World Food Day promotes worldwide awareness and action for those who suffer from hunger and for the need to ensure healthy diets for all, leaving no one behind. On this day, participants attempt to make the world a better place by celebrating and promoting good deeds and pledging acts of kindness, either as individuals or as organisations. This is whether we work for governments, organisations or civil society or are simply concerned citizens. Raise awareness of the importance of plants and learn more about the key role we all play in their conservation. Moved to nearest working day if it falls on a weekend. The result? Jaime is a newly minted resident of Miami. Download. And in the 21st century, Black and brown communities are more likely to live near toxic waste sites, live in communities with fewer environmental amenities, be harmed by climate change, inhale fine particulate matter and more. Oct 17 - World Trauma Day. #WorldCitiesDay #CitiesDay #TheCityWeNeed, Vegetarianism, Food day, Food awareness day. UN, UNEP, UN EMG (UN Environment Management Group), TRWN (Toxic Remnants of War Network), GCI (Green Cross International), War and Peace, Environment day, Environmental awareness day. A day to campaign on behalf of penguins. On this day in 2008 Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of the United States of America. Take part in a litter pick or beach clean, learn how to conserve water, and learn how to use less plastic, there are events online and nationwide to take part in. #MenstrualHygieneDay #MHDay or #MHDay2022, War and Peace, Global politics awareness day. On this day in 1997 Princess Diana of Wales died in a car crash in a road tunnel in Paris, France. A day to spread awareness that wildlife isnt manufactured, once its gone thats it. The birdwatch helps provides a snapshot in time of how garden birds are doing in the UK. Just taking a minute to ask if someone is OK can lift someone out of a suicidal crisis. Only 17.4% of this waste, containing a mixture of harmful substances and precious materials, is properly collected and recycled, so this awareness day aims to halt the cycle of e-waste ending up in landfill. New Years day is a national holiday in most countries which use the Gregorian calendar and often involves hangover remedies, family meals, TV and a walk. Riggs boasted that even aged 55 he could beat any female tennis player. UN, WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization). On this day in 1933 construction of the Golden Gate Bridge started in San Francisco, USA. Russian is one of the six official languages of the UN along with French (20th March), Arabic (18th December), Chinese (20th April), Spanish and English (23rd April). #UNPublicServiceDay #UNPSD or #UNPSD2022 #PublicServiceDay. The annual Nobel Prize winners for science, literature and peace are presented on Nobel day, the 10th December on the anniversary of the death of the Noble Prize founder Alfred Nobel. UN, UNESCO, AMIA (Association of Moving Image Archivists), ICA (International Council on Archives), IASA (International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives), FIAF (International Federation of Film Archives), IFTA (International Federation of Television Archives), Preservtion, Arts day, Cultural awareness day. Stand in solidarity with all detained staff and pledge to work together to ensure that all UN staff have the safety they need to help the worlds most vulnerable. A day to raise awareness, and educate people, about this widely misunderstood physical disability which is poorly diagnosed often leaving people with CP out of sight, out of mind and out of options. BIPM (Bureau International des Poids et Mesures). Find out more about one of our planets most iconic big cats, the threats they face and what you can do to help safeguard their future. English is one of the six official languages of the UN along with French (20th March), Arabic (18th December), Chinese (20th April), Spanish (23rd April), Russian (6th June) and is often referred to as a world language because it is so widely spoken. Your choices will not impact your visit. On this day in 1582 Pope Gregory XIII introduced the Gregorian calendar, to replace the Julian calendar, and is now the most widely used calendar in the world. A day to draw the attention, especially of young people, about information and communications technologies, which may lead to new solutions and international cooperation to help achieve the UNs sustainable development goals. Download the calendar today. A day to show support for refugees and urge governments to do their fair share to help refugees and their families. #WorldStandardsDay or #WorldStandardsDay2022 #StandardsDay. Thousands of plant related events organized worldwide to raise awareness of the importance of plant science and role they play in agriculture, food production, horticulture, forestry, paper, timber, chemicals, energy and pharmaceuticals. Discrimination, Human rights day, Human rights awareness day. Haktan Akdogan, WUFODO (World UFO Day Organization). ChemWarfareDay #ChemicalWarfare #VictimsChemicalWarfare. It consists of many such events that are observed to raise awareness about disease or issues nationally and internationally. 