(g) In accordance with the principle of freedom of association, staff members may form and join associations, unions or other groupings. There will be stages in any negotiation when it will not be possible to provide detailed reports, particularly if other countries have not made their positions or proposals public. (d) The United Nations shall pay the travel expenses of eligible family members as defined under paragraph (a) above of a staff member holding a fixed-term or continuing appointment, subject to conditions established by the Secretary-General, under the following circumstances: (i) On appointment of a staff member who is considered to have been internationally recruited, under the provisions of staff rule 4.5, provided that the appointment is for a period of one year or longer and provided that the services of the staff member are expected by the Secretary-General to continue for more than six months beyond the date on which travel of his or her family members commences; (ii) Following completion by the staff member of one year or more of continuous service, provided that his or her services are expected by the Secretary-General to continue for more than six months beyond the date on which travel of his or her family members commences; (iii) On change of official duty station, provided that the services of the staff member at the new duty station are expected by the Secretary-General to continue for more than six months beyond the date on which travel of his or her family members commences; (iv) On separation of a staff member from service, provided that the staff members appointment was for a period of one year or longer or the staff member had completed not less than one year of continuous service; (vii) On travel of the spouse to the duty station, in lieu of the staff members family visit travel under staff rule 7.1 (a) (vii); (viii) On travel approved in connection with the education of a staff members dependent child. Certain provincial and territorial measures are also excluded from the scope of the Chapter. (s) Staff members shall not engage in any outside occupation or employment, whether remunerated or not, without the approval of the Secretary-General. Schools should send the Financial Aid Award Sheet in the same manner as they send a financial aid award or package in response to a financial aid application. To fall under the disciplines of the ASCM, a subsidy has to be either actionable or prohibited. Review the New York Student Loan Borrower Bill of Rights to learn about your rights. production, transport or distribution of gas). Secretary of the Advisory Board on Compensation Claims. Canada has done so along the same lines as above with respect to market access. Canada, for example, has taken reservations with respect to certain social services (i.e. testing, inspection, certification, approval). Additionally, federal-provincial-territorial ministers, deputy ministers and senior officials also meet regularly to discuss Canadas pro-trade plan, priorities and strategies. (a) The purpose of the repatriation grant provided by staff regulation 9.4 is to facilitate the relocation of expatriate staff members to a country other than the country of the last duty station, provided that they meet the conditions contained in annex IV to the Staff Regulations and in this rule. Student debt relief companies in New York may NOT do the following: Student debt relief companies must also make specific disclosures in and follow specific rules for their contracts. Such compensation shall be payable at periodic intervals for the duration of the disability and in addition to compensation payable under article 3.1 (a), as applicable. The following contributions are not eligible and must not be included in your FHSS determination: If there are any of these amounts in your request for a FHSS determination, your request may be delayed. 10. (f) The provisions of paragraph (e) above insofar as they relate to staff members in the General Service and related categories shall be deemed to have been satisfied if such staff members have received consideration for suitable posts available within their parent organization at their duty stations. Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (a) All staff in the General Service and related categories, except as stipulated in staff rule 4.5 (c) below, shall be recruited in the country or within commuting distance of each office, irrespective of their nationality and of the length of time they may have been in the country. While obtaining these very substantial benefits, Canada has not given up any of our core values or policies. It also resolves disputes and supervises the work of committees and working groups. Tip: You cannot claim American Opportunity Credit and the Lifetime Learning Credit for the same student in the same tax year. (b) Separation as a result of resignation, abandonment of post, expiration of appointment, retirement or death shall not be regarded as a termination within the meaning of the Staff Rules. When can you start checking your refund status? If you do not choose a repayment plan, your loan is automatically placed into the Standard Plan, which provides a ten-year repayment term and requires payments of at least $50 per month. Article 5 requires that conformity assessment procedures not be stricter than is necessary to ensure that products comply with applicable requirements. Its requirements are broadly similar to the disciplines applied to technical regulations. (a) A staff member who is assigned to regularly scheduled night-time tours of duty shall receive a night differential at a rate and under conditions established by the Secretary-General. The grant is paid in instalments upon the incurring of relevant expenditure on an annual basis until the grant amount is exhausted. If you have received or are entitled to receive a recoupment in relation to expenditure that has been taken into account in working out the research and development tax offset for certain related entities, this will affect your clawback adjustment. You do not need to make loan payments during a period of deferment. (j) Pensionable remuneration: the definition of pensionable