The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. Firmicutes is mainly composed of Bacillus and Clostridium. J. Appl. CAS doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039315, Article doi:10.1007/s10651-008-0098-4, Lentendu G, Wubet T, Chatzinotas A, Wilhelm C, Buscot F, Schlegel M (2014) Effects of long-term differential fertilization on eukaryotic microbial communities in an arable soil: a multiple barcoding approach. Soil fungi are important soil microorganisms composed of various biological and abiotic factors closely related to plants. This result was inconsistent with results obtained from a eucalyptus plantation (Wu et al., 2011; Zhao et al., 2013). Therefore, sequencing approaches should be complemented with classical isolation and cultivation-based approaches as well as functional validation using enzyme assays to further improve the quality of databases for a better characterization of the dark microbial matter. Effects of canopy and understory nitrogen addition on the structure and eco-exergy of a subtropical forest community. Xia, Y., Li, M., Zhang, S. X., Fu, Q. L., Huang, J. H., Yan, S. M., et al. USA 104, 49904995 (2007). As described previously, such networks in microbial communities were defined as molecular ecological networks, in which different nodes (e.g., functional genes, OTUs) were linked by edges (interactions)20. A major problem in soil microbial analysis has been that most soil microorganisms cannot be characterised by classical microbiological cultivation techniques. PubMed Relative abundance of soil bacterial community at the phyla level under treatments (treatments are described in Table 1) in three soil layers, 010 cm (A), 1020 cm (B), 2040 cm (C). Modularity was described to be a network that could be naturally divided into communities or modules45. Discipline committee of applied chemistry society of Chinese Chemical Society. J. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America. (2021) observed that a decrease in microbial abundance was associated with a decrease in soil pH after 6 years of N addition. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0110808, Article Differences in the structure of bacterial and fungal communities among treatments were examined using principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) with non-parametric multivariate statistical methods (ADONIS). 2013; Tremblay et al. Differential responses of total and active soil microbial communities to long-term experimental N deposition. Research is needed to clarify how soil microbial communities in forests respond to CNA. 2009). volume5, Articlenumber:10007 (2015) The most abundant nitrogen gene was narG, which was mainly derived from uncultured bacteria, followed by amoA, which was largely derived from the bacterial phylum Proteobacteria, one of the largest divisions among prokaryotes29. Potential inhibition of the PCR may be assessed via preliminary tests using serial dilutions of template DNA. The experiment used to demonstrate these methods consists of replicated field plots containing two, pure, warm-season grasses (Panicum virgatum and Andropogon gerardii) and a low-diversity grass mixture (A. gerardii, Sorghastrum nutans, and Bouteloua curtipendula). 2014). Li Q., Song X. Previous studies have indicated that N addition increases, decreases, or does not affect microbial diversity (Allison et al., 2007; Freedman et al., 2015; Nie et al., 2018; Li P. et al., 2019; Wu et al., 2019; Wang J. P. et al., 2021). Amplicon-based approaches targeting variable regions of specific markers (e.g., 16S, ITS, or 18S) are widely used to describe bacterial, archaeal, fungal (Lindahl et al. Liu L., Gundersen P., Zhang W., Zhang T., Chen H., Mo J. M. (2015). P. Natl. Wu, F. S., Su, B. M., He, D. P., Chen, G. Q., Yu, Z. R., Zhang, W. Y., et al. 5, 403413 (2010). Article Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. 1Lushan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Jiujiang, China, 2College of Forestry, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou, China, 3Department of Geography, Minjiang University, Fuzhou, China, 4Yunnan Key Laboratory of Plant Reproductive Adaptation and Evolutionary Ecology, Institute of Biodiversity, Yunnan University, Kunming, China, 5Key Laboratory of Soil Ecology and Health in Universities of Yunnan Province, School of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Yunnan University, Kunming, China. Those phyla that represent >0.1% of the bacterial community abundance are named, while those that represent <0.1% of the bacterial community abundance are referred to as others.. These methods allow researchers to test how the microbial community diversity and composition varies due to sample type, treatment, and plant genotype. FOIA Soil Biol and Biochem 96:176179 DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2016.02.001, Bergkemper F, Kublik S, Lang F, Kruger J, Vestergaard G, Schloter M, Schulz S (2016) Novel oligonucleotide primers reveal a high diversity of microbes which drive phosphorous turnover in soil. Raw GeoChip data were uploaded to the GeoChip data analysis manager ( and pre-processed using the data analysis pipeline as previously described54. The forgotten stage of forest succession: early-successional ecosystems on forest sites. ISME J. Biol. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. More details regarding the PCR amplifications were provided by Ding57. In addition, the Shannon index and the number of OTUs for bacteria were negatively related to soil TN and DON in the 1020 cm layer (Figure 2). In the current study, we speculate that understory removal may have increased the soil temperature and thereby increased litter decomposition in the deep soil, thereby increasing the supply of C for microbial growth; C is considered the most limiting nutrient for soil microorganisms (Demoling et al., 2007). The three samples were collected from a HCH-dumpsite (450 mg HCH/g soil) and comprised of a HCH . (2021). Moreover, to minimize PCR-introduced biases, it is recommended to perform technically replicated PCR reactions for each sample, which are subsequently pooled before sequencing. Overall, the effects of CNA and UR on bacterial and fungal diversity differed among the soil layers (Figure 3; Supplementary Table 2). The study site is located on Shennongjia Mountain, a border region between Chinas subtropical and temperate climate zones22. -, Fierer N. Embracing the unknown: disentangling the complexities of the soil microbiome. Avoid any small root pieces and debris. (2016). As previously described21, random matrix theory-based approaches were used for network construction, hub and connector gene identification and topological property determination with an automatic threshold. Soil microorganisms are important regulators of nutrient cycling and litter decomposition processes (Zeng et al., 2016) that greatly affect plant growth and ecosystem health (Wall et al., 2015). These genes were mostly derived from uncultured archaea and some bacterial phyla of the Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria. Sci. Therefore, human bones found in archaeological sites play an important role in academic research such as anthropology, history, archaeology, and ethnology, and are of great significance for exploring the evolutionary laws of ancient humans, reconstructing ancient human society, tracking the development of human civilization. It can be seen that the microbial community structure between the soil samples of M277 and M501 tomb is significantly different. Dunhuang Res. 2014). Long-term nitrogen addition changes soil microbial community and litter decomposition rate in a subtropical forest. Analysis of the microbial community diversity index in soil in response to the each biofertilizer treatment showed that the OTU diversity and richness were like the control (Fig. Soil temperature at a depth of 10cm (TE10) was significantly higher in the DBF (16.30C) than in the CF (10.83C) and MBF (11.74C), which was consistent with the annual average air temperatures (9.50C, 5.90C and 4.00C in the DBF, MBF and CF, respectively). Article 2018 May 2;(135):57561. doi: 10.3791/57561. Bioinformatics 26:139140. 2014). 4, Supplement Table S1), were distinctly different between the three forest types (Fig. Cult. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher. 2013). Another study assessed microbial community structure by analyzing phylogenetic microarrays across chronosequences of secondary succession of chalk grasslands14. Res Microbiol 167:436450. ISME J. UPARSE: Highly accurate OTU sequences from microbial amplicon reads. Propionyl CoA carboxylase (PCC) was the most abundant carbon fixation gene among the three forest types. Isolation and identification of mold on paper painting and calligraphy cultural relics. Among these, the total abundance of mcrA, which is considered to a diagnostic indicator of methanogenesis28 and the methane oxidation gene mmoX were significantly higher in the DBF than in the CF and MBF, suggesting that perhaps the DBF had a higher functional potential for methane cycling. Rep. 5, 10007; doi: 10.1038/srep10007 (2015). Therefore, taking Yangguanzhai Cemetery as an example, we use Illumina NovaSeq high-throughput Sequencing Technology to analyze the community structure and diversity of the bacteria in the tomb fill, trying to explore the impact of microorganisms on human bones in the burial and preservation environment, so as to provide scientific basis for the microbial prevention and control of bone relics in the archaeological excavation site. Appl Environ Microbiol 79:263272. The structure equation model (SEM) was performed in the piecewiseSEM package (Lefcheck, 2016). A meta-analysis was conducted to examine effects of forest degradation on soil properties and microbial attributes related to microbial biomass, activity, community composition and diversity based on 408 cases from 119 studies in the world. The number of assigned genera in each sample was 250, and the proportion of Archaea in each of the 11 communities was <0.1%. Regarding methane cycling, three key functional genes, mcrA (5-methylcytosine-specific restriction enzyme A), mmoX (methane monooxygenase) and pmoA encoding particulate methane monooxygenase, were detected by the GeoChip. Institute of Forestry Ecology, Environment and Protection and the Key Laboratory of Forest Ecology and Environment of State Forestry Administration, the Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing, 100091, China, Jing Cong,Hui Lu,Xiao Liu,Diqiang Li&Yuguang Zhang, School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering, Central South University, Changsha, 410083, China, State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control, School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China, Institute for Environmental Genomics and Department of Botany and Microbiology, the University of Oklahoma, Norman, 73019., OK, You can also search for this author in 11, 419431 (2008). Duan, Y. L., Wu, F. S., Wang, W. F., He, D. P., and Lu, X. S. (2019). Caporaso, J. 