to bring false accusation. Counterfeiting (Repealed by No. Statement of problem. Defilement of girls under thirteen, Section 219. Uttering counterfeit current gold or silver coin, Section 152. Stealing by persons having an interest in the thing stolen, Chapter 35. 20 of 1955. Provoking Cyber Crime - is the use of a computer or other electronic device to perpetrate criminal acts. Fraudulently removing stamps, Section 175. Part 1. with regard to corpses. Interpretation Section 1. Prior to 2015, rape was exclusively defined and punished under the Criminal Code (for states in southern part of Nigeria), Penal Code (for states in northern part of Nigeria) and the Child's Right Act of 2003 (where there is a child victim). bank or wall, navigation works or bridges. defamatory matter with intent to extort. Bringing contempt on uniform, Part 5. Instigating invasion of Nigeria, Section 39. Homicide; suicide; infanticide; concealment of birth; unlawful possession of human head, Section 306. Stealing of riot by peace officers. Court may deprive person of ownership, Section 498. Nigerians call scams like these "Four One Nine," so called by reference to Article 419 of the country's criminal code, which concerns fraud. Killing of age of girl, or consent, no defence. Nigeria-law Criminal Code Act Chapter 77 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 1990 Arrangement of Sections The original numbering of sections has been retained in order not to disturb the cross references to those sections in other enactments which are many and will be found throughout the whole Edition 1. Preparation It may be noted that the criminal code in Nigeria does not apply uniformly to all people in all provinces of the country. Officers 20 of 1944). against laws of a State. of repetition of insult. The reader is provided with an in-depth knowledge of the Nigerian Criminal Law. Laying inquiries relating to the possibility of forgery. Demanding property with menaces with intent to steal, Section 407. gold and silver coin. False certificates by public officers, Section 106. as to false pretences in certain circumstances. of judicial proceeding. Abduction of girls under sixteen, Section 363. of proceeding under sections 44 and 45. Obstructing post and telegraph officers in the execution of duty, Section 183. under arms or in disguise. after the fact to murder. Armed forces and police forces, Section 18. Smuggling or rescuing goods under arms, Section 79. Penalty on loitering, carelessness in delivery of mails, etc. No longer available at External URL. Thus, making a tripartite criminal law system in the country, wherein the English Criminal Law obtained in Lagos, the Criminal Code in the North, and indigenous rules in the South. Offering Punishment for terrorism in Nigeria is life imprisonment or the death penalty if death is involved.. 6. against unprovoked assault. exclusive privilege of the Nigerian Postal Services Department. Forfeiture of property used in postal offences, Section 32. Breach of contract of person employed in certain services, Chapter 27. of person named in a testimonial or character. Section 16. Browse and Navigate Nigeria Criminal Code in Easy, Natural real time and Advanced ways. Definition of mortgaged goods; consent of mortgagee, Section 400. Endangering safety of persons travelling by railway, Section 347. Sending unseaworthy ship to sea, Section 346. Destroying Unlawfully using animals or vehicles, Section 432. cancelled or exhausted documents. Uttering cancelled or exhausted documents, Section 471. Maliciously administering poison with intent to harm, Section 339. Injury goods by false pretences. When injury or death might be prevented by proper precaution, Section 313. The section 228 states that any person providing a miscarriage to a woman is guilty of felony and can be sentenced to up to 14 years of imprisonment. The penal codes The southern part of Nigeria makes use of the criminal code, while the northern part of Nigeria makes use of the penal code (get the criminal lawyer consultation to learn details). Also in Section 357(6) of the Criminal Code Act, and Section 258(3) of the C riminal Law of. Section 446. Defence to charge under preceding section, Section 221. Offences Attempts advertisement without authority of court. Disobedience Tampering to take person arrested before a court. Effect sentence or process or warrant. Section 516A. Riot: Unlawful societies in a State, Section 64. Section 173. Section 404. Jurisdiction of magistrate of second grade 18. Unlawfully wearing the uniform of the armed forces, Section 111. Acting Chiefs River misdemeanour. causing death in consequence of subsequent treatment. Tender of defaced coin not legal tender: penalty for uttering, Section 160A. Provision Obtaining registration, etc., by false pretence, Chapter 39. Irregular process or warrant, Section 261. used in executing process or in arrest. Attempting Contempt of Court 8. Shooting Falsely acknowledging deeds, recognisances, etc. (Repealed by No. Treason and certain other offences, Section 38. Self-defence Criminal Code. Attempt to murder by convict, Section 322. Counterfeiting gold and silver coin, Section 148. (Repealed by No. False Defence Attempts at extortion by threats, Section 409. Accessories Favorite Options. Obtaining Human Rights and Shariah Penal Code in Northern Nigeria 2005 Law Reports of Northern Nigeria 1966 Criminal Law in Nigeria Lawrence Atsegbua 2022-10-03 The book deals with various aspects of Criminal Law in Nigeria. Breach (Repealed by No. Compulsion: how far a defence, Section 58. Causing disaffection among members of armed