG Indicator 2.4.1 This Brief provides an analytical basis for water-related policy interventions to implementSustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 6.4.1, increasing water-use efficiency across all sectors and addresses:who will benefit from the adoption of water-use efficiency measures? Definition of Small-Scale Fishery (SSF) and aquaculture; 2. Abstract: Through theUN-Water Integrated Monitoring Initiative for SDG 6 (IMI-SDG6), the United Nations seeks to support countries in monitoring water- and sanitation-related issues within the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and in compiling country data to report on global progress towards SDG 6. Spangenberg, J. H. and S. Lorek (2002). The underbanked represented 14% of U.S. households, or 18. Moreover, one in five fish caught may come from illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing. The classification is developed based on fish entangling mechanisms and gear structure used with a global emphasis on existing major fishing areas in the Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and Antarctic Oceans. The course is primarily intended for those who play a role in data collection, analysis and reporting for SDG Indicator 2.4.1, including agronomists, statisticians, enumerators and data analysts, as well as policy makers and people with an interest in the process. Abstract: This book provides guidance on processing the census of agriculture data in an effecient and cost-efficient way. One of the most essential subjects in the civil service examination is Environment and Ecology. [18] Instead, there is banning or taxation of plastic bags, which puts the responsibility on the consumers.