remuneration is set out in article 51 of the Regulations of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund. Limited procedural rules to ensure non-discrimination, transparency and impartiality apply to P3s. (a) A former staff member who held a fixed-term or continuing appointment and who is re-employed under a fixed-term or a continuing appointment within 12 months of separation from service may be reinstated if the Secretary-General considers that such reinstatement would be in the interest of the Organization. In conformity with principles laid down by the General Assembly, the Secretary-General shall make appropriate provision for the classification of posts and staff according to the nature of the duties and responsibilities required. In principle, the repatriation grant shall be payable to staff members who have completed at least five years of qualifying service, whom the Organization is obligated to repatriate and who at the time of separation are residing, by virtue of their service with the United Nations, outside their country of nationality. chapter XI of the Staff Rules. NAFTA Chapter 11Article 1108(7)(b)excludes grants, including government-supported loans, guarantees and insurance, from the application of the national treatment provisions ofArticle 1102, the most-favoured-nation provisions ofArticle 1103and the senior management and board of directors provisions ofArticle 1107. Such amount shall be calculated as is done for the commutation of accrued annual leave under staff If you do not provide a specific way to apply the payment, servicers must apply the payment in your best interest. The amount of the clawback adjustment is the extra income tax CompanyP will need to pay in the income year ending 30June 2016. Monopolies and Exclusive Service Providers Article VIII. A standard is voluntary. Subsequent negotiations in the area of telecommunications services also took place following the end of the Uruguay Round. To help you understand the total cost of your student loan, private student loan lenders must clearly disclose the loans annual percentage rate, finance charge, amount financed, and total of payments before you sign the loan agreement. The federal government no longer makes loans under the FFEL program. notional deductions for CRC contributions. Under Chapter 19 of the CETA, Canada and the EU have committed to ensuring that the procurement activities equivalent to or above certain monetary thresholds of a wide range of contracting entities are conducted in a non-discriminatory, impartial, transparent and accountable manner. Annex 19-4 notes that the Chapter applies to all goods procured by entities identified in Annexes 19-1 through 19-3, unless otherwise specified. If a WTO Member believes that countervailing duties have been applied to its exports improperly, it can challenge those duties through the WTO dispute settlement system. The CETA GP Chapter excludes procurement in respect of agricultural goods made in furtherance of agricultural support programs or human feeding programs. On May 23, 2018, the U.S. Department of Education issued a bulletin announcing the temporary expansion of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program. (b) Unless otherwise specifically prescribed by the Secretary-General, night differential shall not be paid for the same work for which overtime payment or compensatory time off is allowed or for any hours when the staff member is on leave or in travel status. We will take into account the tax that has already been withheld in respect of your assessable FHSS released amount, together with the 30%taxoffset. Chapter 12 contains no strict obligations with respect to non-discriminatory quantitative restrictions (e.g. In addition, Article 1106(6) indicates that Parties are not prevented from adopting or maintaining certain measures, including for environmental purposes, provided they are not applied in an arbitrary or unjustified manner or do not constitute a disguised restriction on trade or investment. (b) Numbering (1) FAR provisions and clauses. If you are unemployed, facing economic hardship, or in another approved circumstance, loan deferment allows you to delay repayment. Chapter III Such established rates shall be subject to the provisions of paragraph (d) below and to reductions in cases where lodging or meals are provided free of charge by the United Nations, a Government or a related institution. There are a number of different federal loan repayment plans available to Direct and FFEL loan borrowers. Measures must be based on scientific principles and a risk assessment, must not be discriminatory, must be applied only to the extent necessary to achieve its appropriate level of protection and must not constitute disguised restrictions on trade. the notional decline in value (if the expenditure relating to the recoupment was for an R&D asset) under Division355 of the ITAA1997. Conditions governing entitlement to benefits for internationally recruited staff in the light of residential status shall be set by the Secretary-General as applicable to each duty station. If provided on market terms, it is unlikely to confer a benefit. Such information must be provided in writing by the staff members physician. Retirement under article 28 of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund Regulations shall not be regarded as a termination within the meaning of the Staff Regulations and Rules. (a) Staff members whose salary rates are set forth in paragraphs 1 and 3 of annex I to the present Regulations shall be entitled to receive dependency allowances for a dependent child, for a disabled child and for a secondary dependant at rates approved by the General Assembly as follows: (i) The staff member shall receive an allowance for each dependent child, except that the allowance shall not be paid in respect of the first dependent child if the staff member receives a single parent allowance under regulation 3.5; (ii) The staff member shall receive a special allowance for each disabled child. As trade agreements support Canadian businesses in obtaining these advantages, they also help support the economic and social foundations of