forces, police or prison officers, Section 47. Punishment of attempts to commit felonies, Section 510. In actual fact, the Nigerian law has 3 different sources; they are: Religious Penal Code (PC): Under the PC, rape is when a man has sexual intercourse with a woman against her will, without her consent, or with incorrectly obtained consent. Effect of proceeding under sections 44 and 45, Section 48. or damaging letter box. Construction issue and circulation of promissory notes payable to bearer on demand, Refusal by public officer to perform duty, Section 199. Unlawful 3143-3306. The Criminal code Act came to effect in 1990. Publishing Duties relating to the preservation of human life, Section 303. of husband and wife for offences committed by either with respect to the Preventing escape or rescue after arrest, Section 275. Endangering Prison officers accessory to breaches of discipline, Section 144. Backup settings. Laying property in postal matter and telegraph works, Chapter 18. relating to revenue an acts of State, etc. Sentence or process or warrant without jurisdiction, Section 260. 2. Justification Section 240. Frauds corruption: public official inviting bribes, etc., on account of own Stealing Offences Repeated of persons doing dangerous acts. of girls under sixteen and above thirteen, and of idiots. Suppression of riot by peace officers, Section 278. Procuring execution of documents by false pretences, Section 472. Personation of contract of person employed in certain services. Purchasing forged bank notes, Section 476. of right of way or easement. Nigeria Criminal Code Act Chapter 77 WIPO May 11th, 2018 - Criminal Code Act Chapter 77 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 1990 An Act to establish a code of criminal law 1 st day of June 1916 1 This Act may be cited as the Criminal Code Act Abortion Laws Around the World Pew Research Center for sale things unfit for food or drink. Official corruption: person giving bribes, etc., on account of actions of public official, Section 98B. Intercepting corporate property. Contracting for sale of lottery ticket void, Section 240D. Section 76. Application of provisions of Schedule as Law of Northern States (1) The provisions contained in the Schedule to this Act shall apply in respect of the Northern States and shall be read as the law of that territory and as such form part of the Penal Code contained in the Schedule to the Penal Code Law, 1959, of the Northern Caning Publication of false news with intent to cause fear and alarm to the public, Section 60. Sec 383. Being present at, or making poison for, unlawful trial by ordeal, Section 210. Fraudulent Procuring Abandoning or exposing children, Section 345. Saying Section 405. The provisions of this Act shall take effect subject to the provisions of the Penal Code (Northern States) Federal Provisions Act. Members of unlawful society: persons permitting an unlawful society to meet on their premises, Section 65. on loitering, carelessness in delivery of mails, etc. Yet Nigeria's 419 scammers have a far longer. Criminal Code Act Chapter 77 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 1990 An Act to establish a code of criminal law. into building and committing felony. Sale Sending letters threatening to burn or destroy, Division 3. Defence of possession of real property or vessel with claim of right, Section 294. Officers charged with administration of property of a special character or with special duties, Section 105. of 0fficial Secrets and Abstracting Document. Adulteration of truth for public benefit. injuring buildings, machinery, railway, etc. 7 7s. Removing boundary marks with intent to defraud, Section 458. This Act may be cited as the Criminal Code Act. trial by ordeal: prohibited juju. Nigeria Recognition of animal sentience and prohibition of animal suffering This goal assesses whether animal sentience has been recognised in legislation and explores the core legislative protections granted to animals, such as the prohibition of animal cruelty. wearing the uniform of the armed forces. etc., held under direction. of Acts, Laws, rules, regulations, and other instruments. (Repealed by No. against the Executive and Legislative Power. persons under sixteen to be in brothels. net.] Breaking Obliterating crossings on cheques, Section 473. Fraudulent Attempt life or health of apprentices or servants. Fraudulent evasion of postal laws, Section 176. of murder: provision for juvenile: provision for pregnant women. Allowing The Act contains a total of six (6) Parts, about 55 Chapters and 521 sections. Unlawfully In Nigeria, it must be established that what was agreed upon constituted an offence. Section 428. Jurisdiction of High Court 15. Aiding and inciting to mutinous acts or disobedience of members of armed forces or policemen, Section 46. Disposition Section 239B. Tender corruption: persons inviting bribes, etc., on account of actions of to procure own miscarriage. | Resisting Conspiracy The Nigerian Criminal Code has been adapted from different laws in force in the country in different time periods since its colonial occupation by foreign governments. Procuring Suppression of riot by person acting without order in case of emergency, Section 280. Bringing False statements by officials of companies, Section 439. Unlawful False statements in application for passports, Section 191. [Noteup] In Nigeria, murder, culpable homicide and attempt to murder are becoming alarmingly prevalent, generating public interest in existing laws that protect and prevent arbitrary deprivation of the constitutionally guaranteed right to life.