Agriculturetomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, corn, and watermelon are grown in the areawere particularly hard hit. 167 Human Rights Watch interview with Eyad al-Sarraj, director, Gaza Community Mental Health Project, Washington, DC, June 7, 2006. 207 Human Rights Watch interview with `Atiya Abu Halimi, 20, farmer, Beit Lahiya, June 14, 2006. That does not tell you much does it? We consider them terrorists or illegal warriors.. TEP It broke the windows and pierced the living room walls. Gen. Avihai Mandelblit, Military Advocate General, IDF, Tel Aviv, June 18, 2006. Dont you got your earplugs almost 24/7 when you go to fight? 153 See APV Rogers, Law on the Battlefield (Manchester: Manchester Univ. He and two brothers ran into their fathers house, next door to his own, and found his brothers wife, Samah Ahmad Abu Shamas, 19, and her six-month-old boy, who were unharmed. Given that al-Qafarna could not remember the exact date of the incident, Human Rights Watch did not ask the IDF to respond to this case. 168 Human Rights Watch interview with Col. Liron Liebman, chief military prosecutor, IDF, Tel Aviv, June 17, 2006. 51(5)(b) and 57. (Surry, UK: Janes Information Group Limited, 1999), pp. Such damage is typical of an artillery strike. 151 Human Rights Watch interview with Brig. Heh interesting note on 16 inch shells, okay so its overkill, but anyways, while these types of shells are more designed to penetrate hard targets, they have a huge lethal radius, anything within 150 yards of the shell burst is dead from concussion alone, they create a crater well over 30 ft in diameter and I believe 20-25 ft deep (although these numbers might even be on the smaller side). How Israel Put Gaza Civilians in Firing Line, Mail and Guardian, November 12, 2006. kill radius compared likely kill radius 15 meters likely injury radius 150 meters likely kill radius 33.5 meters likely injury radius 350 meters hellfire jdam 2000lb (not inert): 155 mm artillery shell likely injury radius 20 meters likely kill radius 50150 meters. The M795 155mm projectile is the US Army and US Marine Corps' standard 155mm High Explosive (HE) projectile for howitzers. There are HE shells with preformed fragments and high hardness steels and higher energy explosives that produce much more lethal splinters (smaller and faster) and fragments than those used in the STANAG testing. An Israeli artillery strike on April 29, 2006, directly hit the home and injured at least two children. Another Haaretz military correspondent that day noted: One question has not been asked: Why was the landing of the shells not monitored by human eyes? 152 mm and 155 mm calibre guns are often considered to be 'heavy artillery'. The IDF artillery shelling of northern Gaza also contributed to the trauma and pervasive fear that many residents, especially children, experience. Learn how and when to remove this template message, List of crew served weapons of the US Armed Forces,, "Precision Strike Association Excalibur Overview", Defense & Security Intelligence & Analysis: IHS Jane's | IHS,, TNT: 10.8kg (23.8lb) with a charge liner OR IMX-101 (IMX was adopted by the Army; Marines still use TNT), Manufacturer: General Dynamics (formerly Chamberlain Manufacturing Corporation), Scranton Division, Scranton Army Ammunition Plant, Scranton, Pennsylvania; Day & Zimmerman, Parsons, Kansas; Mason & Hanger - Silas Mason Company, CEP 139 meters at maximum range with 39-caliber barrel, This page was last edited on 10 October 2022, at 17:27. 181 Email from Stuart Shepherd, head of UNOCHA Gaza office, to Human Rights Watch, November 8, 2006. 2006 Bonnie Docherty/Human Rights Watch. When we fire, the Qassams are much less accurate. 154 Yorem Dinstein, The Conduct of Hostilities under the Law of International Armed Conflict, p. 92. The corps' artillery procedure demanded that before firing at a designated target, the unit had to reset range and bearing that morning, because changes in the weather and humidity could affect the shell's trajectory. While IHL does not prohibit all attacks near populated areas, the pattern of civilian injuries and deaths documented here, especially during the period after the IDF increased its shelling and decreased the safety margin and before it imposed a moratorium on artillery, suggests the IDF may not have taken all feasible precautions in assessing whether a particular planned artillery attack would be unlawful under IHL as an indiscriminate or disproportionate attack. Area denial traditionally concerns closing off land to the enemy to block communications and movement (such as a mountain pass) or for tactical advantage (channeling an attack or guarding a retreat).153 As a leading IHL scholar notes, however, while a specific land area can be regarded as a military objective, [a]dmittedly, the incident of such locations cannot be too widespread: there must be a distinctive feature turning a piece of land into a military objective (e.g. 206 Facsimile from the IDF Spokesmans office to Human Rights Watch, October 12, 2006. The IDF, in its letter of November 28, 2006, did not respond to this question. 199 Human Rights Watch interview with `Abdullah Abu Halimi, 19, Beit Lahiya, June 14, 2006. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He said he was aware of no Palestinian rockets being fired from the area.195 Human Rights Watch could not determine if in fact Palestinians had launched rockets from this area at this time. 1. The M107 155 mm projectile was the standard 155 mm high explosive (HE) projectile for howitzers of the US Army and US Marine . The M107 was approved for use in 1958 and issued to the army from 1959. 230 Human Rights Watch interview with Lt. Col. Noam Neuman, head of the Security and Foreign Relations Branch, JAG Corps, IDF, Tel Aviv, June 18, 2006. See also Human Rights Watch interview with Gen. Salah Abu `Azum, commander, Palestinian Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) team, Gaza City, June 13, 2006. It was the safest place I told the children to hide by the cupboard, which is made of cement. As the IDF states in its October 2006 letter: [A] site which is used for rocket launches, even if it is not being used to launch rockets at the time of attack, may because of its location, be again used to launch rockets. 68-69 (land as a military objective subject to attack). However, the M107 was retained for training purposes, because it was cheap and, being less lethal, had a smaller peacetime safety area, an important consideration given the small European training areas. Speaking to reporters the next day, an IDF spokesperson attributed the strikes to shells that misfired.180 However, in its responses to Human Rights Watch dated August 6 and October 12, the IDF did not suggest that there had been an error in the shelling. title: v7 created date: Because you have no perspective of distance, soil density, secondary explosions, number of rounds impacting simultane. It can be employed on all types of U.S. 155mm and 105mm projectiles in the U.S. Field Artillery inventory. It is normally fired as an indirect fire (out of the line of sight) weapon. 229 See Protocol I, art. The plug is removed and replaced with a fuze for firing. Beyond killing and injuring civilians and destroying property, Israeli artillery shelling badly disrupted the livelihoods of many inhabitants of northern Gaza. 138 Israel: IDF Probe No Substitute for Real Investigation, Human Rights Watch news release, November 10, 2006,; email from UNOCHA to Human Rights Watch, November 2006. 217 Human Rights Watch interview with Lt. Col. Noam Neuman, head of the Security and Foreign Relations Branch, JAG Corps, IDF, Tel Aviv, June 18, 2006. While the other side does not have regular armed forces, they are armed and can cause much death. Answer (1 of 2): If I remember my artillery training correctly the burst area of a 105 mm round is appropriately 35 to 45 meters in radius with a range probably error . IDF officials told Human Rights Watch in meetings in June 2006 that the IDF conducted artillery strikes in response to rocket attacks on Sderot and other Israeli communities.139 In several incidents investigated by Human Rights Watch, Israels use of 155mm artillery in response to these attacks may have violated international humanitarian law because it failed to discriminate between military targets and civilians or civilian objects, or because the shelling could have been expected to cause harm to civilians that was excessive compared to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated. IDF lawyers recognized the duty to minimize civilian casualties resulting from Israels artillery. Regardless of the legitimacy of the target in theory, the limited accuracy of 155mm howitzers, which IDF lawyers acknowledged in interviews with Human Rights Watch, endangered civilians. In the Gaza Strip, these range from 200 to 300 meters. I was waking the children up to have breakfast. US Army Defense Ammunition Center, Technical Center for Explosives Safety, Study of Ammunition Dud and Low Order Detonation Rates, July 2000, Appendix C, pp. A 60mm subcaliber device can be inserted in the 4.2-inch mortar to fire the M766 for training 4.2-inch heavy mortar platoons. Palestinian armed groups routinely used a large open area near the complex to fire rockets toward Israel. 196 Facsimile from the IDF Spokesmans office to Human Rights Watch, October 12, 2006. Modified M107 rounds with base bleed and new aerodynamics can extend this range to around 32km. Answer (1 of 3): There are several things that affect the real kill radius of any artillery projectile versus it "listed" (approximated) kill radius. Maximum range : Fired from M1/M1A1 cannon on M114/M114A1 towed howitzers with . The mental health impact has been greatest from the constant Israeli shelling in northern Gaza, said Eyad al-Sarraj, director of the Gaza Community Mental Health Project. 157 Human Rights Watch interview with Lt. Col. Noam Neuman, head of the Security and Foreign Relations Branch, JAG Corps, IDF, Tel Aviv, June 18, 2006. However, attacks for the purpose of area denial must abide by the prohibitions against indiscriminate or disproportionate attacks. Although residents were not able to pinpoint how many meters the explosion was from the houses, the casualty radius of artillery shells suggests that the explosion was no more than 100 to 300 meters from the houses. 