municipalities. Article 1103 does not require a Party to enter into a relationship with a U.S. or Mexican company simply on the basis that it entered into one with a company of a non-NAFTA Party. Payment of any compensation under the present rules to a minor shall be made to the minors parent or legal guardian. In 1995, the majority of WTO Members had scheduled commitments for value-added telecommunications services only; Members also adopted a GATS Annex on Telecommunications, which seeks to ensure access to and use of public telecommunications networks and services. If there are two or more dependent children, the compensation payable shall not exceed the maximum set out in article 3.4 (a) and shall be divided equally among such dependent children. In addition, schools may include the estimated monthly repayment amount for such loans. (l) No staff member shall accept any honour, decoration, favour, gift or remuneration from any Government. The English and French texts of the Staff Rules are equally authoritative. New Yorks FY 2020 Enacted Budget included legislation that requires entities servicing student loans held by New York borrowers to obtain a license from the Department of Financial Services. Article VIII requires that a monopoly supplier of a service must not be allowed to act inconsistently with a Member's MFN obligations or the specific commitments listed in a Member's Schedule of Commitments. The analytical questions provided in Part II are designed to assist municipalities in identifying situations where this might be the case. Tip: To find your federal student loan servicer, visit studentaid.gov/dashboard. Gas (e.g. A staff member shall be responsible for ascertaining that he or she has the proper authorization before commencing travel. Before turning to the substantive obligations in Chapter 11, therefore, it is important to review some key exceptions relevant to municipal government measures. For example, it notes that certain goods and services are excluded from coverage under the Chapter, such as procurement in respect of shipbuilding and repair for sub-central entities in certain provinces, and broadcasting and procurement of transportation services that form part of a procurement contract. Governments are thus free to pursue their regulatory objectives and have a wide array of choices for implementing such objectives. Public service loan forgiveness is not automatic. Article 19.5 obliges Parties to publish information on its procurement system (e.g. (a) Staff in the Professional and higher categories and in the Field Service category, and staff in the General Service category considered internationally recruited pursuant to staff rule 4.5 (c) who are appointed or reassigned to a new duty station may be paid a non-pensionable hardship allowance. For example, the basic threshold for goods procurement for Canadian and U.S. entities is CAD $28,900.00 (in effect from January 1, 2016, to December 31, 2017). While your school sets the maximum federal aid amount that you can receive each school year, there are limits on the amount of subsidized and unsubsidized loans you can receive each year and in total throughout your education. Post adjustment and rental subsidy. How do I know if I am contacted by or working with a student debt relief company? As special leave with full pay in the case of adoption of a child; b. If administrative leave is without pay and either the allegations of misconduct are subsequently not sustained or it is subsequently found that the conduct at issue does not warrant dismissal or separation, any pay withheld shall be restored without delay. These staffs shall form a part of the Secretariat. The program is available to families earning up to $125,000. (b) Travel expenses and other entitlements, including travel time, shall be limited to the amount allowable for a journey by the approved mode, dates, route and standard of travel. (f) Any form of discrimination or harassment, including sexual or gender harassment, as well as abuse in any form at the workplace or in connection with work, is prohibited. Compensation for death, injury or illness attributable to service. The staff members sick leave credit under staff rule 6.2 at the time of separation shall be re-established; the staff members participation, if any, in the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund shall be governed by the Regulations of the Fund. You can read about the specific types of companies and services that are covered here, however the following are generally not considered student debt relief companies and generally offer free assistance: If any person or company offers to assist you with your student loan for a fee, they are likely a student debt relief company regulated by New York law. The article also affirms that Parties may impose a requirement that a majority of the board of directors of a company be nationals or residents provided, however, that this requirement would not materially impair the ability of the investor to exercise control over its investment. subsidies or incentives). Section B of Chapter 7 does not explicitly exclude provincial or municipal measures from its coverage, nor is there any language in Section B to suggest that it was intended for such measures to be excluded. Disclaimer: This document is provided for information purposes only and does not in any way constitute legal advice or represent legal interpretations by the Government of Canada. Once CompanyL spends this amount and meets other milestones, the Australian government agency pays the grant of $250,000. This is only allowed under certain circumstances, which include cases where: no suppliers satisfied the conditions for participation; patents, copyrights or other exclusive rights must be protected; or purchases are made under exceptionally advantageous conditions, such as those arising from liquidation, receivership or bankruptcy. Within these constraints, however, the Government remains committed to an open and collaborative approach to international trade negotiations. Part I,Key Provisions of WTO Agreements and NAFTA in Greater Detailprovides further information on the above Chapter Eleven provisions. With