The biggest crime of Flux, though, was shoving The Doctor's companions out of the main action, particularly Yasmin Khan (Mandip Gill). It had to be a season eight episode that has the unwanted honor of being the worst modern Doctor Who and 'Kill the Moon' is one of the most derided episodes. How a writer's divisive Doctor Who movie spent 25 years being hated by fans The 1996 TV movie is possibly the Time Lord's most controversial on-screen outing. One of Britain's most recognizable (and most larger-than-life) character actors, Tom Baker is best known for his record-setting seven-year stint as the Fourth Doctor in Doctor Who (1963). Katy Manning's joyful companion made a huge impact alongside Jon Pertwee in the 70s, you couldn't fail to fall for her. But as far as I've seen, the most hated companion of all time is easily Adric. Thanks to Big Finish audio . The Tenth Doctor version, palyed by David Tennant, and Rose Tyler, were the most loved partners at the series, unfortunately at some moment, they were both separated forever, stuck in different dimensions, and then the new Doctor and a new Companion . By: Tempest Geekitude, Rants. Yes, this may be a bit of a cheat answer, but my pick for the top companion of the series is actually a two-headed . The most popular companion of the "classic" era . 2. Everyone loves Earthshock because he gets snuffed in the end. The fans decrying the show . He gets to play an interesting role that not many of the Doctor's companions can . But with the departure . . 8) The Seventh Doctor. Hmight be an old man, but I think he holds a place in the hearts of many Doctor Who fans out there. Early Tom is considered to be the show at its best, with high scores for his first three seasons: season 12 - 8.02 out of 10, season 13 - 8.25, and season 14 - 8.25. Some didn't like the new Doctor (incorrect), most hated the new theme song (so did I), and others were concerned that the plot was a retread of "Smith and Jones" and "The Girl in the Fireplace" (rightly so). BBC. RELATED: Doctor Who: 10 Most Hated Supporting Characters. 1. She is certainly not a bystander and in a lot of the stories, she played as much as a role of the Doctor in pushing the story, and in the end, she becomes a quasi-Doctor herself. I do find his erudite elocution bizarre for a boy who grew up in a swamp and joined a gang of melon-stealing rebels - shouldn't he be a bit more… common? Early Tom is considered to be the show at its best, with high scores for his first three seasons: season 12 - 8.02 out of 10, season 13 - 8.25, and season 14 - 8.25. He started out as a clownish character . Amy Pond - Karen Gillan did a lovely job with Amy Pond, if Pond was to be mostly disliked by fans. 14. Yesterday the Doctor Who crew announced that they'd chosen the new Doctor Who companion that will take over from Karen Gillian and Arthur Darvill: Jenna-Louise Coleman. Danny Pink was the love interest of Clara in the 12th Doctor's first season. The Doctor has got a comfy Dalek seat of his own, having stolen Davros's souped up wheelchair — no matter how evil Davros is, the fact that the Doctor left him alone and essentially helpless . Steven Moffat's era as Doctor Who show-runner brought new everything: a Matt Smith-shaped Doctor, a fresh TARDIS, and a much-hyped new companion in Amelia Pond. Of course, the reason Ryan is the most useless companion to ever set foot in the TARDIS is mostly the fault of Chris Chibnall, who made the character, and failed the character in the first place, but no need to continue to beat that dead horse here. The Doctor watches his friend save the day knowing it's going to kill her. Donna Noble was the Doctor's best friend. Which Companion has The Doctor disliked most? Meeting the Doctor and Steven has given him a freedom, a chance to . Movies. In other words, she would have to choose between Danny and the Doctor. Notably, Danny was critical of the Doctor and saw him as a danger to Clara. Today we celebrate a few of the rare non-human companions that have joined him over his many lives. Sassy, silly and sexy. Jo made an amazing return to the . Jo made an amazing return to the . [Deleted User] Posts: 168. He's inquisitive and clever, and as he's a teenage boy he's meant to be a little bit irritating to the Doctor (and to Tegan) - and in the hands of a more competent actor this could easily have worked well, and Adric would have been more fondly remembered. Actors who have played Doctor Who. Which companion of the Doctor do you hate the most. However . Considering it is multiple factors, here are the Doctor's best companions since 2005 from bottom to top. Before we ever know her name or properly meet her, we can tell that Eye Patch Lady is evil. Moffat has heaped much praise upon Miss Coleman and said that