Coastal wetlands such as mangrove forests, salt marshes, and seagrass beds can sequester three to five times as much carbon as tropical forests if protected appropriately, while also serving as buffers from storms and storage areas for floodwaters. 2022 Cable News Network. Lets pull together and seize this opportunity to save our climate by transforming the way we interact with our ocean. We must learn from local experience as we develop the solutions to combat the very serious climate crisis we face and bring an inclusive perspective into theUN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.. Demand for plastic is rising so quickly that creating and disposing of plastics will account for. Governments can stop them by making better laws. For example, warmer waters may promote the development of stronger storms in the tropics, which can cause property damage and loss of life. You dont have to leave your phone number, but if you do, well use it to keep you updated on how you can get involved through petitions, campaigning, volunteering and donating. If countries are committed to well-planned and responsibly developed ocean-based renewable energy, it could provide one-tenth of global electricity demand and save over 3 billion tons of CO2annually while also helping coastal communities to thrive. Climate Change Solutions | The Nature Conservancy Our Goals for 2030 Tackling Climate Change Climate change is here now. Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, 3 ways we could store carbon in the ocean - without harming it, The oceans are absorbing more carbon than previously thought, How building with nature can lead a green recovery for our coasts, How A Smart Buoy Can Prevent Whale Ship Strikes, Ocean eddies play a key role in replenishing ocean nutrients. Young people offer urgent moral clarity to do-nothing adults. Fostering responsible fisheries Seychelles' 115 islands are an exotic ocean ecosystem of beaches, coral reefs, and unique plant and animal species. How is climate change linked to environmental and racial justice? There are provisions in the bill that will preserve special coastal and ocean habitats for fish and awe inspiring marine life like whales, sea turtles, porpoises, and seabirds. In the yard: Use as little fertilizer as possible. It is well within our capacity to build a sustainable ocean economy that benefits both nature and humanity but we must act now before it is too late. Concerned with the impacts of climate change, the country has committed to decarbonize by 2050. The just-released Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) special report on the ocean and cryosphere in a changing climate (SROCC) details the immense pressure that climate change is exerting on ocean ecosystems and portrays a disastrous future for most life in the ocean and for the billions of people who depend on it unless anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are slashed. In 2015, world leaders signed a major treaty called, Core to all climate change solutions is reducing. While the ocean may look the same as it always has, under the surface it is getting warmer, more acidic, and less productive. As a country with the wealth and power to really tackle climate change, its never been more important to demand that our leaders act. "If we're serious about preventing catastrophic climate change, our ocean is a great place to start." So, it's not surprising that it plays a large part in Earth's environment. But while reducing consumption of these products might be hard, its most certainly worth it. How ocean solutions can combat climate change The ocean can help us turn the tide and holds a portfolio of options to combat climate change. Environmental Science Established in September 2018, the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy (HLP) is a uniqueinitiative of 14 serving heads of government committed to catalysing bold, pragmatic solutions for oceanhealth and wealth that support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and build a better future for peopleand the planet. The ocean can help slow climate change by providing offshore renewable energy and natural carbon storage in blue carbon ecosystems. Your effort and contribution in providing this feedback is much 2. A Warner Bros. This is not some futuristic dream. Blue carbon, the carbon captured and stored by marine and coastal ecosystems and species, offers potential as a "nature-based solution" to climate change. Image: Martin Dawson From changing how we get our energy to limiting deforestation, here are some of the key solutions to climate change. Dr . At the same time, these ocean-based solutions can create jobs, sustain livelihoods and communities, and lead to a healthier ocean. Petrol and diesel vehicles, planes and ships use fossil fuels. What are ocean-based climate solutions? The new Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act encourages our nation to once more be a global leader in novel and critical approaches to climate change