The last reason why books should be banned is that parents might want to introduce their child to a topic at a certain point in their life. Many people believe that banning a book is violating their 1st Amendment right of free speech because you cannot simply limit someone to what they should read. Whether cigarette smoking should be banned in public places or not remains a controversial issue that will most likely concern years to come. Parents are guardians of their children and have the authority to tell if a book is unfit for their child. Guns should be banned because today we hear more about kids and teenagers killing one another accidentally or for murder with a gun, but this is not because we don't have enough laws on guns. The book is about a young married couple and their life. This book doesnt have much in it to get it banned but for the little that is in it got it banned. Shatoni Madison When a set religion or belief system establishes that they are against medical vaccinations, they have the right to argue. The banning of books interferes with certain rights. Open Document. Our basic right the freedom to express ourselves as we see fit is guaranteed by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution as stated from the text, Schools and Censorship: Banned Books. Adults may want to shield their kids from taking in explicit or dirty knowledge, yet eventually, children get older and become much more exposed to the details of the true world, not just from books. Constitutionalist do not support ending the life of an unborn regardless of whether it was an assault. Banning books is necessary since they provide inappropriate content that can influence bad behavior, books can be distracting on school grounds, and parents might want to introduce their kids to specific subjects at a certain age or time. Since the use of cell phones has increased, cyberbullying is also starting to increase. Parents should take responsibility for their child and help them grow and prosper. Racial insults are undeserving for First Amendment protection because the perpetrators intention is not to discover truth or initiate dialogue, but to injure the victim (Lawrence, pg 175). Adapting to students culture is important for a teacher to do, especially when teaching a diverse school because making those personal connections are crucial to building relationship with the students and their community. It creates a false sense of reality for children. Doing so prevents people from learning about the harsh and unsettling truths in life, which are often reflected in books tackling sensitive themes. When it comes to reading, every student has different experiences in regards to what they are interested in reading. All of these things can be major distractions in school and all students shouldnt do the things I have mentioned above., Censorship is the removal of information from the public. This paper evaluates the two sides of the debate and finds that a ban decision is gratuitous and counterproductive. Banning this book is a disservice to American students as you are trying to cover up part of the U.S.' past and preventing them from reading a truly remarkable piece of literature. Teaching about controversial issues in the classroom can provide a safe place for students to ask questions, express their fears, learn how to listen to one another, and deal with the difficult topics of pluralism, creation of a common civic culture, and the benefits and challenges of living productively in an . Are, Many people think that books should be banned and others disagree. Books such as Ray Bradbury's ""Fahrenheit 451"" are being banned daily. Some books are banned in schools and libraries because they contain uncomfortable topics or offensive language; however, some people believe banned books are worth reading because they incorporate life lessons that students can learn from. There is much more to most frequently challenged books than a controversial topic., Banning books may have a negative outcome for children, taking so much away that they could have learned. Other parents might be ok with their child reading Where the Wild Things Are. Although, parents these days are overprotective, The first amendment: freedom of speech is violated with censorship. . Argumentative Essay: The Banning Of Books In Schools 703 Words3 Pages Salman Rushdie once said, "What is freedom of expression? No. Jaquan was in the library trying to choose a book he was interested in but he couldn 't because the book he was looking for was banned. People such as publishers who wish to reprint the book with censored words have no respect for literature and just care about printing more copies for more money. This is evident since books expose students to content that is inappropriate. The first reason why certain books should be banned from schools is that books can be a negative influence on students. samples are real essays written by real students who kindly donate their papers to us so that With all information given the class starts reading the book. The amount of original essays that we did for our clients, The amount of original essays that we did for our clients. By implementing different cultures books, they are expanding their knowledge of other cultures that they are not familiar or were never aware. The banning of books interferes with certain rights. Finally, it is not right to interfere with others first amendment. The principal that removed the two pages acted reasonably as the newspaper is an extension of a journalism class and is subject to being under control a faculty member. But remember that word could help the reader know what is going on in the book, so parents also need to be cautious of what they white out., There is very little tolerance for censorship on literature (Banned, 1). Browse essays about Banned Books and find inspiration. The