2021 saw the week focus on Plotting for the Future celebrating the contribution that allotments make to a sustainable future. View, download, sync and embed the awareness calendar with the Awareness Days toolkit. World Bike Day draws attention to the benefits of using the bicycle a simple, affordable, clean and environmentally sustainable means of transportation. Most adults will have a peanut allergy for life. Enforced disappearance is a crime used to spread fear through societies. Similar . Here are all the environmental days in November to get your teeth into: World Vegan Month, set up by the Vegan Society, is celebrated around the world as a time to shine a light on the vegan movement. Dr. Seely is an addiction medicine psychiatrist who has served as medical director of addiction treatment centers in South Florida since 1990 and has had the privilege of assessing and treating over 100,000 individuals suffering from the disease of addiction. fbl_init(); On the 6th of this month, it is National Depression Screening Day. He has helped families all over the country from Atlanta, Georgia to Santa Barbara, California. Raise awareness of the role friendship plays in promoting mutual understanding, solidarity, reconciliation and peace in many cultures. Health Awareness Days 2023, 2024 This list presents national and international health awareness days. When we repeatedly self-medicate, we risk the problem getting worse. World Oceans Dayseeks to raise awareness of the major role the oceans have in everyday life. Oct 22 - International Stuttering Awareness Day. ISAD (European League of Stuttering Associations, International Fluency Association and International Stuttering Association). April 2, 2023. EWEA (European Wind Energy Association), GWEC (Global Wind Energy Council). Hugs show you care without the need for words. You can also donate to help raise money to help transform cycling in your local area. }); Held on the birthday of Robert Baden-Powell who founded the Scout movement in England. UN, WHO, WMO (World Meteorological Organization). Campaign to conserve lion habitats worldwide. Raise awareness of the wide range of dairy free healthy and vegan milk alternatives available at local supermarkets and the treatment of dairy cows. Raise awareness that African and Asian elephants both need our help and to campaign for better care and management of both captive and wild elephants. if(window.fbl_started) World Autism Day. India, Israel, Pakistan and South Sudan have not signed the treaty and North Korea signed then withdrew, their exact status remains unclear. Peter Marinelli, Certified Interventionist and published author, has been sober since 1988 and has dedicated his life to helping others recover from alcoholism and drug addiction. Contributing to higher standards of animal welfare. its no surprise that there are a myriad of environmental awareness days out there. Co-ordinated by. today if you need mental health-related treatment for you, a friend or a loved one, as well. On this day in 2001 the first draft of the human genome was published. Raise awareness of how information technologies and the internet have changed society and exchange ideas to reduce the digital divide. Peanut allergies affect three million people in the United States. Bells are rung at 9:09 a.m. around the world to raise awareness about the dangers of drinking during pregnancy and support families and individuals struggling with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). Leaving your lawnmower in the shed and letting your lawn grow long, just for the month of May means smaller plants like clover, daisies, dandelions, selfheal and clover will get a chance to flower and give pollinating insects a head-start. This site uses functional cookies and external scripts to improve your experience. When the world found out that ozone-depleting gases used in aerosols and cooling were creating a hole in the sky, they came together. The day was established by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation. Wind energy decarbonizes economies and creates jobs. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); In 2011 a made for TV sequel was released, in 2018 a Mean Girls musical premiered on Broadway and in 2020 a Mean Girls: Senior Year comic was published. World Refill Day is a global campaign to prevent plastic pollution and help people live with less waste. AZH (Association of Zoological Horticulture), BGCI (Botanic Gardens Conservation International). Co-incides with World Antibiotic Awareness Week in November. 