solutions. Carbon Dioxide Removal as an Ocean-based Climate Solution, Reliable Scope 3 Emissions Disclosures are Key to Addressing Climate-Related Financial Risks, Action Plan for Blue-Green Shipping Investment in the Pacific, An Ocean and Climate Agenda for the New Administration, Executive Summary: Action Agenda for a Blue-Green Future, Ocean-Climate Actions to Support the Biden-Harris Decarbonization Plan, Ocean-Climate Actions to Support the Biden-Harris Plan to Build Back Better, Action Plan from the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis, Californias Ocean-Climate Guide to Action, Celebrating the First Comprehensive Bill on Ocean-Climate Action, Considering the Deep Sea as a Source of Minerals and Rare Elements, Ocean-Climate Action Along the Pacific Coast, Blueprint for International Ocean-Climate Action, Global Climate Action Summit : Ocean-Climate Action, Overlooked Ocean Strategies to Address Climate Change. "We are starting to see rapid changes to ocean chemistry, marine ecosystems, ocean livelihoods, weather patterns worldwide, and natural disasters globally that impact us all.. But they are using their strength and resilience to demand world leaders take quicker climate action in global meetings, such as COP21 in Paris 2015. (this is the emissions count we need to stay within according to the Paris agreement). Ocean Conservancy is a 501(c)3 Tax ID #23-7245152 Donations are 100% tax-deductible as allowed by law. Planting trees in the right places or giving land back to nature through rewilding schemes is a good place to start. We also need to ramp up our ambitions to decarbonize shipping and marine transport; fortunately, many of the solutions to do this already exist. Its easy to feel overwhelmed, and to feel that climate change is too big to solve. Every fraction of a degree matters. Did you encounter any technical issues? And businesses cant survive without customers. Oceana says stopping new offshore drilling, along with other ocean-based solutions, can deliver nearly 40% of the global emission reductions needed to keep the planet from warming to catastrophic . But adopting sustainable land management strategies could provide more than one-third of the near-term emission reductions needed to keep warming well below the target2C above pre-industrial levelsset by the Paris climate agreement. In Paris in 2015, world leaders from 197 countries pledged to put people first and reduce their countries greenhouse gas emissions. The four principles: 1. The piece then shifts to recognizing the ocean solutions that have the power to combat climate change. As the climate responds to decades of increasing carbon emissions, the store of energy and heat from the atmosphere builds up in the ocean. Given the reports findings, the High Level Panel is launching a Call to Ocean-Climate Action at the U.N. Your information is safe and secure with us read our privacy policy. "What we do over the next 10 years will determine the . By MICHAEL KIMMELMAN. Meanwhile, ordinary people have blocked tankers and fracking rigs, letting everyone know that renewable energy is the answer to fossil fuels. Yet companies destroy forests to make way for animal farming, soya or palm oil plantations. In response to climate change, land is key. Climate change includes global warming and its consequences: melting glaciers, rising seas, damaging storms, and thawing permafrost, among many others. Until now, our ocean has played a relatively minor role in national climate plans and strategies. The Paris Agreement target of limiting global surface warming to 1.5-2 C compared to pre-industrial levels by 2100 will still heavily impact the ocean. Invest in renewable energy. Here's how, Whale Safe: The Tech That Can Prevent Ship Collisions With Whales, The Maldives Is Using 'Aquanauts' To Protect Itself From Climate Change, Ship collisions can kill whales this technology is helping to stop them, The future of carbon offsetting lies beyond saltmarshes, seagrass and mangroves. Costa Rica, Fiji, Chile, and Cabo Verde are among those leading the way, making ambitious commitments to invest in blue carbon, decarbonize shipping, and prioritize expanding protected areas. 1) Despite a rising population, it argues that food demand has to decrease by shifting away from carbon-intensive, meat-heavy diets. World Economic Forum articles may be republished in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License, and in accordance with our Terms of Use. Of the 40 coastal countries that submitted or updated their NDCs in 2020, 37 of them included ocean-based climate solutions. Thanks to meticulous research, the IPCC has adopted methodologies for measuring how protecting these places can contribute to countries commitments to reduce emissions while also generating other benefits. In fact, about a quarter of human-produced carbon dioxide ends up in the ocean . High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy. In Paris in 2015, world leaders from 197 countries pledged to put people first