her energy matches and even exceeds that of Matt Smith, so we . That's why this gets . . When the end comes for a Doctor and another one steps in, it is not the end of the journey for fans. Sassy, silly and sexy. However, despite being such a popular companion, her clothes were often quite boring and plain. Pink was introduced in order to initiate some conflict involving Clara. No one ever said that companions had to be likable. But with the departure . She hated racism and felt ashamed when she shouted a racist word at a friend. Jo Grant. Colin Baker (classic series, seasons 21-23) (Photo by BBC) Known for: Hideous taste, a love for his own voice. They seem to like to criticize most things Moffat-related. Graham O'Brien (Bradley Walsh) is a member of Team TARDIS and a companion of the 13th Doctor. He was initially introduced as a double-agent, which made it . Poor Graham. The First Wave (Doctor Who: The Companion Chronicles, 6.05) Audio CD - November 30, 2011 . (from the ''new'' doctor who) Personally I hate Donna Noble really bad, she's extremely annoying and has a very ''punchable'' face. Katy Manning's joyful companion made a huge impact alongside Jon Pertwee in the 70s, you couldn't fail to fall for her. Vislor Turlough was played by Mark Strickland and there seems to be a schism in the fandom on this character. Rose traveled alongside both the Ninth and Tenth Doctors, and eventually came to fall in love with her Time Lord best friend. RELATED: Doctor Who: 10 Most Hated Supporting Characters. She kidnaps Amy and the baby, making herself one of The Doctor's most hated enemies. He "gets" it, he gets the Doctor, and becomes one of the most trustworthy companions of the Doctor. He was born in 1934 in Liverpool, to Mary Jane (Fleming) and John Stewart Baker. That's just because it's the Doctor Who Facebook page. It's tough work being a companion to a centuries-old time-travelling alien who has seen more things and places and people than most humans could even begin to conceive — so it's little wonder . I liked some of the companions but it just isn't the same without Rose. That is the concept of the episode: the moon is an egg that's about to hatch, causing . Steven Moffat's era as Doctor Who show-runner brought new everything: a Matt Smith-shaped Doctor, a fresh TARDIS, and a much-hyped new companion in Amelia Pond. Even going back and re-watching the episodes, he just comes off as juvenile. Over the course of the series, The Doctor has picked up all kinds of different people, some more randomly than others. The fan-favorite character finally grabbed focus at the end . It's so cold. In his book, The Writer's Tale, a collection of emails between 2005-2010 showrunner Russell T. Davies and Doctor Who Magazine journalist Benjamin Cook, Davies described Donna as "an equal to the Doctor, a friend, a . As it turns out, Madame Kovarian wants to use Amy and Rory's daughter to go after The Doctor. Answer (1 of 21): Initially, I was going to say that since Doctor Who returned in 2005, successive showrunners have made the same decision: that having the primary companion as a modern Earthwoman makes the show more relatable. Kamelion The shape-shifting android Kamelion was a very brief companion of the Fifth Doctor . Jo Grant. To answer your question, though, no. Forum Member. The closest we would get to a decent male companion was Glitz, who only appeared twice, but would have made a better companion than Peri or Mel. . In order, here are the most underrated. Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor. RELATED: Doctor Who: 10 Most Hated Supporting Characters. . Donna is certainly a favourite absolutely, but Wilf is at the top . Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor. 'Kill the Moon' can be summed up in five words: 'the Moon is an egg.'. 10 Donna Noble Left in the dust by a dashing time-traveling alien.) No wonder he left home. 24/12/13 - 14:02 #12. An Apple a day may keep the doctor away, but what happens if you have a Windows PC and no computer science degree? Sylvester McCoy's Seventh Doctor is a bit of an enigma, wrapped up in a question-mark vest and Panama hat and brandishing an umbrella. One of the more interesting companions, story-wise, actually. Peter Davison filtered fellow Doctor Tom Baker's eccentricity through '80s cool, looking like Don Johnson from outer space in his three seasons at the helm of . I'm probably in the minority, but for me it's Rose. An episode featuring an alien man giving birth was criticised as being part of the "PC agenda", when in reality it felt more like a lazy attempt at trans inclusion. Amy Pond/Rory Williams. 14. 9. Somehow he always reminded me of Vyvyan from the Young Ones - but without the cojones. 