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SOC - soil organic carbon, TN - total nitrogen, AN - available nitrogen, RAP - rapid available phosphorus, AMN - ammonium nitrogen, NN - nitrate nitrogen, MO - soil moisture, TE10 - soil temperature at the depth of 10cm (C), TS - total sulfur, TP - total phosphorus, DOC - dissolved organic carbon, LOC - labile organic carbon. calman calibration tool; unitedhealthcare medicare; rust wayland compositor; microbial diversity in soil microbial diversity in soil The authors declare no competing financial interests. Soil properties were measured as previously described50, including dissolved organic carbon (DOC), LOC, AN, ammonium nitrogen (AMN), NN, total phosphorus (TP), RAP and total sulfur (TS). Bao, S. D. Soil and agricultural chemistry analysis . Then actinomycetes appear as spores or nutrients in different habitats such as soil, aquatic environment, plant litter, compost and food. It remains unclear how the soil microbial community at different soil depths is affected by the interaction of N deposition and understory removal in Chinese fir plantations. Soil MBC and MBN were analyzed using a chloroform fumigation-extraction method. (2016) reported that the effect of CNA on soil microbial biomass differed between subtropical and temperate forests. Fu, Y. M., Jin, T., Zhou, S. L., and Wang, J. Additional studies are needed on the long-term effects of understory removal on the composition of bacterial and fungal communities in different soil layers. Shang Q, Yang G, Wang Y, Wu X, Zhao X, Hao H, Li Y, Xie Z, Zhang Y, Wang R. World J Microbiol Biotechnol. Contrary to our expectations, understory removal had minor effects on bacterial and fungal diversity (Figure 3; Supplementary Table 2). ISME J. All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. In Yangguanzhai Cemetery, 94 soil samples were tested for pH, and the pH value was between 8.40 and 9.33, with an average value of 8.95, which was alkaline soil. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles Epub 2022 May 6. Besides coefficient choice and statistical validity, stringent high cut-offs can be applied on the correlation strengths (>|0.6|) to avoid integration of weak observations and false positives, at the cost of excluding many false negative interactions. Nat Rev Microbiol 5:384392. The phylogenetic relationships of all OUT (Operational Taxonomic Units) representative sequences were obtained by using music software. B., Fu S. L. (2012). Consistent with this view, TN, AN and NN concentrations were higher in the CF and MBF than in the DBF, while the ammonium concentration was higher in the DBF than in the CF and MBF (Supplementary Table S1). -. These results . B., Romanowicz K. J., Upchurch R. A., Zak D. R. (2015). The bright side of microbial dark matter: lessons learned from the uncultivated majority. Molecular ecological network analyses. Molecular characterization of microbial communities in the rhizosphere soils and roots of diseased and healthy Panax notoginseng. Mol Ecol 23:33413355. The SEM analysis showed that soil pH, DOC, and DON explained 47.00% of variance in the bacterial community (Supplementary Figure 3). 9, 117125 (2010). These results were verified by dissimilarity tests using analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) and multiple response permutation procedure (MRPP) algorithms (Supplementary Table S3). The backbone tree was. Nature 459, 193199 (2009). Wall D. H., Nielsen U. N., Six J. Cult. The red area is the distribution area of different genera in M277.D group and the green area is the distribution area of different genera in M501.D group. doi:10.1111/nph.12243, Lusk RW (2014) Diverse and widespread contamination evident in the unmapped depths of high throughput sequencing data. Statistical analysis is performed to detect associations between the microbiome and specific soil measures such as crop yield or crop diseases. Conserv. Referring to the Tags quality control process of QIIME (V1.9.1), each sample data is separated from the offline data according to the barcode sequence and PCR amplification primer sequence. piecewiseSEM: Piecewise structural equation modeling in R for ecology, evolution, and systematics. Furthermore, a network analysis of microbial carbon and nitrogen cycling genes showed the network for the DBF samples was relatively large and tight, revealing strong couplings between microbes. Int. Moreover, CNA significantly decreased the relative abundances of order Archaeorhizomycetales, Eurotiales, Helotiales, and Venturiales, and the interaction of CNA and UR affected the relative abundance of Mortierellales in the 010 cm soil layer (Supplementary Table 4). Soil pollution occurring at mining sites has adverse impacts on soil microbial diversity. In contrary to plant communities, the microbial taxonomic diversity of the DBF was significantly (P<0.05) higher than those of CF and MBF, rendering their microbial community compositions markedly different. PubMed Central Going back to the roots: the microbial ecology of the rhizosphere. High-throughput sequencing and qPCR techniques were used to determine the abundance, diversity, and composition of bacterial and fungal communities in three soil layers. 