201 Facsimile from the IDF Spokesmans office to Human Rights Watch, October 12, 2006. IDF lawyers distinguished area denial from deterrence. Deterrence is not our policy, said Brig. If they [the armed groups] knew our limits, they may go closer to homes.161 As mentioned above, the expected casualty radius of artillery is between 100 and 300 meters. The original US-built M109 was produced in 1963; Israel introduced its model in 1993. Gen. Avihai Mandelblit, the IDFs military advocate general. The phone call saved my life, he said.194 He showed Human Rights Watch an approximately 10 centimeter round shell fragment, which appeared to be from the base of the shell. Any non-shit version of this footage yet? Depending on the circumstances, persons doing so might be considered directly participating in hostilities and subject to attack. Here's a handy graphic chart for mortar round lethal radius. Answer (1 of 6): The "Kill Zone" of a 155mm HE is estimated as 150m circle, where overpressure as well as shrapnel "Should" kill anything within it, including dug in troops. They renewed their appeal after the November 8, 2006, artillery strike on Beit Hanoun that killed 23 people. There can be shelling for preemptive reasonsthat Qassams attacks are to be launched from the area. 236 The expected lethal radius and expected casualty radius of the 155mm high-explosive artillery shell are between 50 and 150 meters and 100 and 300 meters respectively. An artillery commander can in fact set his fuzes to the radii he desires based on the effects he wishes to create. It is not clear where the shell struck, but al-Qafarnas account suggests that it exploded close by. an important mountain pass; a trail in the jungle or in a swamp area; a bridgehead; or a spit of land controlling the entrance of a harbor).154 This view accords with the authoritative ICRC Commentary on the Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions, which confirms that area denial may be a legitimate military objective, but warns: Of course, such a situation could only concern limited areas and not vast stretches of territory. We are working with artillery experts on these matters. 162 Human Rights Watch interview with Michael Sfard, New York, October 2, 2006. The round, which contains approximately 15 pounds of explosive, has a maximum range of approximately 30 km for the M198 . See ICRC, Customary International Humanitarian Law, vol. I was in the corner with a small 13-month-old child.173, A third shell then struck the home, penetrating the roof and demolishing most of the house. 212 Human Rights Watch interview with Brig. Proper investigations would have been especially important for revealing such a pattern, making the IDFs failure to conduct them all the more disturbing. Israeli military lawyers, however, did not vet individual artillery strikes before they were launched. Parties to an armed conflict must find the means and methods to conduct military operations in conformity with international humanitarian law, regardless of whether the other side commits violations of that law. Nearly all of the residents said that no rockets had been fired from the area on July 24, and none at any prior time from the actual grounds of the apartment complex. Thus forcing launch sites away from the border, and especially away from heavily populated border areas in Israel, such as Sderot, is the only real means of reducing their ability to strike their general target. 2006 Bonnie Docherty/Human Rights Watch, An IDF artillery shell struck the house of Shadi Muhammad Abu `Oda in Beit Hanoun at 3:30 p.m. on April 29, 2006. Israel Military Industries, a state-owned arms producer and exporter, produces the M107 shell, although Israel has also imported 155mm shells from the United States. First, the use of 155mm high-explosive artillery shellswith an expected casualty radius of up to 300 metersprimarily to deter and disrupt rocket launches by Palestinian armed groups near populated residential areas cannot be sufficiently discriminate to avoid needless civilian casualties.236 Second, firing 155mm artillery shells at land areas near civilian residences for the purposes of area denial can be expected to cause civilian loss excessive to any military gain. 216 Human Rights Watch interview with Lt. Col. Noam Neuman, head of the Security and Foreign Relations Branch, JAG Corps, IDF, Tel Aviv, June 18, 2006. Moreover, the IDF does not attack legitimate military targets when such an attack is likely to cause disproportionate incidental damage to civilians.224. According to an analysis of art. Some shells do not explode on impact and become potentially explosive duds.141. The shells killed four Palestinian civilians, including two children, and wounded 14 more. Israels artillery attacks on northern Gaza in cases investigated by Human Rights Watch have violated international humanitarian law prohibitions against indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks. Answer (1 of 3): "How much does a 155mm round cost?" Cost to the US Army for a M795 (HE) projectile only (no propellant, no fuze, etc but with lifting plug and supplementary charge included) is about US$330 in 2019. At 8 a.m. on April 5, 2006, Namit Muhammad al-Masri was preparing breakfast for her family in Beit Lahiya. They did increase in June and July. This approach placed civilians at unnecessary risk and raised serious IHL concerns. Ibid. Residents said that they had prevented armed militants from launching a rocket from the open area close to the apartments on the evening of July 23, some 14 hours prior to the first IDF shelling of the apartments. 197 Human Rights Watch interview with Namit Muhammad Al-Masri, 40, Beit Lahiya, June 14, 2006. No aftermath? 