Initially, only the elite converted to Islam. Morocco seized on the internal weakness of both empires and invaded West Africa to take control of the regions resources and trade. England fought mostly with Portugal, whereas France fought mostly with Spain. Researchers estimate that 75-200 million people died between 1346 and 1353. Entire towns and cities grew to service the needs of merchants moving along the trans-Saharan trade network, while others turned into market towns where merchants would gather and sell their goods. The once mighty and wealthy Mali weakened and began to collapse following a civil war. On the east coast, Swahili merchants took advantage of trade winds to engage in trade relations with the Middle East, India and China. The impacts of the trans-Saharan exchange networks were that they expanded globalization. The opening up of trade routes elsewhere, and the rise of, These city-states truly achieved international trade, The top of the social structure in the Mali Empire was the, mansa or ruler, who controlled all the people within it. Large Islamic trading empires developed that controlled West African trade. Clans are kin-based networks where many people within the community are related. Identify the significance of the Kingdom of Mail and Mansa Musa. SUNDIATA 5. They ranged from expansive trading . Others mined gold in West Africa or salt in North Africa. Some of these leaders spread, wealth and prosperity over the land, while others, Swahili City States grew in size as commerce and, population increased, therefore they became. The Swahili city-states growth was due largely to the. They gained in power as a result of all the traders. Mongols, pastoral people from the steppes of Central Asia, ruled over significant areas of Asia and Eastern Europe during the 13th century. TIMBUKTU 6. With the creation of these new relationships came a cross pollination of culture and ideas. Match. In the Yoruba myth of creation, Obatala. The wealth and power of these kingdoms came from trade across the trans-Saharan trade routes. Ancient Roman mosaic depicting a merchant leading a camel train. Africa 1200-1450 CE Quiz. Fiveable study rooms = the ultimate focus mode , 300 CE - 1000 CE, Western African Trade gold for salt with North African, 1400-1500, replaced Mali, Conquered Mali and then collapsed because of slave trade, This region is along the eastern coast of Africa allowing its use of both the Trans-Saharan Trade Network and the Indian Ocean Trade Network. Education at one of the regional learning centers (see below) was in Arabic. Islamic culture spread into West Africa with the Islamic religion. Caravanserais spread across the trans-Saharan network. Flashcards. Test. Wealthy merchants and traders also commonly spoke and conducted business in Arabic. They specifically site Bananas, Champa Rice (a fast growing rice that can grow two full crops per . Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. The Indian Ocean traded "regular goods", in bulk and at a lower cost. The expansion of the Trans-Saharan reshaped Northern and Western Africa. After the conversion of Mali and Songhai to Islam, people came from West Africa to study in towns and cities with learning centers like Timbuktu and Djenne. increase in trade along the Indian Ocean Basin. Consider enrolling in Heimler's AP Essay CRAM Course: this video Heimler talks about the cultural consequences of trade in 1200-1450. Created by. As merchants introduced Islam into East Africa, it not only changed the religion of the Bantu, but created an entirely new language: Swahili.And merchants carried technological advancements with them as well. End of preview. Africa's north/south alignment and lack of domesticable animals prevented the development of transcontinental political powers and limited the development of trade networks. In this market, salt slabs are broken and packaged into smaller amounts. Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. What caused the growth of trans Saharan Trade networks was that, Mali was an opportunity of success and it was, they started off with a great ruler they had . Control over the gold fields and trade routes could make or break the fortunes of a ruler or kingdom. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. North and West African slavery increased as wealthy rulers in West Africa increased the number of enslaved people they bought, and merchants exported more enslaved people to North Africa. ; Various important and historic trade routes such as the Silk Road, Trans-Saharan trade route, and Silk Road were made during this time period so that empires and countries could buy and . Characteristic Maya Aztec Both Developed an economy based partly on trade Developed a society, Which of the following was NOT a division of Yoruba government? Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. The term funduq means inn in Arabic. Much like the Americas before 1450, Africa was largely tribal or clan-based. Not to mention, the relative safety of the Afro-Eurasian trade routes provided the occasion for travelers to see the world and report back, not least of whom was Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta.This video corresponds to Unit 2 Topic 5 in the AP World History: Modern curriculum. West Africa developed several wealthy and powerful trading empiresMali (c.12301672) and Songhai (c.14641591) were the two largest. Increased trade brought more wealth to West Africa. Explain the causes and effects of trans-Saharan trade. Islam spread to West Africa with Muslim merchants who traded in the region. The Saharas environmental conditions made trade across the desert riskywater is scarce, temperatures are commonly above 100 F, violent windstorms blow sand, making visibility difficult, and shifting sand means the landscape is constantly changing. Which additionally prompts the spread of religion for instance Islam and Arabic composition. Depending on conditions, one trip across the Sahara could take weeks or months. The Great Mosque of Djenne is built with mud and located next to the central market of Djenne. other goods being transported into the city states, They went through a lot of change, as they had a, variety of leaders, some of whom were good and, others who were not. These trading empires converted to Islam and supported the development of Islamic culture in the region. Over time, the Mali Empire became stronger and took over. Review and, Which three of the following statements about convenience checks are true? Identify changes and continuities in Islamic civilizations between 1200 and 1450. Camels were first introduced to the Sahara region around 200 CE as part of trade caravans from the Arabian Peninsula. As stated in Unit 1B of this course, "We will find in our study of literary masterpieces from the past many intricate, Both Sundiata and Popol Vuh deal centrally with a heroic quest . Which of the following is true of the Han Dynasty? Islam, the Trans-Saharan Trade Network and the Indian Ocean Trade Network are examples of unifying factors for many of these clans. Interactions with Islamic merchants led the elite of these trading empires to adopt the Islamic religion, changing the regions culture. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like impacts of the Bantu migrations, matrilineal, How did political organization in some parts of Africa differ from that of Eurasia? and more. Historical Development 2 Improved commercial practices led to an expansion of trade in North Africa along the Trans-Saharan trade routes. Mali Empire Swahili City-State Summarize what you learned from the lecture and the PBS documentary Africa's Great Civilizations: Causes of the Growth of trans-Saharan trade networks. Schools and universities opened dedicated to studying the Quran. The Indian Ocean became the largest sea-based trade network in this time frame. Mansa Musa travels the Trans-Saharan Trade Network on his hajj (pilgrimage) to Mecca in Arabia, exposing those along the way to Mali's wealth and power 1200 CE - 1400 CE, replaced Ghana, Islam unites Mali and those it conquers. Slabs of rock salt for sale in a market in Mopti, Mali. . This scarcity created an incentive to trade across the harsh desert environment. If you leave this page without saving, or if your session times out, any answers you have not saved will be lost. Its city-states were united in trade and variations of the, This eastern kingdom was a lone Christian kingdom in a region converting to Islam. Learn. Fast caravans averaged 25 miles each day. Trans-Saharan trade began for the same reason as other global exchange networks the desire for goods unavailable in buyers home regions. The period from the eleventh through seventeenth centuries represents a golden age in Africa with an expansion of trade, commerce and prosperity. Component procedures may authorize DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Ordering Officers to make purchases up to the simplified acquisition threshold in which three of the following cases? The environmental effects of various networks of exchange in Afro- Eurasia from c.1200 to c.1450. Effects of the growth of trans-Saharan trade networks.-Camels and saddles allowed trade to happen more efficiently and increased how much goods were brought back, which encouraged trade and made the travel over the Saharan desert easier-Islam . Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. For this reason, these kingdoms leaders encouraged trade and supported merchant activity. Different African and Eurasia societies continually improved camel saddles to increase the weight camels could carry. Songhai rose to replace it as the dominant power in the region, but by the end of the 16th century, it too was weakened by civil war. Merchant caravans often numbered 1,000 camels but could be as large as 10,000 camels. All the Songhai kings were Islamic. Trans-Saharan trade rapidly increased after the introduction of camels from Central Asia to North Africa. Timbuktu was the chief commercial center of Mali, where merchants from the Arab states of the north gathered to trade gold, slaves, ivory, and most importantly salt, gathered from throughout Sub-Saharan . Scholars estimate that slave traders moved as many as nine million enslaved people along the trans-Saharan trade routes. Innovations in commercial practices and technology made the journey quicker and safer. Political stability resulting from dominance allowed trade across Eurasia to expand. Learn faster with spaced repetition. Goods for sale was arguably the least important thing that merchants carried from place to place. Explain the causes and effects of growth of networks of exchange after 1200? While trade across the Sahara existed before recorded history, peak trade on the routes was between the 8th and 17th centuries. Identify the mosque and Jenne, and explain how it represents the impact of Islam in Africa; Understand the role of Islam on trans-Saharan trade routes. 2 AfricaRenewal August 2014 Address correspondence to: The Editor, Africa Renewal Room S-1032 United Nations, NY 10017-2513, USA, Tel: (212) 963-6857, Fax: (212) 963-4556 Camel saddles were significant technological innovations that allowed merchants to utilize camels to move people and goods. Caravans often traveled at night because the days were too hot. The Trans-Saharan trade network is a network of trade routes that connect North Africa with sub-Saharan Africa across the Saharan deserts. However, the bulk of actual trade happened on the Indian Ocean. Language: The Arabic language became the governing and legal language. 2.6 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES Freemanpedia. Improved transportation technologies led to an expansion in trade in North Africa on the Trans-Saharan trade routes. The earliest trade started with the exchange of Gold in West Africa for Salt from North Africa. Mansa Musa (c. 1312 1337) made it the state religion in 1324. They also carried with them cultural and technological goods as well, and it was these offerings that had a disproportionate impact on the cultures into which the merchants came. 1) Funds must be available to cover the check value and the bank's processing fee 2) The Cardholder can dispute a. desertification, deforestation, soil erosion, drought, and inadequate supplies of potable water The interactions that ensued led to the formation of the unique Swahili culture and city states, especially those facilitated by trade Overall, over the course of 300 years, the Northern and Southern eras of the Song Empire were prosperous. I know we tend to think of the Silk Roads and luxury items being sold when we picture trade routes. Caravanserais were inns where traveling merchants could stop, rest, relax, and resupply before moving further down the trading network. that came into the empire and were taxed. These kingdoms brought unity, continuity, and complexity to the regions they controlled. The Black Death was the deadliest pandemic in human history. However, conflict over wealth and power often weakened societies from the inside. Rulers in West Africa and Egypt used enslaved people in their militaries as highly trained soldiers. 1. We'll talk about syncretism in religion. Mansa Musa is a famous and powerful king who built mosques and famous libraries in Timbuktu (capital). Heavier loads meant merchants could transport more goods, which lowered costs and increased profits. nataly_camila05. The network operated as a relay system, with goods moving between different merchants and trading cities. Check all that apply. The Indian Ocean trading network fostered the growth of states. This preview shows page 1 - 2 out of 4 pages. Not until the 19th century did many ordinary West Africans begin identifying as Muslim. 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