An article on using templates with auto-generated columns in the WPF DataGrid. Running this query will show columns where templates are used. DataGridTemplateColumn.CellEditingTemplate, MessageBox.Show(McDataGrid.SelectedItems.Count.ToString()+, Mastering WPF DataGrid in a Day: Hour 1 Introduction, Mastering WPF DataGrid in a Day: Hour 2 DataGrid Layout and Border, Mastering WPF DataGrid in a Day: Hour 3 DataGrid Header, Mastering WPF DataGrid in a Day: Hour 4 DataGrid Rows, Mastering WPF DataGrid in a Day: Hour 5 DataGrid Columns, Mastering WPF DataGrid in a Day: Hour 6 DataGrid Columns In-Depth. The data context for DataGridTemplateColumn is DataRowView. Would it be possible to provide an example of this as I am unsure how to target the header of a datatemplateColumn, I have been using the example below to quickly test my bindings before creating them programmatically, Would it possible for you to add to this to show me how to target the header of the DataGridTemplateColumn. 2022 C# Corner. We return this as the DataContext for the template. I replace the DataGridColumn with a DataGridTemplateColumn if the DataType is of type A, The radiobutton is shown, but I get binding errors for all properties, like. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Imagine you need to display 50 fields in a DataGrid but a row can only display up to 10 columns. Assignment problem with mutually exclusive constraints has an integral polyhedron? it will show triangle image (created using path) on every row header like : Now, we need to Expand RowDetail on click of . Return an instance of that data template as return value. This article shows how you can use a DataTemplate for automatically generated columns with an attached property. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. To make the sample application a bit more useful, code to allow the user to copy the data from the DataGrid to the clipboard is included. Does a creature's enters the battlefield ability trigger if the creature is exiled in response? 2022 C# Corner. The name of the property to which you can assign a DataTemplate depends whether the control is a content control or an ItemsControl. For example, a template is used for showing clickable links. The reason for this is that when opening the context menu, the focus changes and the DataGridCell goes out of edit modus. Why don't American traffic signs use pictograms as much as other countries? Did the words "come" and "home" historically rhyme? As of now I don't have an environment where I can create a working sample. Width="100" Header="Comb">, and is used to store the column names and templates. Content="{Binding In the CellEditEnding event, you cancel the event when a context menu is open. Binding to a non-INotifyPropertyChanged source will cause a leak. Listing 34 shows how to set the RowDetailsTemplate property of the DataGrid. Is this meat that I was told was brisket in Barcelona the same as U.S. brisket? DataTemplate is, basically, used to specify the appearance of data displayed by a control not the appearance of the control itself. CellEditTemplate: Gets or sets the data template for the cell in edit mode. In this Hour 7 part of Mastering WPF DataGrid in a Day series, I will cover the use of a data template in a DataGrid. A DataTemplate value is set as the RowDetailsTemplate of the DataGrid. From the cell, we can get the DataContext (DataRowView) and we can get the cell's Column. From the cell, we can get the DataContext (DataRowView) and we can get the cell's Column. Something likes the follow will not work: , My problem is the header is also set at runtime so I need to be able to measure the column header and set the comboBox width as the same. If we bind Listbox itemsource property to employee array, binding calls ToString() method of the class and populates the listbox with the return value. Not the answer you're looking for? DataGridTemplateColumn (); column.Header = field.Caption; column.IsReadOnly = ! <>. Data template is a bit of XAML that describes how bound data is displayed. What to throw money at when trying to level up your biking from an older, generic bicycle? The Margin property sets the margin of placement of DataGrid on the window. How would I go about generating a DataTemplate programmatically in C#? In my last article, we saw how to work with the DataGrid columns. I don't think I would have figured this out on my own. . To achieve this, create a CellTemplate or CellEditTemplate for the column: CellTemplate: Gets or sets the data template for the cell in view mode. If you don't specify a data template, WPF takes the default template that is just a TextBlock. You can define a data template as either XAML or as a resource.