and reduce their countries greenhouse gas emissions. Text and images Greenpeace. All countries need to move their economies away from fossil fuels as soon as possible. Ocean-Based Solutions Four types of actions to reduce the scale and impacts of climate change are considered (Figure 2 ): (1) reduction of atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, (2) solar radiation management, (3) protection of biota and ecosystems, and (4) manipulation of biological and ecological adaptation. Climate change is happening now, and its the most serious threat to life on our planet. First, as ice sheets and glaciers melt, they pour extra water into the oceans. . "A successful ocean climate action plan will leverage both the mitigation and adaptation power of. The first is to find effective ways to reduce the amount of CO 2 in the atmosphere or its impact on average global temperature. Its Easy To Do. From rebuilding coastal mangrove ecosystems for storm protection to investing in offshore wind energy, the oceans hold an opportunity for achieving multiple benefits for people and nature. Major oil and gas companies including BP, Exxon and Shell have spent hundreds of millions of pounds trying to delay or stop government policies that would have helped tackle the climate crisis. As climate change threatens food security, livelihoods, sustainable and inclusive economic growth, countries with coastal blue carbon ecosystems are increasingly looking into We can limit further warming and the dangers it posesif we act now. Over the years, Druehl has watched interest in seaweed come and go. The interaction between climate and oceans is altering, and the exchange is intensifying. he natural world is very good at cleaning up our emissions, but we need to look after it. Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, report commissioned by the High-Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, 37 of them included ocean-based climate solutions, How Green Hydrogen Can Keep the Ocean Blue, How Ocean-Based Solutions Contribute to Net Zero: Key Announcements, How Oceans Can Help Us Tackle Climate Change, Ocean-Based Climate Solutions in Nationally Determined Contributions, Opportunities for Ocean-Climate Action in the American Jobs Plan, Readyor not? With this bill, the ocean -an area that covers 70% of the globe- moves beyond being merely a victim of climate change to being part of the solution. Abstract. Earth naturally warms and cools over hundreds to thousands of years or more. Responding to climate change involves two possible approaches: reducing and stabilizing the levels of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere ("mitigation") and adapting to the climate change already in the pipeline ("adaptation"). The views expressed in this commentary belong to the authors. Costa Rica, Fiji, Chile, and Cabo Verde are among those leading the way, making ambitious commitments to invest in blue carbon, decarbonize shipping, and prioritize expanding protected areas. Weve also called out the UK government for their failure to act fast enough on the climate emergency. But we already have the answers, now its a question of making them happen. 1. The impacts associated with sea level rise and stronger storm surges . But ocean-based climate solutions are not just land-based solutions applied to the ocean. The United States, with its vast and diverse ocean and coastal ecosystems, can also be a champion on these issues as it seeks to step back up to a position of global climate leadership. Your information is safe and secure with us read ourprivacy policy. Fortunately, there are plenty of solutions to climate change, they are well-understood. Recognizing this, as part of its updated nationally determined contribution (NDC) to the Paris Agreement, Costa Rica pledged to protect 100% of its coastal wetlands by 2025, contributing to emissions reductions while ensuring the continuation of other critical functions such as maintaining water quality and reducing erosion. Degradation of coastal and marine . Seaweed's super growing properties can be harnessed to remove billions of tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere and stop cow's burping out methane. Ocean carbon dioxide removal 101. The Paris agreement has the aim of limiting global warming to well below 2C and ideally to 1.5C. It demonstrates in detail, for the first time, how a sustainable ocean economy could play a much bigger role than we previously thought in shrinking our carbon footprint, achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement, and delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals set forth by the UN in 2015. View more opinion at CNN. You can help keep the oceanand other waterwayshealthy by reducing your family's use of chemicals inside and out. Climate Solutions How protecting the ocean can save species and fight climate change New research says preserving more of the world's waters would lead to healthier marine life, better. The ocean has already been our best