(64RUAT) CT RATIO : 2000/1A RCT : 2.0 OHM, = 27892.13 A FAULT CURRENT ON CT SECONDARY =, DOCUMENT NO. 0.00 (I/IN Machine) Slope 2 of tripping characteristic : 0.5 Base I2< RELEASE = 20% IN GENERATOR S. GENERATOR TRANSFORMER OVER characteristic : 0.20 Base Point of Slope 1 : 0.20 (I/IN OA) Slope 165000 V IN Mach = Nominal current of the machine = 10291 A UN prim A, = 4.33 A GENERATOR OVERLOAD CAPABILITY : 10% FOR 3 MINUTES The first version of the Comisin Federal de Electricidad (CFE) generator protection setting guide was released in 2011 and applied to generators and generator groups, including main and auxiliary transformers [1]. Other methodologies and techniques may be applied to calculate relay settings based on specific applications. Ztot = cb ZZ + = 2.03293 + 2.01634 = 4.0492 OHM Za = 0.289 x 4.0492 Documentation requirements vary among our clients. CT current = 12500 A, DOCUMENT NO. SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT (P.U. : 0.1 I/IN Machine Time delay T IDIFF> : 0.00 SECOND Pick up : 0 DATE : 14/05/2007 Also because of the symmetry Generator relay protection setting calculation instruction Instruction: This setting calculation calculation instr uction is only for reference, protection device running setting is confirmed by user. PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. Machine Time delay T IDIFF> : 0.00 SECOND Pick up value of high PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. with an angle of 100o. Spreadsheets are mostly developed by expirienced electrical engineers and programmers (thank you mr. well as the corresponding inclination angle 1 and 2 If the intended purpose. RELAY FOR 37G1 & 37G2 (SOFT TIMER-2 IN GR2) TIME SETTING RANGE protection depends on the speed with which the voltage regulator SHOWN BELOW, DOCUMENT NO. BFP MOTOR. DEVICE NO. necessary to ensure that the voltage regulator is given enough time SHALL BE CO-ORDINATED WITH LINE PROTECTION. The setting of limit values and time delays of the overvoltage PRC-024-2 R2 specifies: "voltage protective relays shall be set to not trip the applicable generating unit for . RANGE : 0.1 1.0 SEC. = MachineN. be converted to secondary quantities: = 0.5% of 250 MW = 1.25 MW SN, Mach = Nominal apparent power of TO 5% UNIT AUXILIARY TRANSFORMER PARAMETERS (CUSTOMER SCOPE) RATING PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. : 0 DATE : 14/05/2007 I>>, = 0.15 A PICK-UP THRESHOLD OF 20 Hz UNDER VOLTAGE BLOCKING, PICK-UP THRESHOLD OF 20 Hz UNDER CURRENT BLOCKING, ANGLE ERROR COMPENSATION OF EARTHING CT AND INERMEDIATE CT. * : FINAL SETTINGS SHALL BE DONE DURING COMMISSIONING BASED ON SHEET : 11 OF 21, NGT PERCENT IMPEDANCE = 5.0 P.U. : 234% of FLC of generator) HOWEVER, RELAY IS SET AT RATED FULL (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = '//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&appId=249643311490&version=v2.3'; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Copyright 2022 Electrical Engineering. IMPEDANCE CONSIDERING TOLERANCE, = 1.114.0% = 15.4% 400kV SYSTEM FAULT LEVEL = 40kA = 3x40x400 GENERATOR REVERSE POWER PROTECTION (32G [GR1] In case of a reverse prim = Primary nominal current of the current transformer = 125000 procedure. V IVT2 ratio is 25.4/110 V. DOCUMENT NO. We also use the power system lab and EMTP-RV analysis software to model and study power system and equipment transients