2016). A. Nitrogen fixation in methanogens: the archaeal perspective. Canopy and understory nitrogen additions did not significantly change the community structure of soil fauna under a mature subtropical forest. Redundancy analysis (RDA) of the relationship between bacterial community composition at the operational taxonomic (OTU) level and soil physicochemical properties across treatments in three soil layers, 010 cm (A), 1020 cm (B), and 2040 cm (C). 2,4-6) however, in conventional hydroponics, organic fertilizers After the barcode and primer sequence are intercepted, the reads of each sample are spliced with FLASH (V1.2.7), filtered and processed to obtain high-quality tags data (clean tags). (2016) but after 5 years of CNA in the current study. The plant communities and the soil geochemical properties of the three natural forest types were analysed (Supplementary Table S1). PMC legacy view 2016). Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in The wetland soil was very rich in resources of bacteria and archaea,. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) of soil microbial community based on high-throughput sequencing data (a) and GeoChip data (b). Cline, M. S. et al. Evol. 2016). The latter finding was inconsistent with Wang J. P. et al. Nitrogen cycles: Past, present, and future. 24, 233246 (2003). It can be seen that after archaeological excavation, the soil near the human bone at the bottom of M501, which was exposed to the atmosphere for 1 year and experienced environmental mutation, not only reduced the diversity and complexity of bacterial community, but also produced new species with significant differences and disappeared the species with significant differences in the closed space soil at the bottom of M277, it is possible that the sudden exposure of soil to air after archaeological excavation will lead to the death of some bacteria, and the change of environment and the exchange with atmospheric microorganisms will also lead to the production of new bacteria. Biol Fertil Soils 53, 485489 (2017). Dunhuang Res. A decrease in Proteobacteria relative abundance and an increase in Chloroflexi relative abundance were also observed for the UR treatment in the 1040 cm soil layer (Figures 4B,C). Figure 9. 6, 693699 (2008). 9, 393398 (2000). 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The images or other third party material in this article are included in the articles Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in the credit line; if the material is not included under the Creative Commons license, users will need to obtain permission from the license holder to reproduce the material. Thermal cycling consisted of initial denaturation at 98C for 1 min, followed by 30 cycles of denaturation at 98C for 10 s, annealing at 50C for 30 s, and elongation at 72C for 30 s. Finally 72C for 5 min. 2020 Jul;66(7):413-433. doi: 10.1139/cjm-2020-0085. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btp616, Salter SJ et al (2014) Reagent and laboratory contamination can critically impact sequence-based microbiome analyses. Epub 2022 Sep 8. Microbial communities are able to respond more rapidly than plant communities to environmental changes, which in turn affect ecosystem processes, such as carbon and nitrogen cycling, because of the vastness of microbial biomass and diversity12,13. Plots were treated once every 2 months starting in June 2014 and continuing until sampling in April 2019. Litter was removed from the soil surface before the cores were taken. Wayne plot of OTU number in soil samples from M277. (2016) Coping with copper: legacy effect of copper on potential activity of soil bacteria following a century of exposure. Song, Z. Q., Wang, L., Liu, X. H., and Liang, F. (2016). J. Shaanxi Normal Univ. Like the decrease in soil DON, bacterial abundance decreased mainly in the 2040 cm layer. Contrary to the effect of CNA, removing understory plants significantly increased bacterial abundance in the deep soil (Figure 1C), which partly supported our second hypothesis. At the gene family level, most carbon cycling genes remained unchanged (Supplementary Fig. Usually, soil has good ecological conditions suitable for microbial survival, so the growth, reproduction and metabolism of microorganisms in soil are relatively vigorous. World Antiq. In addition to being affected by how N is added, the response of soil microorganisms to N addition can be affected by forest or stand type (Zechmeister-Boltenstern et al., 2011; Zhou et al., 2017). (2013b). A possible explanation for the inconsistency is the difference in forest type, i.e., the current study was conducted in a coniferous forest, and the study of Zhao et al. 2011). RDA analysis revealed that the first two RDA axes explained 16.1% of the variance in the bacterial community and that soil DON (F = 3.9, p = 0.008) followed by soil moisture and DOC were the most important factors associated with bacterial community composition in the 1020 cm layer (Figure 6). & Miyanishi, K. Testing the assumptions of chronosequences in succession. 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In addition, bacterial gene abundance was negatively correlated with MBC and MBN in the 1020 cm soil layer (Figure 2). Vitousek, P. M., Turner, D. R. & Kitayama, K. Foliar nutrients during long-term soil development in Hawaiian montane rain forest. They have a high survival rate, and Firmicutes metabolic activities produce acetate and lactate, which have a continuous impact on bones. 6, 16211624 (2012). Finally, the information that can be gained from sequence-based approaches heavily relies on the quality and completeness of reference databases.