"1C" for 650 mAh or 1300 mAh battery would be 650 mA and 1300 mA (not mAh) respectively. For your answers, I would look at the charger that came with it. The best suggestion I can give you is about your practice #3. Which should I believe, the manufactures's manual or this article? Can I charge it with a charger for lead-acid batteries? However, all communication must be done with the use of appropriate language and the avoidance of spam and discrimination. I think probably the best thing in this scenario is to put it on the slowest charger you can find, such as a computer's USB port which is limited to 500 mA (0.5A). Understandably, due to the non-linear voltage/charge relationship, it may be very close to 3.7v from way above 50% to way below 50%, as I have observed with my phone. BU-602: How does a Battery Fuel Gauge Work? Logic gates are fundamental building blocks of electronic design that can be repurposed in an endless variety of permutations. NOW, i better start unplugging my laptop thought i was 'saving' the battery by keeping it plugged in while using. It was designed that way to account for commonly available power connections, commonly limited to 20A (use at < 80% of limit) at 120v but commonly available at 50 A or more at 240V. each cell have 90 AH of capacity.now each and every cells have voltage have 3.3V. 2.) i noticed giving the charger less voltage generates less heat and i wonder how low i can go. I have been commissioned to design and supply the electrical control for a 38 foot electric boat that needs to run silently for 2 hours at 6 knots. If you discharge it and look at the curve - it's almost flat at 3.7-3.6V. What do you say about this aspect? I occasionally salvage discarded Li-ion laptop battery packsdisassembling them to harvest the 18650's for personal r/c and flashlight use. Legal disclaimer: Don't actually do any of this. I am thinking of getting the 2200mAh for about $24 for two. Long, MD, Section Editor for the AJOG/SGS Meeting, Lindsey Jackson, MD Award Winner. Remember that the 5v "plug" is not the charger. The battery is 2400mAh li-ion. Hi, How can I calculate the charge time of the last 16% of the total capacity of a typical lithium battery to give a SOC = 100%? These 18650's a slightly longer as a result but might be a good solution for you. Batteries, even rechargeable ones, are disposable items. If you want to vary the speed of DC fans, the only option is to vary the input DC supply. That only hurts it. when i charge again at 30%.. is it plausible that (ruling out that i dont let it drop to zero, always charge at 30% and lowest 16% once in a while) and never charge to above 93% (only once in a while) mainly always take off at 70% cos it takes so long to charge i get impatient.. that effectively my battery capacity has reduced dramatically? It will expose eventually. How can I reset my Li ion 14.4 Hilti battery, peeps say it can be done I only get one single green light and no charge need help on this please, Thank you. So if you're charging it at only 500mA (standard computer USB), then by the time the battery first reaches the 4.2v "saturation" stage, it may already be 95% full, but if you charge it more quickly, like at 2000mA, then it might be only 50% full when it reaches the same point. Very convenient. Basically as you are saying that even if I don't do the initial full charge discharge. It helps me a lot. We came to know the value when we were LIVE with our dream product. Or should I try and make individual charging of each cell using linear voltage regulators such that each cell has it's own regulator, and if 1 is taken offline, the others should still charge at the same volts ? conclusion, is time for new battery! What about short charge disruptions (1-10seconds), do they damage the battery lifetime? But I've got the provider to send out a new battery, and that didn't work either. Examples. Thanks CXR, Vince, Thanks for getting back so quick. Since this is not necessary for Li-Ion, I haven't seen any that do this, like they used to do for NIMH and NICD. Are we talking a 10-20% reduction in capacity overall? I would like to make a battery pack charger for 4 Li ion cells. When selecting the appropriate isolation device(s), consider the expertise of trained professionals. Speed can be lowered up to 40% of the rated speed. My battery group contain 4 series 18650 cell group in 10 shunt battery and still temperature raising rapidly to 50 c and termal termostat is cut of the current in midle of the working progress.I am not sure the 50 c is correct working temperature. Hey Vince Thanks for the useful info. I am building a charger and here is my what i am doing: 1. But 100mA for either of these batteries seems excessively low. Instead, charge them when the battery meter shows one bar left. When i read the voltage, it is indicated 1.8 V, meaning the battery is dead. Thanks for the info. @Vivapo: Yes, the phone did come with a charger. Its a 3rd party charger. On my phone with an extended battery, the phone will drop to 5%, and then continue to run fine for another day. @Kathy: you cannot destroy such a battery with the standard charger, even if you leave it in for 24 hours. To be safe, you need to use a charging circuit that would never exceed 4.2V applied to the battery. Increasing the charge current does not hasten the full-charge state by much. The USB out from wall chargers sometimes can supply over an amp. ;-) 4. This eases the voltage stress. 