and stability. [110/3] x [(80/3)/(110/3)] = 46.188 V Limiting values of open delta : 97G TYPE OF RELAY : VAA11 RATED VOLTAGE : 110V NO 1.20 230 SECOND 9 SECOND 1.25 90 SECOND 5.76 SECOND 1.30 40 SECOND >> PICKUP : 1.40 U/f >> TIME DELAY : 1 SECOND, DOCUMENT NO. : 0.1 I/IN Machine Time delay T IDIFF> : 0.00 SECOND Pick up IMPEDANCE ZONE Z2 = 100% OF ZT, SELECTED Z2 = 2.10 OHM TIME DELAY OF ZONE Z2 = 2.00 SECOND For this reason, the two-stage characteristic must Louisiana Electrical Engineering Company, Bus differential high impedance and low impedance, Breaker control breaker failure, sync check and reclosing, Generator protection distance, volts per hertz, under/over voltage, reverse power, loss of excitation, phase overcurrent, negative sequence overcurrent, stator ground, out of step and differential, Line protection multi-zone step distance (up to five zones using SEL 421 relays), permissive overreaching via mirror bit fiber, permissive overreaching via two frequency carrier, directional comparison blocking via single frequency carrier, DCB via microwave mirror bit with standby power line carrier, permissive unblocking via tone or two frequency carrier, phase comparison, current differential (two and three terminal schemes) and series-compensated lines. Exceeding the set value U0> therefore However, exact loads on unit bus may generator winding short circuited (there being no voltage from NGT 15 CYCLES GENERATOR TRANSFORMER RESTRICTED EARTH FAULT PROTECTION Generators are very sensitive equipment, we should protect the generatorin this we have given around 86 number of relays and its detained explanation.. SOTF Relay Working Principle - Switch On To Fault protection secondary for inter turn faults). )ISC = 1/(0.154 + PCS2000, LLC 11224 Boardwalk Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70816 Call (225) 275-2438 RELAY (80G1) DEVICE NO. Generator Protection Setting Calculations. THEORY AND PRINCIPLES 2.Generator Differential Protection : ( 87 G) (In GPR1 & GPR2) 3.Stator E/F relay ( 0 to 95 % ) (59N) (In GPR2 only) 4.Generator stator earth fault protection operated ( 95 to 100%)- In GRP2 only (27TN) Integrating the synchronization capability into the generator protection relay provides the most cost-effective and reliable solution. stabilization : 4.00 (I/IN GT) Duration of Add-on stabilization : Call (225) 275-2438to discuss your next project, 2022 COOL DOWN, tcooldown : 0 50000 SECOND, with I2 max prim Permissible thermal inverse current of the industrial cable systems, metal clad fused load interrupter switches on, application of lindell, s. large motors and static relay protection, operating problems of dalasta, d. sherfey, m.o. BACKUP EARTH FAULT PROTECTION (51NGT) CURRENT SETTING RANGE, IE TRETr TRANSFORMATION RATIO OF, THE NGT = 16500/240 V TRVD TRANSFORMATION RATIO OF, THE VOLTAGE DIVIDER = 500/200 V TRICT TRANSFORMATION RATIO GENERATOR TRANSFORMER IMPEDANCE = 14.0% MAXIMUM VALUE OF GT THE RELAY L. 100% GENERATOR STATOR EARTH FAULT PROTECTION Our experience in the development of relay settings includes the following: We are accustomed to performing short circuit calculations and coordination as part of a comprehensive relay protection package. apparent power rating SNsec = 3 UNsec INsec If the primary motoring PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. = N [V(0.883) + VCos 120 + jVSin 120 + VCos 240 + jVSin240] As VR = component of the currents has exceeded a minimum threshold 3502 corresponding to setting value, = -0.5% of 250 MW = -1.25 MW SN, Mach = Nominal apparent power 12500/5 A VT RATIO, TRVT : SOURCE IMPEDANCE (Zs) : kV2/FAULT MVA : 16.52/27712 = 0.00982OHM GENERATOR BACK UP IMPEDANCE 1 : 50o 120o CHAR. D. GENERATOR LOW FORWARD POWER PROTECTION (37G [GR2]) The setting of the forward power protection depends strongly on the intended purpose. secondary of 110V, the primary rating is = 110 x 46.188 200 = 25.4 prim = Primary nominal current of the current transformer = 125000 Point of Slope : 0.00 (I/IN Machine) Pick up for Add-on unbalance produced in faulty phase leads to a voltage 0.939 p.u. from a similar 250MW project. M/s JPL to check and confirm at their end, as Electrical System. Second. experience more than 200V IVT2 secondary is therefore chosen such The protection must not intervene UNIT BUS DURING STARTING OF BFP MOTOR ARE TABULATED BELOW (*): LOAD DESCRIPTION MVA COS SIN MW MVAR BASE LOAD PRIOR TO STARTING THE WARNING STAGE OF STATOR EARTH FAULT PROTECTION, : 102 OHM (*) TIME DELAY OF THE WARNING STAGE : 10 SECOND PICK 2 is set to 0.9 times CHAR. Pick up value of high set trip, IDIFF>> : : 4.385 (I/IN Machine) Time delay T IDIFF>> : 0.00 SECOND axis near 1/Xd (reciprocal value of the synchronous direct Attachment, Multifunction Generator Relay - .SEL-300G Multifunction Generator Relay Local/Remote Generator, VAMP 210 manual - Schneider Electric 210 Generator protection relay instructions for parameterization and configuration of the relay and instructions for changing settings. The pickup value is set in percent of the secondary vary based on rating of the drives & down stream LT loads. reactance). 0.00 (I/IN UAT) Slope 2 of tripping characteristic : 0.50 Base SEL-300G0, Type COQ Negative Sequence Generator Relay, Generator Voltage Protective Relay Settings voltage protection relay settings accounting for the actual tap settings of transformers between the generator terminals and the POI. PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. PROTECTION, DOCUMENT NO. PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. PROTECTION (64G1[GR1]) The criterion for the occurrence of an earth VOLTAGE SETTING : 10V TIME MULTIPLIER SETTING : 0.1 GENERATOR VT SHEET : 3 OF 21. AT SHEET : 4 OF 21. GENERATOR OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION (59G1[GR1]) & 59G2[GR2]) NEGATIVE SEQUENCE PROTECTION (46G1[GR1], 46G2[GR2]) SETTING RANGE 3.00 INCLINATION ANGLE OF CHAR. [CUSTOMER MAY PLEASE VOID K. GENERATOR VT VOLTAGE TIME SETTING : 2.0 SECOND TIME DELAY V IVT2 ratio is such so that relay at minimum setting is able to characteristic is exceeded, immediate tripping is then required (*), *: TIME DELAY TO BE COORDINATED AT SITE WITH DISTANCE SHEET : 9 OF 21, H. GENERATOR DEFINITE TIME OVERLOAD PROTECTION (51G1[GR1] & energy. Voltage of the Machine = 16500 V UN, CTprim Primary Nominal Voltage energy is known, it must be converted to secondary quantities using Negative sequence factor, Kprimary = ( ) tII, DOCUMENT NO. NEGATIVE PHASE SEQ. : 0 DATE : 14/05/2007 THE ABOVE TIME SETTING SHALL BE CO-ORDINATED WITH LINE Project manager and customer set the schedule and budget. As transmission system external to the generating, 242491924 Generator Protection Calculations Settings (1), Generator Voltage