[16][82] To celebrate his victory, Robert ordained that a tourney should be held outside Lannisport. She informs Tyrion that Jaime had been captured while trying to sneak into the city, warning him not to fail her again or it will be the last time. Bound in shackles, Tyrion is taken to watch the duel of Oberyn and the Mountain. Following his father's execution, Robb was declared King in the North, won many battles against the House Lannister, but eventually he, his mother, and his forces were slain at the Red Wedding. "What we did," Tyrion corrects. Robert, a great warrior and charismatic man in his youth, took the throne through conquest in the war known as Robert's Rebellion, which began when the Prince of Dragonstone, Rhaegar Targaryen, allegedly abducted Robert's betrothed, Lyanna Stark. "[21], Escorted by Varys to a dark room, Tyrion is finally told the story of how the eunuch was traveling through the Free Cities with a party of actors. As a result, most of his battle plans, with the exception of capturing Casterly Rock, failed, leading Daenerys to lose her patience with his strategy and take matters into her own hands. When Tyrion notices a message in his hand, Varys says that it is for Jon. The King-Beyond-the-Wall is a title given to a Free Folk leader or chieftain who manages to unite a significant number of the northern tribes under his command, enough to pose a threat to the Seven Kingdoms south of the Wall. [72], Though Robert had no wish to marry after Lyanna Stark's death, the realm needed an heir, and Lord Jon Arryn suggested that Robert marry Lady Cersei Lannister, the only daughter of Lord Tywin Lannister, to ensure political stability and Tywin's support should Viserys Targaryen ever attempt to win back his throne. Tyrion insists he is doing his best to rule the city in her absence while they wait. Tyrion wonders why she allowed him to arrange the peace negotiations in the first place if she didn't expect anything to happen; Cersei turns the question back at him, wondering why he supports Daenerys as loyally as he does. House LannisterKing of the Andals and the First Men (vassal)House Targaryen (formerly, by oath) Joffrey appears to take some loose inspiration from the Roman emperor Caligula, in terms of his openly insane behavior. He is confronted by Cersei about sending Myrcella to Dorne in a betrothal to the youngest son of House Martell. [11], Tyrion warns Varys not to underestimate him after the Spider discovers Shae's presence and lets Tyrion know that he is aware of her. Tyrion affirms the loyalty of Varys and is enigmatic about his plans for the battle, but believes Stannis will attack at the Mud Gate.[4]. Tyrion holding the line had ruined the plan. Later, Tyrion is approached by Oberyn Martell, who tells Tyrion of their first encounter: As children, Oberyn and his sister Elia were told stories of the "monster" that had been born to Tywin Lannister. Tyrion is left struck with awe as Daenerys escapes the pit on her dragon. ", Tyrion in Winterfell in "Winter Is Coming. Varys explains that they are traveling to Meereen by way of Volantis. The Baratheon sigil is a crowned black stag on a field of gold. "[4], Tyrion is relieved that Shae is unhurt, but vows to free Ros and when the prostitute is taken away, he promises Cersei that he will exact revenge on her, before she banishes him for her presence. He bought them a little cottage where they lived as man and wife for their two week marriage, before his father had it annulled. He later intervenes in the confrontation between Ser Gregor and Sandor Clegane. The bones are sent with Cleos Frey (replaced by Alton Lannister in the series) to Riverrun along with unacceptable peace terms and a force of 100 Lannister soldiers, that hide four men Tyrion has sent to break Jaime out, an escape attempt that fails. Tyrion reconnects with Bronn, who concedes it is good to see him again. Alive Daenerys then says she knows Tyrion is brave, as she wouldn't have chosen a coward as her hand.[57]. [122], Jaime: What do you know of sin, coz? Tyrion admits he was wrong to betray Varys who turned out right all along about her. [9], Tywin Lannister's forces have been attacking Catelyn's home in the Riverlands ever since she arrested Tyrion. Tyrion discusses negotiations with the slave masters. He tends to overindulge in food, drink, and sex in part to self-medicate for the terrible treatment he's suffered most of his life; when overly stressed, upset or uncomfortable, he will quickly find the nearest container of wine or beer and consume most of it. He visits the Winterfell Crypts to see the resting place of Lyanna. Grey Worm recovers and Missandei introduces him to Tyrion. [107], Stannis Baratheon claims the Iron Throne as Robert's heir and sends words throughout the Seven Kingdoms that Cersei's children were not fathered by Robert. Suddenly, a surprise attack by the Sons of the Harpy devastates the fighting pit. Hang them up and they go to rust. Being born a dwarf and subject to ridicule for most of his life, Tyrion has admittedly developed a soft spot for his fellow outcasts and has shown them kindness, such as having a saddle designed for the crippled Bran Stark allowing him to ride. After becoming king, however, he became fat, indulgent and his beard became thick and dense, hiding two chins. He did not commit completely to the day-to-day governance of his realm - he preferred to indulge himself