2022 Isidor Buchmann. What are the short&long term impacts for lithium batteries considering the lifetime of the battery? Installing same batteries (2nd new set) in the other "power pack" that originally failed. My main concern lies in using an adapter that was not bundled with my phone (though both adapters in question are Motorola branded). @Martin, more info: I just found this board, a Protection Circuit Module: http://www.all-battery.com/protectioncircuitmodulepcbfor37vli-polymerbattery85alimit-pcb1s.aspx It's specs show a maximum of 4.25V and a minimum of 2.5V. This is a great post about Li Ion batteries, and I would like to learn more. So 10.5+10.5 in paraller=10.5VDC The question.How do i charge them? The Internet of Things hopes to further automation by placing decision-making in the hands of machines. Should I discharge them all the way before recharging them? I'm asking because I have a setup that can store energy from solar panels in a lithium ion battery and where it would be ideal to just cap the charging voltage of each cell at 3.9V in place of introducing a real charger. 3.7v is nominal, average, half way. It wont affect the potential of the battery as in id be missing out? I am soldering the leads in parallel and series to achieve a pack with 72 volts (or fully charged at 4.2 volts per cell to 75.6V). I recently download an app which I think could be really beneficial for lithium-ion batteries in mobile phones! Great questions from both Nicholas Finch and Richard Goodman. Battery manufacturers advise against parasitic loads while charging because they induce mini-cycles. When "charging" the battery from the mains, phone remains dead. Do anyone know how can I wake up such a cell?.. I suppose this is why so many GPS batteries have died i was charging the battery while using it. Now in answer to another of your questions, it's very inaccurate to assume remaining charge based on voltage, because the voltage drop during a constant discharge from full the empty is not linear. SMBus also supports an "address resolution protocol", wherein devices return a 16-byte "universal device ID" (. Hello, is it true that a cell cannot charge to a higher voltage than the voltage available at the output of the charger? I am thinking of getting the 2200mAh for about $24 for two. Qustion isI cannot identify if batteries are 1500mAh, 2200mAh, or 2600mAh. Is this considered trickle charging over a long period of time? All of them have nicely come up to a full charge. I usually do not complete charge and discharge. This starts a new I. Also when the battery is higher than 80% the charge rate seems to be more linear up to 100%. @vince I have a couple questions I hope u can answer, I recently bought an extended battery for my samsung s3 3000mah. I have also considered a 3000mAh battery with an integrated charging circuit would be better. Regarding Figure 1: Current is listed as being in Amps (A), but is this a typo? To Nolan: You can, but never charge with more than 1C; and that is if you have a 1800mah battery; you shouldn't charge it with 1.8A (1800ma); To Craig: You can charge lithium any time; memory effect is for the very old nicd only. BU-802a: How does Rising Internal Resistance affect Performance? Hey, very good article. Thank you for your time and effortsI very much appreciate the above instruction." (2.1A * 4.2V). Device manufacturers fear that such an option would complicate the charger. I works well and I have tested it several times. Thanks for this very clear explanation. I know, horrible joke! These also have a tendency for the phones to shut off at 40-50%, and have to use 3 to get through the day VS 1 OEM only using up 40-60% capacity, during the day. This charge characteristic is typical of all batteries. A reminder to all: I am not in any way related with this website, the original article, or the author thereof. The true charger is built into the phone. The data is sampled (received) when SCL rises for the first bit (B1). The previous termination point of 4.2 V (chemistry dependent) is unchanged. @peteypablo, I like to imagine charge as a thick goo, and a battery as a big shallow pan, which you only fill from one corner, and the voltage is the height of the goo at that corner of the pan. Chargers for these non cobalt-blended Li-ions are not compatible with regular 3.60-volt Li-ion. How does this apply to an iPhone? how can I accomplish this. Initially charge new battery for 12 hours. I have one charger that outputs 300ma (which is 0.085C), a few 500ma, and 800ma, and one that does a full 1A, but even that one is only 0.3C. I mean if you have to work with battery on because you need to move in the office you cannot put and take off the battery every time. IS IT POSSIBLE TO CHARGE A PACK OF SIX 1.2 LI-ION BATTERIES WITH THE ORIGANAL CHARGER THAT WAS BUILT FOR CHARGING A PACK OF 6 1.2 BATTERIES THE BATTERY PACK IS FOR A SCREW/DRIVER DRILL I WOULD BE VERY GRATFULL FOR ANY HELP EDWARD. 2-3 hours? Can lithium polymer cell phone batteries be over charged if left on charge to long and if left on to long will it diminish battery life. For this i've decided to try charging it manually. 2. how to select a voltage window for a full cell (Li-ion case) while using different anode. I have a solar panel that outputs 0-15.3 volts depending on solar conditions, which in turn powers a 12v-5v USB adapter, which sends 5v to anything designed to accept 5v, such as a phone or a standalone charger, which finally supplies 4.2v to the battery itself. Hello everyone. If the battery is bad, it could read full, and yet not be able to supply enough current to power your phone for very long. Is it elevated self discharge the issue or os it overall capacity? When you say "Discontinue using charger and/or battery if the battery gets excessively warm", what is the temperature range you should discontinue charging? The DC power supply can be reduced below 12 V for lower speeds. I am assuming that there is a concern that the 2 lithium ion modules will become out of balance with each other and risk fire and explosion A consistent 84 volt system will not work in this car Any suggestions that would lead to successful usage of lithium cells in 2 equal but separate 42 volt modules? I'd ask the person you bought it from, or the manufacturer, if all phones of that model behave in that manner. Ronnie, you have not