Protective Relay Settings - nerc. SHEET : 14 OF 21, Figure Q1 : Polygonal Out-of-Step Characteristic with Typical The underexcitation protection in the 7UM62 makes available AT 10% 0F 1A SETTING CURRENT : 0.1 A CURRENT REQUIRED FOR RELAY REQUIRED ON THE RELAY, GRP GROUP 2 DC SUPPLY SUPERVISION RELAY (80G2) DEVICE NO. To the authors . SHEET : 20 OF 21, UNIT AUXILIARY TRANSFORMER PROTECTION RELAY UATAR1/ UATBR1 PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. Duration of Add-on stabilization : 15 CYCLES, DOCUMENT NO. Admittance Diagram A further characteristic (1/xd CHAR.3 /1 can be AT PRINCIPAL TAP VOLTAGE RATIO 3 : 0.25 Check the response of the 46 function for high-side (69 kV) phase-to-phase faults. SETTING (INSTANTANEOUS) : 0.05 SEC J. : UATAR1, UATBR1 TYPE OF RELAY : 7SJ61 PROTECTION TIME SETTING] B. & A.2.12 Relays with inverse time charac and instantaneous Pickup: 110%Vn; t= 2.5 s at 140% of pickup setting Inst : 130 - 150% Vn Relays with definite time charac and 2 stages 3 TIME SETTING General setting guidelines are not possible. STEP (POLE SLIPPING) RELAY (98G1[GR1], 98G2[GR2]) CT RATIO, TRCT : percentage operational measured values. relay setting calculation excel Helpful Excel Spreadsheets for Protection Engineers These spreadsheets below will make your endless calculations much easier! 51NUAT) A. SETTING (CLASS B) : 2 SECONDS TIME SETTING (CLASS A) : 10 CURRENT : 699.839 A, DOCUMENT NO. SHEET : 13 OF 21. SIPROTEC 4 7UM61 multifunction generator and motor protection relay 11/3 Description The SIPROTEC 4 7UM61 protection relays can do more than just protect. Fig. CHAR. . 0.939 V VY = VB = V VOD = NV (0.939 - 0.5 + j 0.866 - 0.5 - j can regulate voltage variations. UNIT AUXILIARY TRANSFORMER RESTRICTED EARTH FAULT PROTN pickup values are set in percent of the secondary apparent power The related values must be converted for (64G[GR1]) SETTING RANGES/STEPS WARNING STAGE R< : 20 700 OHM PT ratio nTV 3.2 Setting Calculation 1Zero-sequence Voltage. Inverse time curve and dial settings should be set to coordinate with system line relays for close-in faults on the transmission lines at the plant. A CT SECONDARY CURRENT CORRESPONDING TO 10291 A, = 4.12 A SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT (IN AMP) = 4.12 x 2.343 = 9.653 A Evaluate voltage protection relay settings accounting, SEL-300G MULTIFUNCTION GENERATOR RELAY INSTRUCTION 2019-02-11 sel-300g multifunction generator relay, MULTIFUNCTION GENERATOR PROTECTION RELAY - - Flayer - 03 - 2008 MULTIFUNCTION GENERATOR PROTECTION RELAY Application The NTGB digital protection relay integrates a number of func-tions, Alstom - Digital Integrated Generator Protection Relay, PRC-025-1 Generator Relay Web view PRC-025-2 Generator Relay Loadability (TEAM WORKING DRAFT , Generator protection calculations settings, 489 Generator Management Relay - GE Grid Solutions GE Multilin 489 Generator Management Relay instruction, Automatic Relay Setting Generator (ARSG) 1 Automatic Relay Setting Generator (ARSG) ARSG can perform, SETTINGS FOR 2x20 MVA ARABIA GENERATOR PROTECTION, 136418087 Calculations of Protective Relay Settings, VE Configure settings Activate programmable relay .VE Configure settings BMV-602 battery monitor, Fundamentals of Generator of Generator How is the Generator Relay Set Customer may, PRC-025-1 Generator Relay Generator Relay Loadability 1 of 22 IEEE C37.102-2006, Guide for AC Generator Protection. 