en masse and this cost him a great deal of respect that he had gained so gloriously during his heroic Rebellion against the Mad King. He is the current Lord of Casterly Rock and Hand of the King to Brandon Stark. He tells Tyrion that he will meet with Varys, who has arranged for him to escape to the Free Cities. The Hook - the large road that branches off from the Kingsroad within the city, to run east directly from the Mud Gate to the Red Keep. [109], Lord Beric Dondarrion and Thoros of Myr lead the brotherhood without banners in fighting for smallfolk in Robert's name. Tyrion woos a dark-haired prostitute, but when she finally agrees to service him, he finds that he can't bring himself to patronize her. Tyrion becomes convinced in the futility of everything, gaining a negative and rather fatalistic outlook on the past and the future, to the point of suicidal, as well gains a lower view for matters he dealt with high esteem and importance beforehand in the past, such as the Great Houses or the bid for the Iron Throne. [22], Eddard: You're too fat for your armor, Robert. [97] A catspaw later attempts to assassinate Bran with a Valyrian steel dagger. They then move on to their primary tasks concerning the rehabilitation of King's Landing, providing clean water, food to civilians, the reconstruction of the royal fleet and the ports. [19], Shae sneaks into Tyrion's new chambers. Culture Tyrion does not know how to comfort his sister in this rare moment of vulnerability, but reminds her that both Myrcella and Tommen are kind and gentle. His sense of humor is more muted and cynical than before, however; this may be the result of his no longer being able to rely on his family title for protection and influence, and having to earn his merits with Daenerys on his brains alone. Aegon V sent Rhaelle to Storm's End as Lord Lyonel's cupbearer and companion to his lady wife. When Lords Eddard Stark and Hoster Tully arrived with a rebel army, Robert came out of hiding and fought with Connington, almost killing him. One of his most interesting and enduring friendships is with the eunuch Varys, the Master of Whisperers. He chose his second father,[44] Lord Jon Arryn, as his Hand of the King. In private, Tyrion assures Missandei and Grey Worm that he is serving Daenerys' interest by taking advantage of the Masters' own arrogance, but that he cannot end slavery overnight. The king offers a betrothal between his own son, Prince Joffrey, and Eddard's eldest daughter, Sansa. Moqorro tells Tyrion he has seen him in a vision as "a small man with a big shadow." Tyrion points out that their father wanted this outcome all along. The argument led to Eddard leaving King's Landing the next day, to fight the final battles alone. {Cassana Estermont} He signals Bronn to detonate the Wildfire using a flaming arrow. When Shae spots him, she grabs a paring knife and tries to stab him. As the slavers continue to bombard Meereen, Tyrion allows Grey Worm to assume command. When Lord Tywin learned what had happened, he payed Tysha, a prostitute, to service every one of his guards while Tyrion watched. Despite Tyrion's insistence that Randyll and Dickon Tarly be imprisoned or sent to the Wall, Daenerys ignores his advice, explaining that they already made their choice, and orders Drogon to burn them alive.[56]. Servants and retainers of House Targaryen, An History of the Great Sieges of Westeros, summit in the Dragonpit at King's Landing, HBO viewers guide, season 2 guide to houses, House Baratheon of King's Landing - Tyrion Lannister entry, HBO viewers guide, season 2 guide to houses, House Baratheon of King's Landing - Cersei Baratheon entry, Peter Dinklage Season 3 premiere Red Carpet interview, This section contains a considerable amount of unverified information, and may be removed after a period of four weeks from the addition of this notice. Varys points out that Tyrion was an effective ruler when he was acting Hand of the King, and that each of them were outsiders due to their deformities (a eunuch and a dwarf). This is seen where Mrycella showcased active care, affection, love and worry for Tyrion and when he returned safely back to King's landing, she made sure to happily state that she was glad he survived alongside Tommen. Jaime, on the other hand, always treated Tyrion kindly. [118] Qyburn champions her with Ser Robert Strong, a new member of the Kingsguard. Fed up with his captive, Jorah strikes Tyrion across the face to keep him quiet.[37]. He meets Varys before arriving, who informs him of Cersei's spy and Cersei's consequent knowledge of Shae's presence, and warns him that Tywin will know shortly. [76] Two of Robert's Estermont uncles had spent half a year at court following his wedding, and Robert insisted on repaying the visit. Father They are then surrounded by men of the hill tribes, led by Shagga. He informs Tyrion of Sansa's disappearance. George R. R. Martin's A World of Ice and Fire. [49], From an early age onwards, Robert had been fostered by Lord Jon Arryn at the Eyrie in the Vale of Arryn, together with Eddard Stark of Winterfell. Tyrion remains depressed and continues to insist that he's tired of being confined in a box of some sort. Both Stannis and Queen Cersei Lannister believe that Robert intended this as a slight against Stannis,[18][71] but according to George R. R. Martin Robert had not necessarily meant it as such. Tyrion's escape also fuels Cersei's