10. Compared to the the Fourth and Tenth Doctors, the Time Lord's other eight lives tend to be overlooked. Kill the Moon. Rose . March 22, 2012. Along with this, there are the Companies of the Doctor, and the most hated one was Clara Oswald. Graham O'Brien. Ace was the angriest companion the Doctor ever had, and the most complex. The companion is the viewer's way into the story, so their job is to . Highlight: His quiet dismay when he learns his companion Peri (Nicola Bryant) was killed due to a Time Lord plot in "The Trial of a Time Lord." Following the human and vulnerable Davison, Colin Baker was intended as a return to the crabby, spiteful Doctor of old. Vislor Turlough. - but he was given a lot more character background than, . However, despite being such a popular companion, her clothes were often quite boring and plain. From the lovable Donna Noble to the memorable Sarah-Jane Smith, here are the top 10 companions ranked by intelligence. Menu. That was Turlough, the would-be assassin of the Doctor. While it was hard to root for . An episode featuring an alien man giving birth was criticised as being part of the "PC agenda", when in reality it felt more like a lazy attempt at trans inclusion. Created specifically by Russell T Davies to be a foil to The Doctor, Adam was a rare example of a companion who got chucked out of the TARDIS for being a general douche. Mostly, there was a lot of conversation about Moffat's decision to make Amy, the Eleventh Doc's new Companion, a kissogram. 09/10/11 - 23:49 in Doctor Who #1. 21 MADAME KOVARIAN. She was the most specific and relatable companion of the 1980s: an angry teen who hated her mother and burned down an old house, trying to channel her rage and aggression into doing something good. Oliver is a young man whose life compelled him to live a secret, one that he hated having, but which discretion compelled him to maintain in the environment in which he lived. Clara does have an extraordinarily different companion arc. She helped him rediscover himself and he helped her become the woman she was meant to be. 6) Amy Pond. Rose traveled alongside both the Ninth and Tenth Doctors, and eventually came to fall in love with her Time Lord best friend. Michael Grade, the inexplicably famous television producer and noted cigar-tease, has once again restated his deep dislike for classic Doctor Who.This will come as a deep shock to all those fans who either died before 1984 or - having not lunged with sufficient vigour for the 'off' switch during Part 2 of The Twin Dilemma - have only recently wakened from that deep, kind coma. Rebecca Root to become first-ever Doctor Who transgender companion. 9. Sarah Jane Smith (The Hand of Fear, 1976) "Don't forget me, Doctor." "Until we meet again, Sarah…". Some have meant an awful lot to the Timelord, while others seemed to just 'be there' as dressing. I just never liked Adric. 8. Ace fancied soldiers as much as she was . Colin Baker (classic series, seasons 21-23) (Photo by BBC) Known for: Hideous taste, a love for his own voice. The fans decrying the show . If anything, I've noticed Rose has received a lot of "hindsight flak" in recent years as . Adric's basic character isn't too bad. Answer (1 of 14): I've never understood the Adric hate that some people seem to have. Peter Davison filtered fellow Doctor Tom Baker's eccentricity through '80s cool, looking like Don Johnson from outer space in his three seasons at the helm of . All the way through Song for Freedom the Doctor knows what is going to happen. But if you had to think about it, which companion would be the most intelligent? I just don't think she's that strong . The most bile seems reserved for the companions, with even Amy Pond and Rose Tyler, the two most popular companions in the revamped show s brief history, having their online detractors. 6) Amy Pond. 14 of 17 5th. The Computer Comprehensive Companion contains over 100 powerful tricks to broaden your computer knowledge, any single one when applied which will save you countless heartaches, money, and time, possibly a marriage. All through "Earthshock", he just sits and pouts and fights with The Doctor. Personally, Clara's far from my favorite companion, but even I could tell you she's typically in the upper echelons of many fans' favorite companions list.. Highlight: His quiet dismay when he learns his companion Peri (Nicola Bryant) was killed due to a Time Lord plot in "The Trial of a Time Lord." Following the human and vulnerable Davison, Colin Baker was intended as a return to the crabby, spiteful Doctor of old. He has to leave the TARDIS behind to be with his grandson. but she also tried to snog him which most fans hated. She was not just the audience substitute unlike other companions. Clara is definitely one of the most hated companions of Doctor Who. 6 Danny Pink.