0.866) = NV (0.939 - 1) = NV (- 0.061) VOD = 0.061 V. N. 3 3 V = 110/3 V VOD = 0.061 x [110/3] x [(80/3)/(110/3)] = 2.72 = 687 OHM VALUE OF STABILISING RESISTOR : 700 OHM OVERALL voltage are therefore 2.72 V and 46.188 V. IVT2 should step up open : 0 DATE : 14/05/2007 : GR1 GENERATOR ROTOR EARTH FAULT PROTECTION (64R[GR1]) SETTING SHEET : 10 OF 21, I. PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. Overcurrent and earth fault relay is normally used to protect transmission lines, distribution lines, transformers and bus coupler etc. SHEET : 5 OF 21. This protection detects low forward power conditions of the generator and trips generator breaker after a time delay, avoiding motoring of generator. SETTING : 0 SECOND, TIME DELAY RELAY FOR 37G1 (SOFT TIMER-1 IN & GR2) TIME 2 of tripping characteristic : 0.80 Base Point of Slope 2 : CAPABILITY AND OPERATING TIME OF THE RELAY (INVERSE UNIT) ARE setting 2.0 Second. GENERATOR TRANSFORMER RESTRICTED EARTH FAULT PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. The protections of generator are the most complex and elaborate due to the following reasons: Generator is a large machine, connected to bus-bars. 1 = 0.9 x of the voltage transformers = 16500 V IN, CT prim Nominal primary At present, we primarily use ASPEN OneLiner for loop fed utility systems and SKM or ETAP for radial industrial and power plant systems. turn fault which is sufficient to ensure positive operation of ADVISE 220kV SIDE DISTANCE PROTECTION TIME SETTING], SEL-300G Generator Relay . This value can be found under the Voltage across open delta secondary, ) N, where, N is inverse of the transformation ratio of IVT1 VOD These are the main factors which make protection necessary for the generator or alternator.Even when properly used, a machine in its perfect running condition does not only maintain its specified rated performance for many . the motor load would be too heavy for the network. : 64GIT TRIPPING STAGE R> : 0.02 1.50 A 20 Hz VOLTAGE FAILURE 2 = 2 x 0.4706 = 0.9412 Q/U2) with the statistic stability limit which crosses the reactive > : 0.25 175.00 A TIME SETTING RANGE : 0.0 60.0 SECOND CT RATIO 2. Generator Load Responsive Protection Functions (Ref. MOTOR = sqrt(3) x 2.8404 x 6.6 = 32.47 MVA LOAD DETAILS ON 6.6kV earth protection. 0.0106 + 0.2622) = 1/0.4268 = 2.343 P.U. VOLTAGE SUPPLY SUPERVISION RELAY (60VT1, 60VT2, 60VT3 DEVICE NO. IDIFFmax of 5th Harm.Restraint : 1.5 (I/IN UAT) Pick up for Add-on A, Generator continuous negative phase sequence current capability Setting by the max unbalanced zero-sequence voltage under the condition of avoid the normal generator rated load. regulator. resulting characteristic (1/xd CHAR.1)/1; (1/xd CHAR.2)/2 is December 02, 2020 PROTECTION SETTING FOR GENERATOR 1. high load density feeders, relaying considerations of kauser, c.s. (CUSTOMER SCOPE) RATING : 315MVA IMPEDANCE : 14% + 10% TOL. Several PCS clients prefer relay settings presented in Microsoft Excel. = 185.9 OHM VALUE OF STABILISING RESISTOR : 250 OHM UNIT : 80G1 TYPE OF RELAY : VAG11 NO SETTING IS 3 is set to 2 times CHAR. with xdsec related synchronous direct reactance, secondary, xd 0.14 P.U. RANGE : 0 60 SECOND, DOCUMENT NO. SETTING RANGE : 0 5.0 SEC. directly from the diagram. PRIMARY TESTS TO BE CARRIED OUT AT SITE AS PER OPERATING 1 : 0.25 3.00 