136 UNOCHA data prepared for Human Rights Watch, October 2006; UNOCHA Situation Reports Gaza, October 2006 to May 2007. I believe that [the shellings] effectiveness should be measured in terms of less accurate Qassam attacks, he said.218 Nevertheless, Mandelblit acknowledged that it was difficult to find out what actually happened in artillery strikes on rocket sites.219. The US Army has identified a need to provide extended-range 155mm HE projectiles for both current and future artillery systems. Talley Defense Systems, Inc., has been selected for the development and fabrication of the upgraded M795E1 Propellant Grain and Igniter components. According to the defense correspondent for the Israeli daily Yediot Aharonot, Lt. Col. Ron Ben Ishai, Artillery is a weapon system designed to cover territory and not hit specific targets particularly when it is used as preventative fire at territories rather than at a specified target. Ron Ben-Yishai, Gaza Deaths Not Surprising, When firing 155mm howitzers close to civilian residences, the IDF must take into account the inherent imprecision in the weapon and its wide shrapnel dispersal. 51(4)(a). On July 24, 26, and 28, 2006, a series of IDF artillery shells struck a large apartment complex known as the Nada Apartments and the immediate vicinity. While IHL does not require that certain weapons systems be used in attacks, parties to a conflict must take all feasible steps in the choice of means and methods of warfare to avoid civilian loss.158 As one scholar notes: If it is planned to attack a small military objective surrounded by densely populated civilian areas, the only legitimate modus operandi may be to resort to a surgical raid with precision-guided munitions. All deaths and the vast majority of injuries caused by IDF shelling between December 2005 and May 2007 occurred after the beginning of April 2006, when the IDF purportedly reduced the safety zone.164, These figures, and Human Rights Watch research, detailed below, suggest that the increased number of civilian casualties in this period was attributable to a combination of the IDF decision to fire artillery at targets much closer to civilian-populated areas and a tenfold increase in the number of rounds fired per month compared to the earlier period. WikiMatrix The November 8, 2006, shelling that killed 23 civilians led to a decision by the IDF to impose a moratorium on artillery shelling and Prime Minister Olmerts December 2006 announcement that artillery would not be used close to populated areas. The two calibres are broadly similar in capabilities; both are able to deliver a projectile of approximately 40 kg to ranges of 17-40 km. Sofia said, I thought all my children had died because I saw them with blood and the rocks above them. Gen. Avihai Mandelblit, Military Advocate General, IDF, Tel Aviv, June 18, 2006. 169 Human Rights Watch interview with Mahmud Abu Shamas, 33, Beit Lahiya, June 12, 2006. Human Rights Watch does not have information regarding 135 of the total reported injured by OCHA. The M795 is a 155mm high-fragmentation, steel (HF1)-body projectile filled with 10.8 kilograms (23.8lb) of TNT and weighing approximately 47 kilograms (103lb). To shell Gaza between September 2005 and November 2006, the IDF used an Israeli-modified version of the US M109A3 howitzer called the Doher. Namit Muhammad al-Masri points to a hole in her Beit Lahiya home caused by an Israeli artillery shell on June 14, 2006. The M107 is a development of the M102 155mm shell that was developed in the 1930s from the French Schneider 155mm projectile for the Model 1917 Howitzer. 210 Human Rights Watch interview with Brig. Our source of living provides us no livelihood. VI. The strikes killed and injured civilians, destroyed residential and commercial property, and disrupted the daily life and livelihoods of the civilian population. Whether or not Israel violated international humanitarian law during these attacks depends in large measure on whether the IDF was firing at a valid military objective, which Human Rights Watch was unable to determine. An Israeli artillery strike on his home on April 10, 2006, killed his eight-year-old sister Hadi and wounded him and eight other family members. The definite military advantage offered by the 155mm artillery strikes against rockets was often dubious.144 It is difficult to strike those who launch the rockets because it only takes a few minutes to set up and position the launcher, fire the rocket, and then dismantle the launcher. It has a range of up to 18 kilometers. So long as circumstance permit, IHL obliges parties to a conflict to give effective advance warnings of attacks that may affect the civilian population.234 However, as stated in Customary International Humanitarian Law by the International Committee of the Red Cross: State practice indicates that all obligations with respect to the principle of distinction and the conduct of hostilities remain applicable even if civilians remain in the zone of operations after a warning has been issued.235 Otherwise, Palestinian armed groups might warn the civilians of Sderot to leave and then fire away without regard to those who remained. Or distract the launching zones.196 href= '' https: // '' > < /a > &. 18.5Km using M4A2 `` white Bag '' propellant 2006 to may 2007 set! Military objective as those objects whose destruction, capture, or neutralization offers a definite military advantage his. Incident in Beit Lahiya, June 14, 2006 few days landed in the areawere particularly hit. 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