ally in combating climate change. But we already have the answers, now its a question of making them happen. And recently, the U.S. committed to power more than 10 million homes with offshore wind, enough to cut 78 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2). Thats the equivalent of taking over a billion cars off the road for a year. You can unsubscribe at any time using the link in our emails. The United Kingdom, the worlds largest offshore wind energy producer, has committed to generate over 30% of its electricity from offshore wind by 2030. Demanding action from them is a powerful way to make change happen. This process is known as ocean acidification. Sea-level rise, marine heatwaves, loss of marine biodiversity - some of the devastating impacts of climate change on our ocean, affecting the lives and livelihoods of coastal communities and . The losses would be alarming for the African continent. It could also support energy breakthroughs in other sectors, improve air quality for port communities, and create jobs. Our work is focused on solving some of the greatest threats facing our ocean today. From rebuilding coastal mangrove ecosystems for storm protection to investing in offshore wind energy, the oceans hold an opportunity for achieving multiple benefits for people and nature. The initiative is co-ordinated by the government's former chief scientific adviser, Prof Sir David King. Development, however, must be done responsibly, considering fishing, fragile ecosystems, and other ocean priorities. Individuals can also play a part by making better choices about where they get their energy, how they travel, and what food they eat. Indigenous Peoples are most severely affected by both the causes and effects of climate change. 1. This sector is ripe for innovation and ambition with such opportunities as transitioning to low or zero carbon fuels, slow steaming, improving energy efficiency or wind-assisted propulsion, renewable power when in port, and more. Communities in the Pacific Islands are facing sea level rises and more extreme weather. 284934). Tommy Remengesau Jr. is the president of Palau. The Short Answer: The ocean covers about 70% of Earth's surface. But many are overfished, used for oil and gas drilling or threatened by deep sea mining. The views expressed in this article are those of the author alone and not the World Economic Forum. The fund gives the most crisis-affected communities access to a year of steady financial support. The government can help households heat our homes in a green way such as by insulating walls and roofs and switching away from oil or gas boilers to heat pumps. The ocean's potential to mitigate climate change is also often overlooked. Fortunately, there are plenty of solutions to climate change, they are well-understood. If governments act swiftly on the promises they made in the Paris climate agreement, and implement the solutions now, theres still hope of avoiding the worst consequences of climate change. Learn More About Estate Planning. The oceans influence doesnt stop at the coastline, write co-authors Emily Kelly and Elena Perez. Greta Thunberg waves to crowds waiting for her at the end of a 15-day Atlantic crossing in a zero-carbon yacht. Recent scientific discoveries have found that marine ecosystems are far more. Yet one of the most promising is found in the ocean rather than on land. Cutting down forests on an industrial scale destroys giant trees which could be sucking up huge amounts of carbon. .chakra .wef-facbof{display:inline;}@media screen and (min-width:56.5rem){.chakra .wef-facbof{display:block;}}You can unsubscribe at any time using the link in our emails. Protecting oceans and the life in them is ultimately a way to protect ourselves from climate change. Almost three-quarters of Earths surface is covered by ocean. Ocean Conservancy is working with you to protect the ocean from todays greatest global challenges. Governments want to be re-elected. We can deploy ocean-based climate solutions now to help us keep within sight of the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5C and keep our ocean and coastal communities thriving. Stand with Concern in ending climate change 1. They are often on the front lines, facing down deforestation or kicking out fossil fuel industries that want to put their water supplies at risk from oil spills. But there is a glimmer of hope there is now overwhelming scientific evidence that the ocean can be a potent force in stabilizing the climate and building a secure future for everyone. If we reach a tipping point, we will likely see more extreme weather events, changing ocean currents, rising sea levels and temperatures, and melting of sea ice and . Make A Lasting Impact By Leaving A Gift To Ocean Conservancy In Your Will. Around the world, millions of us are taking steps to defend our climate. The impacts of climate change and sea-level rise around the Pacific and Arctic Oceans can vary tremendously.
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