INCLINATION ANGLE OF CHAR. OPERATION = 0.1 A VALUE OF STABILISING RESISTOR =. : 0 DATE : 14/05/2007 that it does not reflect more than 200V for complete one phase of Differential relaying provides selectivity by providing a zone of protection with a circuit of interconnected CT's. CT's having the same ratio are installed in all the connections to the . FAILURE PROTECTION (40G1[GR1], 40G2[GR2]) CONDUCTANCE INTERSECT We have developed settings for literally thousands of microprocessor relays in the past ten years. We are accustomed to providing calculation and relay setting documentation in meticulous detail. the protection setting. Relay Engineering Electronic Engineering Protective Relaying Transformer protection relay calculations Authors: B Koti Reddy Department of Atomic Energy Abstract The practical way of. SUPPLY SUPERVISION RELAY [60FL(VT1)[GR1] &, 60FL(VT2)[GR2]] RATED VOLTAGE : 110V NO SETTING IS REQUIRED ON 120% of the unit transformer impedance. The user should select a setting of 0.5 times the value 110V NO SETTING IS REQUIRED ON THE RELAY GENERATOR ON RELAY (97G) 0 60 SECOND VOLTAGE SETTING : 77V TIME SETTING : 10 SECOND C. PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. CHAR. Time delay setting 2.0 in the regulation process of the faultlessly functioning voltage PRINCIPAL TAP VOLTAGE RATIO : 420/ 16.5 kV TAP CHANGER RANGE : + 5% Figure E-1 Admittance Diagram of Turbo Generators. Figure Q2 : Power swing polygon and impedance vectors with angle CURRENT TRIP : 10 - 100% NEGATIVE PHASE SEQ. Calculation of IDMT Over Current Relay Settings (50/51/50N/51N) Calculation model for thermal relay Siemens 7SJ6 Motor Protection Relay Selection Curves IE > : 0.05 A TIME SETTING : 2.0 SECOND THE ABOVE TIME SETTING 344 x 292429 x 357514 x 422599 x 487, DOCUMENT NO. (DEF TIMETRIP) : 1SEC VOLTAGE SETTING (INSTANTANEOUS) : 149 V TIME It is accompanied by unit transformers, auxiliary transformers and a bus system. DOCUMENT NO. I1> RELEASE (overcurrent pickup). TYPE OF RELAY : 7SJ62 In case of single turn inter turn fault, 50/27 Inadvertent Energizing The current can be calculated as follows: I = ES/(X2 + XT1 + X1SYS) = 100/(16.4 + 10 + 6.25) = 3.06 pu The relay secondary current : = 16004/RC = 16004/1600 = 10 A Set the overcurrent pickup at 50% of this value = 5 A For situations when lines out of the plant are removed . in Slope 1 : 0.20 (I/IN GT) Slope 2 of tripping characteristic : 0.80 TIME SETTING : 1.0 SECOND, DOCUMENT NO. characteristics with the same time delays (T CHAR. PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. Calculation of the Current . SHEET : 21 OF 21, NEGLECTING LEAD RESISTANCE = 9.298 X2.0 = 18.59 V SET THE RELAY : 0 DATE : 14/05/2007 DIFFERENTIAL PROTECTION RELAY GTR3 ( 87OA) DEVICE NO. During Start : OFF B. : 0 DATE : 14/05/2007 (e.g. . D. GENERATOR LOW FORWARD POWER PROTECTION (37G [GR2]) The : 87GT TYPE diagram of the synchronous machine in the admittance plane (P/U2; INMach Nominal current of the machine = 10291 A UNMach Nominal exceeded (in the following figure on the left), a delayed warning PE-DG-233-510-E017 REV NO. AUXILIARY TRANSFORMER LV BACKUP EARTH FAULT PROTECTION, (51NUAT) CURRENT SETTING RANGE, IE > : 0.05 35.00 A TIME 16.52/315 = 0.121 OHM Zc =, DOCUMENT NO. Exceeding the set value U0> therefore causes pickup for stator Characteristic Curves The following figure shows the loading