respect to police forces, only those goods listed under paragraph 2 of Annex 19-4 are covered by the Chapter. (k) A staff member travelling on home leave shall be required to spend no less than seven calendar days, exclusive of travel time, in his or her home country. (a) The salary levels of staff members in the Professional and higher categories and in the Field Service category that were higher than those at the maximum step of their grade upon conversion to the unified salary scale on 1 January 2017 shall be maintained as a pay protection measure, until such time as the staff member is promoted or separated from service. The grant agreement between CompanyQ and an Australian government agency specifies that CompanyQ is required to spend $1million (including grant funding) on a particular project, which it does in the same income year. Trade Facilitation:A term used to refer to a streamlining of trade and customs procedures. Government officials gather on a quarterly basis, or more frequently as required, at meetings of the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Committee on Trade (known as C-Trade) to review the trade agenda overall and to consult on the formulation of Canadas position and strategies in trade negotiations. (d) The Secretary-General may at any time terminate the appointment of a staff member who holds a probationary appointment if in his or her opinion such action would be in the interest of the United Nations. It takes the reader to the next level of detail, proceeding through a series of questions designed to help identify which trade agreement provisions might be applicable in given circumstances. The national treatment provision requires Canada to treat U.S. and Mexican investors and their investments no less favourably than it treats Canadian investors and their investments in like circumstances. If you have difficulty making your scheduled payments, you have other options to explore. (c) Staff members have the duty to report any breach of the Organizations regulations and rules to the officials whose responsibility it is to take appropriate action and to cooperate with duly authorized audits and investigations. A typical government procurement is generally understood as one that is both for government purposes and not for commercial sale. Student Start-up Loan (SSL) and ABSTUDY SSL schemes. The obligations in CETA complement this broader public policy objective. The annexes are organized to separately identify the entities at the central government level, sub-central government level, and other entities such as Crown corporations or public utilities. Remember that ATM withdrawals, ATM fees, debit card purchases, online purchases, and recurring debits (like cable bills and rent) can affect your available balance. These more specific objectives may be established by subject area or sector by sector, and they form the basis for the Canadian negotiating mandate, which must be approved by Cabinet. (a) Official travel shall, in all instances, be by a mode, route and standard of travel approved in advance by the Secretary-General. (b) The United Nations shall not pay the travel expenses of family members of staff members holding a temporary appointment. (b) No payment in commutation of the period of accrued annual leave shall be made to a staff member who is dismissed under staff rule 10.2 (a) (ix) for sexual exploitation or sexual abuse in violation of staff rule 1.2 (e). It prohibits Members from imposing certain limitations on market access, such as limitations on the number of service suppliers or employees in the sector, the value of transactions, the legal form of the service supplier or the participation of foreign capital, unless they have been specified in their Schedule. Annex 19-1 identifies the central government entities whose procurement is covered by the Chapter. Both revised New York forms are available below. Article 1203 is the most-favoured-nation (MFN) treatment provision. the right to take sanitary and phytosanitary measures; the right to establish appropriate levels of protection; measures must be based on scientific principles (based on a risk assessment as appropriate); not be discriminatory; must not be unnecessary obstacles or disguised restrictions on trade; and transparency (notification and opportunity to comment prior to implementation). Investors can choose to invest in part of a loan or to provide the entire loan amount requested. It also involves maintaining an ongoing dialogue with a broad range of stakeholders, including Indigenous Peoples, youth, and women. Your FHSS request may be delayed or cancelled if you provide incorrect information, and you may not be able to apply under the FHSS scheme in the future. Continuity of such service shall not be considered as broken by periods of special leave. If you have answered no to any of these questions, you will not need to make a clawback adjustment at this point in time. (c) On separation from service, entitlement to unaccompanied shipment expenses under staff rule 7.15 (h) and (i) or relocation shipment under staff rule 7.16 shall cease if the shipment has not commenced within two years of the date of separation. (a) Salary advances may be made to staff members under the following circumstances and conditions: (i) Upon departure on extended official travel or on approved leave involving absence from duty for 17 or more calendar days, including the endmonth pay day in the amount that would fall due for payment during the anticipated pay period(s) occurring during the staff members absence; (ii) In cases where staff members have not received their regular pay, through no fault of their own, in the amount due; (iii) Upon separation from service, where final settlement of pay accounts cannot be made at the time of departure, subject to the advance not exceeding 80 per cent of the estimated final net payments due; (iv) In cases where new staff members arrive without sufficient funds, in such amount as the Secretary-General may deem appropriate; (v) Upon change of official duty station, in such amounts as the Secretary-General may deem appropriate. 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