topic is if schools should ban books, well I kind of get why teachers and professors would want to get rid of books but think about the students you're taking away good books from them. Our First Amendment Right states, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. (Your Bill of Rights). If a book is conflicting with your values, dont read it. If books were banned we would have less options to read and our. New book on forgotten LGBTQ+ First Amendment case Rowland v. Mad River Local School District (1985) FAN 354 Blog November 2, 2022. Argumentative Essay on Should Homework Be Banned From School? There are plenty of valid reasons why books should not be banned. UJIYEDIIN: The American Library Association says the number of attempts to ban school library books was 67% higher in September 2021 than in September 2020. Copyright 2022 All rights reserved. Banned Books Awareness agrees, stating that "John Green is a respected Young Adult novelist whose books depict the real-world lives of teenagers and consistently receive national acclaim by critics and literature educators". Order original paper now and save your time! A recent banning of books for having age inappropriate content has been debated, but books should not be banned because children will eventually be exposed to the content, children need to learn theyre history, and children are being deprived the right to representation, as stated in the Constitution. Although this seems to be the case, more than 11,300 books have been challenged for controversial material since 1982; 311 books were challenged recently in 2014 (American Library Association). Get sample for $1 According to, an average school day in the United States is 6.64 hours, meaning an average school week is 33.2 hours. Banning books may have a negative outcome for children, taking so much away that they could have learned. 100% plagiarism free, Orders: 21 Being allowed to smoke in public gives people the freedom to choose, which is their right. Children should be allowed to read specific books if given permission. Before the class starts reading the book the teacher discusses an issue with the books depiction of concentration camps during World War 2, he explains how the students have to look at how times were back then and how the author wants to inform the reader about history that he experienced. Plagiarism-free papers. People should not get all worked up over a piece of literature. These subjects have led to the banning of this book in many classrooms and libraries. Therefore, it is illegal to ban books from the people., One of the things that makes this country great is our freedom to say, write, and read whatever we want. In some cases, banned books have been burned or refused publication. Book banning has become so common that the last week of September is known as Banned Books Week. Thirty Thirty, that is the number of books that were banned or challenged in the United States in the year 2017. liz kolb, an assistant professor at the university of michigan school of education from the article "as schools lift bans on cell phones, educators weigh pros and cons," says that, "they're really seeing them as a learning tool, not just a toy for entertainment, and they're seeing that they can be cost effective for the schools instead of having . The most prevailing reason for banning cell phones in class is because they are "disruptive to the educational environment" (The National School Safety and Security Services). In conclusion, the thought of censoring in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is plainly idiotic. Student safety is other than using cells phones for gang and drug activities, like when a decade ago (The National School Safety and Security Services). Books that are censored dont have the originality and history of the original copy of the book. It suppresses the message Mark Twain is trying to send by, as Hetert-Qebu Walters says, changes are another form of censorship, seeking to gloss over the complexities of life during a horrific period in American history. therefore destroying the meaning of the novel. Censoring books puts a limit on the education of the readers. With that being said, authors or writers should not get their books banned or challenged since they have the freedom of voice to state his/her opinions or thoughts on some paper. The writer might be currently busy with other orders, but if they are available, they will offer their bid for your job. First, Can we actually claim--seriously--that the reasons, the motives, the causes are different, and that this difference is sufficient to justify the distinction between the rejection which we will call selection and the rejection which we will call censorship (Asheim 2). In our constitution it states we have freedom of speech and press. Many books just like this one that contains explicit subjects are, This quote is important because it was using an idiom and some young students might think they have to actually walk in someone 's skin to get to know a person. You are going to request writer Estevan Chikelu to work on your order. For each of students, we need to enact speech, The first amendment of the United States Constitution protects citizens rights to; freedom of the press, peaceful assembly, religious freedom, the right to petition the government, and the right to free speech. 4). Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist.". Children should be allowed to read specific books if given permission. Freedom of expression and of opinion is for everyone, not just for the people that the majority thinks are right. Analysis: No, the rights of those staff members were not violated. Books Should Be Banned Essay, My Pet Dog Essay For Kg, Power Of Writing Essay, Rebuting The Conterarguement On Having . Not everyone has the same style, which causes outrage when certain books are banned.