23/03/2022 World Meteorological Day. Raise awareness of the need for co-ordinated healthcare and health education to prevent, treat and care for people as the percentage of people living with diabetes has almost doubled since 1980 largely as a result of obesity. It will be further away until 2287. Jim Magnerhas worked in the field of substance abuse and mental health for the last 15 years. Sourdough September is a month-long event led by the Real Bread Campaign to help everyone worldwide to discover that lifes sweeter with sourdough! Japan, China, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Vietnam and other countries, National Confectionery Industry Association. The first African-American president. February is International Boost Self-Esteem Month. RT @uk_tlf: Can you help our charity and be a part of this incredible project to raise awareness for adult cancer patients on World Cancer Day 2023? First held on April 22, 1970, the day now includes a wide range of events coordinated globally by to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide. Trace your activities and note where you were or what you touched or ate. In long-term recovery from addiction himself, Dr. Seely empathizes with patients and provides clear, consistent, and compassionate guidance in their recovery efforts. Wildlife day, Wildlife awareness day, Online day, Nature day, Social Media, Awareness day. Yoga is an ancient form of spiritual, mental and physical practice that began in India. And, for vegetarians and those already moving towards plant-based diets, its a great opportunity to celebrate their food choices. Get busy in September with all of these environmental awareness days: Organic September isa month-long campaign, led by the Soil Association, to raise awareness of the many benefits of organic food and farming. #NationalHuggingDay #NationalHugDay #WorldHugDay. The festival of Flora, the Roman goddess of flowers was celebrated in the Roman Republican era (509-27BC), Walpurgis Night in Germanic countries and the Gaelic Beltane festival. Knowing what to avoid can increase our quality of life. UN, OPCW (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons), War and Peace, Disarmament, Remembrance day. On this day in 1870 the worlds first underground railway opened between Tower Hill and Vine Lane under the river Thames in London, England. AFF (Aspies For Freedom), ANI (Autism Network International), ASAN (Autistic Self Advocacy Network). As well as raising awareness, the event also provides support for households to become more energy efficient by showing what financial support and discounts might be available to householders, as well as practical ways to invest in more effective insulation. NOTE: These settings will only apply to the browser and device you are currently using. Our international awareness days list has been fact-checked to make sure all the awareness days actually exist, rather than mere social media calendar events generating fake news. On this day in 1924 Astronomer Edwin Hubble announces the existence of other galactic systems formally at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society. World Sleep Day is held the Friday before Spring Vernal Equinox of each year. This annual event seeks to raise peoples awareness and understanding of the injustices which cause poverty and conflict across the planet and in our local communities. His direct, authentic approach resonates greatly with the patients at SBMHC. Stop Food Waste Dayaims to tackle this issue by helping tohalve food waste by 2030. Russia, USA, Canada, UK, India & 20+ other countries. A day to celebrate puppetry and raise awareness of puppetry as a global art form. She currents owns a private practice in Davie, Florida and works one-on-one with individuals helping them achieve a healthier lifestyle using conventional nutrition as well as functional/integrative nutrition concepts. Prior to this role, he was an investment banker at Credit Suisse in its Global Industrials coverage group in New York City. Family day, Literacy day, Literacy awareness day. On this day in 1773 the Boston Tea Party was one of the key events in the U.S. War of Independence. As part of the days celebrations, Polar Bear International focus on the need to protect denning polar bear families across the Arctic. Read about World Sleep Day around the world in 2023. . Each year in April, Fashion Revolution Week encourages us to ask our favourite brands, who made my clothes? to demand a fairer, more transparent industry. NAVS (The North American Vegetarian Society), IVU (International Vegetarian Union). Celebrates the contributions of the dairy sector to sustainability, economic development, livelihoods and nutrition. #WeAreIndigenous #IndigenousPeoplesDay #IndigenousDay, Rae Koke and David Youldon of ALERT (African Lion & Environmental Research Trust), Conservation day, Animal day, Wildlife awareness day. #CureTBNow #WorldTBDay or #WorldTBDay2022, Human Rights day, Human Rights awareness day. UNOOSA (United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs), COPUOS (Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space), California Academy of Sciences, Discovery Science day, European Space Agency (ESA), Association of Space Explorers (ASE), Planetary Society, B612 Foundation etc. Together we can all help make single-use plastic a thing of the past. Next International Women's Day Wednesday, 8 March 2023. International Women's Day is observed annually on March 8, all around the World. If you want to improve your mental health, it may be beneficial for you to write down your stressors and other mental health-related information in a journal.