paranoia of House Tyrell: a Tyrell coin is found in the cell of an undergaoler named Rugen (who is actually Varys in disguise), leading Cersei to believe that the Tyrells, particularly Margaery, might have conspired with Tyrion to murder Joffrey and helped him escape by bribing the guards, maybe even conspired to kill Tywin too. However, Daenerys demands that Varys explain himself without support from Tyrion, who watches as the Spider swears that he will be loyal to her as long as she keeps the people's best interests at heart. Tyrion reminds Jon of his sisters, expressing his belief that they will not bend the knee to Daenerys. After Cersei agrees to a summit in the Dragonpit at King's Landing, Tyrion and Jon arrive in the capitol with their various allies, while the Unsullied and the Dothraki amass outside the city walls to attack in case the truce gets broken. A released sample chapter reveals that he and Jorah successfully persuade the Second Sons to rejoin Daenerys and fight for her, while the battle against the Yunkish is going on. Drinking. Intending to start his revenge with Gregor Clegane, Oberyn offers his service as Tyrion's champion in the coming trial by combat.[31]. Instead he tells her about his own past with Tysha, a wheelwright's daughter. Tyrion tells her that Daario is not the only man she ever loved and definitely will not be the last. First seen in [54], The meeting is interrupted by Varys who delivers news about their decimated Greyjoy fleet. Tyrion says that leaves House Tyrell, who originally sided with the Crown in Robert's Rebellion and might be willing to help her due to Cersei's recent schemes against them, but that it still isn't enough. The two discuss that the Seven Kingdoms needs a ruler stronger than Tommen, but gentler than Stannis. House Baratheon of Storm's End is one of the Great Houses of Westeros, and is the principal house in the stormlands, which they rule as Lords Paramount of the Stormlands. [15] Cersei informs Noho Dimittis she will delay repayment of Robert's debts to the Iron Bank of Braavos until fighting has ended. [65] Pardoning many of his former enemies, Robert appointed Ser Barristan Selmy as the Lord Commander of his Kingsguard. A Song of Ice and Fire Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. [17] He was strong and powerful, and muscled "like a maiden's fantasy." As Stannis's troops advance to the city, Tyrion arranges Shae to become Lollys Stokeworth's servant. At a meeting of the small council, Ned and Robert once again argue over the fate of Daenerys, after Varys brings news of her becoming pregnant by Khal Drogo. Author George R. R. Martin has also confirmed that Tyrion and Daenerys will meet face to face in the book. He renounced his fealty to the Iron Throne and declared himself Storm King. The slave masters intend to unleash a pack of lions into the pit, but Daenerys puts a stop to the act, unknowingly saving Tyrion's life. Kings of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, HBO viewers guide, season 2 map, King's Landing entry, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men. He was a scant year older than his brother, Stannis, who was born in 264AC. Joffrey reveling in violence in "The North Remembers". Cersei has several witnesses testify against Tyrion, such as Meryn Trant, Grand Maester Pycelle, and Varys. Not wanting to submit to the "justice" that was being served on him, Tyrion demands a trial by combat. He explains how populous the liars of King's Landing are, trying to convince Shae that he is somewhat truthful in comparison. "Winter Is Coming" Varys congratulates Tyrion for winning Daenerys's favor without him. Sensing the imminent danger, Tyrion orders a guard to escort Prince Tommen back to the Keep by another route. A hurt Tyrion can do little as Shae reveals his sexual pleasures in front of the court and his supposed desire to bed Sansa Stark, which she agreed to let him do if he killed the King for her. He claims the group knew the risk when they left, and Daenerys shouldn't try to save them. Cersei, of course, denies her involvement, but Tyrion is still suspicious, as well as suggesting that Joffrey may be the culprit,as Tyrion is the only one who dares to speak against the King. "[33], Robert owns a black velvet doublet decorated with a crowned golden stag,[21] a green doublet,[23] and a golden mantle with a cloak of black and gold squares. Title However, they are spotted and captured by slavers bound for Volantis. Siblings Bronn agrees to stand as his champion and kills Ser Vardis Egen, freeing Tyrion. He seems particularly hurt by Varys's betrayal, so much that he asks the spymaster whether he remembered what he had told him after the Battle of the Blackwater (that Tyrion had saved the city and that Varys knew it even if history wouldn't). [100] Ser Loras Tyrell hopes his sister would remind Robert of the love of his youth, Lyanna. Robert's response was, "I see no babes, only dragonspawn". Robert appointed Lord Jon Arryn as the Hand of the King, and Jon was an able and effective administrator, repairing relations with Dorne which had turned sour after Lannister bannermen slew Princess Elia Martell during the Sack and preventing another war. Varys tells Tyrion that he is all that stands between them and defeat. Word that Stannis' fleet is days away reinforces the need to control Joffrey.[16]. Tyrion tells Jorah about his father's death.