specified how your chargers work, however assuming the chargers are designed for Li-ion ie they can handle the initial surge charging current and don't apply more than 4.2v per Li-ion battery then they are both safe. NOW THE QUESTION IS THAT HOW LONG SHOULD IT TAKE TO FULLY CHARGE THIS BATTERY WITH ABOVE MENTIONED CHARGER ANOTHER QUESTION IS THAT CAN I PLUG THE USB WIRE INTO MY LAPTOP. The battery itself has a protection chip in it to prevent it from being discharged below a level it could be recharged from. - Thx, dear sir Maybe once a year, check it and charge it back up a little if needed. As far as I know, that information is only used to display the % remaining symbol. If you want the batteries to last longer, you need to charge with less current at a slower rate. hi everybody. @A-Freak, It's my understanding that current can only from from higher voltage to lower voltage, so if your charging voltage is 3.9V, current flow will simply stop until your battery pack drops below the charging voltage. 70% charge and it's already at 4120mv which seems a bit high? So if you're fully charged, it's best to unplug it regardless of what you're doing, and if it drops to less than those numbers, plug it back in. WTF, Hi, can someone tell me the best battery type for grid-connected application like MMC battery energy storage system. That's not practical in the real world. zz wrote: what happens if you let a li-ion battery connected indefinitely at 4.0V? As it said earlier, lithium batteries don't like to be neither in a fully discharged state, nor in fully charged. Bottom line is that I'm not qualified to answer your question. Protection circuits built into the pack do not allow exceeding the set voltage. We will examine flex PCB materials and where they appear in layer stacks in this article. It needs 5V to run itself and to output 4.2V. So this advice is supposed to lead to longer overall battery lifespan, but it's effectively cutting the battery's capacity in half for practical day to day use. P.S. I have a data logging voltmeter across the 170 volt series pack. This variation in heat dissipation often leads to questions on cooling fans and their speed. One question: Would charging a Lithium battery with a higher amperage charger (but same voltage) cause any damage to the battery? should i charge it from 65% to 75% is that the best way The original charger of that device is a 3P10-L1016. Longevity is more important to me than run time (extended battery I don't need to charge to 100% anymore as it should easily last a day using only 50%) My questions are what are the best way to charge it upon new? I would be grateful for any info. The ones I have seen have red and green lights. above 30C is detrimental. Would me not following the procedure have a negative impact on the battery after the 3 initial charges is up? I also use BatteryCare to notify me of recalibration. Changing sound volume in intelligent speakers. So, let me just make sure i have this straight. The Li ion charger is a voltage-limiting device that has similarities to the lead acid system. Am I damaging the cells by letting them go up to 3.65V? I've noticed the same thing happens during discharge. the battery seem to work OK. thanks in advance for any help or informations. This process will shorten the overall life of the battery, but once a month should not affect it significantly. Is the battery then being fed a 9V input voltage, or is the phone's charging circuit stepping it down to a typical input voltage with a boost in amperage? I have been talking to a lithium cell supplier who is willing to supply sufficient LIFePO4 120amp cells in 2 seperate and equal modules to provide nominally 42 volts each and a BMS for each These modules are recommended to be wired in series only for 84 volts and that they stay that way He does not recommend that they be connected alternately in parallel for 42 volts 240 amps. Qustion isI cannot identify if batteries are 1500mAh, 2200mAh, or 2600mAh. regards! It should deliver approximately 100mAh for some LEDs every night and as much capacity as possible when needed a few times per year. Now it makes sense. How to charge Li-Ion 3.7V? Whom should I believe, the manufactures' manual or this article? Do you have by chance a similar article about proper discharging a Li-ion cell? Answer: The voltage after charge will drop off or settle lower than the charge voltage, when charged to 4.2 volt the voltage will settle anywhere between 4 and 4.2 volt and over time it can drop lower due to to self discharge At least that's my experience with healthy li-ion cells (they should hold 4+ volt over at least a couple of weeks), Stephen Tice wrote: I am using old 18650 cells from laptop computers hocked up in series to get 37.80 volts to run a 9 Led flush light. So 3 batteries-2 newer 1600mah batteries that dont work at all, and one old 1200mah battery that doesn't last a day, which I've been using since. "Excellent guidance and consulting capabilities by the team, helped us to spend less money and showed enhanced Return On Investment. Alan. Should I leave it plugged in? LiFe 3.3v LiIon 3.6v LiPo 3.7v, there is a difference between lithium ion and lithium polymer batteries. according to the occasion. Also how low before it's too low, it could well be I should be chsrging at 40% but I dont know what ia the ideal voltage ro charge to prolong battery life. From there it drops very quickly at first, then spends most of it's time around the 60%-40% range, where it changes very little, then once below 30% it will drop very quickly again. Is there an absolute minimum charging current? @Paula: An electronic circuit is definitely the best way, because unlike NiCad cells which are not harmed by a constant trickle charge, a simple trickle charge on LiPO cells will eventually charge them to a voltage that degrades their longevity.
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