However, when it comes to standard literature, it's usually best to steer clear when possible. You can use a tool like a character profile to make sure that youre covering all these bases! All these strategies should help you avoid flat main characters. Enter your email or get started with a social account: A humanitarian crisis is unfolding, we must come together to help Ukrainians in the face of tyranny and violence. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. Even though they are not a deep character that readers are invested in, they will understand the characters purpose. Thus, she does not transform throughout this play, proving her as a flat character from beginning to the end. You may select to use flat and round characters to create . Round characters feel real, complex, and relatable, and they can potentially help you navigate all the highs and lows of your own life. While she is the main focus of the story, Ariel is flat due to her unwavering obsession with what dwells above the surface of the ocean. They often do not learn anything from their experiences, or they are simply in the story to fulfill a role. For more tips on creating round characters, check out Creating Characters and this Step-By-Step Character Profile. Today, people sometimes mistakenly believe the the term "flat character" is only ever used tocritique a character who theythink is poorly-written. Explanations and citation info for 34,455 quotes across 1656 books, Downloadable (PDF) line-by-line translations of every Shakespeare play. "Flat" is not necessarily about characters advancing, gaining power, being smart or stupid, etc. LitCharts Teacher Editions. The teacher in the Charlie Brown series. Published in Sometimes the hardest part is simply identifying when youdohave a flat character on your hands especially if you're not exactly sure what constitutes one. Again, having two-dimensional characters never spells automatic death for your book. Perhaps the most iconic flat character example is Marty McFly from Back to the Future. A flat character might change over the course of the story in some wayand therefore qualify as a dynamic character" (for instance, the "bully" may discoverBuddhism and change his ways)but this doesn't necessarilymakethe character any more complex or lifelikethey might just shift from one sort of flat to another sort of flat. They are able to use her to carry out their plans and schemes. A character is said to be "round" if they are lifelike or complex. It will be the raison d'tre for your story and will largely impact the shapes of both the narrative and character arcs. Flat Character Definition. This can be a "good" change as in a positive character arc or a "bad" change as in a negative character arc. Get a quick-reference PDF with concise definitions of all 136 Lit Terms we cover. Both of these monikers point to the same thing: a character who has very minimal complexity, and often renders the story less believable as a result. Examples of Flat Characters in Literature Example #1: Gertrude from Hamlet (William Shakespeare) Outwardly, Queen Gertrude seems to be a caring mother of Hamlet , but inwardly she is a weak-willed lady, who walks blindly through her life, is not aware that Claudius has trapped her by murdering her husband, or that he has seized her husband's . She is flat because she is defined only by her unending devotion to her husband. Purpose in the story: To be the perfect heroine in a timeless story about good triumphing over evil and people getting their karmic due. Absolutely they have few complex characteristics and exist mostly to interact with the main character of their respective stories. In this circumstance, when a character is flat but the story seems to demand that they be more than flat, then the creation of the flat character was a mistake on the part of the author rather than a purposeful choice. However, this character growth is told to us, not shown (and it doesn't make Ginny any more complex). When you know how to write a flat character, you are on your way to learning how to write a book. Some are there for only a chapter while others are present throughout. In other words a flat character has no depth. Protagonists are often round characters simply because readers know a lot about them, but any character in a story can be round. Heres a quick and simple definition: A character is said to be "flat" if it is one-dimensionalor lacking in complexity. This is not an. Henry is a self-educated man who was . They understand where they fit into the story and why they are there. While also considered classics by many, Disney has truly carved itself into a category of its own. Though she feels dejected due to Johns cheating, she does not turn against him despite his wrongdoing. Writers use these characters to create a specific atmosphere in the complex narrative structure. Flawlessthe flat character does not have any flaws worth exploring. Flat characters are not always bad. Take a look at these ten fantastic examples from recent years. It's completely free! While there are some stories focus entirely on only one or two characters, most have several that are present throughout the story. One way to go about visualizing each arc is by plotting a timeline on a blank sheet of paper. Types Round vs. flat. As we learn more . Definition of Flat Character. Let us know in the comments below. Purpose in the story: To love and support Pip as his uncle. Their unchanging state helps readers to understand the place of this character. Also, she represents more open-minded woman in the novel, as she sees error in social structure of Maycomb. We know that he is a good and loyal friend to Romeo. . They are written specifically so audiences can pay attention to them for a specific reason. Gertrude has no idea why Hamlet is upset about her marriage. A flat character is not necessarily boring, weak, or poorly-written. Mark down the major events (or turning points) of your story on it. They tend to be most effective when used in a more comical way. The family disapproves of her husband, who has a kind heart but not a lot of money. Flat characters are two dimensional and stay the same throughout the novel, in contrast to that round characters are more complex and surprise the readers by their change in behavior and other aspects. In other words, a flat character has no depth. He is someone Harry can go to and trust. How does each external event affect your character? They are not fleshed out. You can always start with a character archetype and expand on it, making the character come to life. In the Harry Potter series, Crabbe and Goyle are flat characters. Her appearance does change, but she herself remains the same. Her main role in the play is to advance Paris as the man that Juliet should marry. For this reason,Forster wrote, flat characters are best when they are comic," whereas"a serious or tragic flat character is apt to be a bore.. Writers generally bring them out when: So a flat character isn't necessarily abadcharacter; it's all about how you use them. Here's a run-down of the basic difference: While flat characters generally arealsostatic, this is not always true. A flat character is a character in a literary text that is not very well developed by the author. Having one or two flat characters that serve an important purpose is okay, but having a story or novel full of flat characters is undesirable. Flat characters also do not change during the course of the story. In the movie The Wizard of Oz, the Wicked Witch of the West is an example of a flat character. Much of a characters depth will also derive from their backstory. They usually play an important role in the story. They are often referred to as one- or two-dimensional characters, usually having one. True Grit by Charles Portis: Mattie Ross is a beautiful example of a static character who bends the world around her. What is a flat character example? But having a flat character or two isn't the end of the world or even the end of your story! Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. . If an evil side character did this it could drastically change the direction of the story. Examples of flat characters. Her personality is basic and she is naive. They have a single role in the story. They also don't undergo any kind of change to make them more well-rounded. Not necessarily. Purpose in the story: To serve as the untouchable figurehead in a straight detective series. Pheoby's role in the story is to help advancethe plot, and to allowreaders to focus on Janies story. This pressure to be with Paris is a big conflict in the story. Rather than spitting out tons of narration, the writer can have one of these side characters reveal some details instead. Here's the most important information about round characters: In Harper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird, the narrator and protagonist, Scout, is a round character. These characters are also remembered because of the value they add to the story. Another example of flat character is The Crucibles Elizabeth Proctor, who is a self-righteous woman, who always believes in doing something right. Here are a few of the most common ones: While flat characters are often important parts of stories, it is also important to note that authors can also inadvertently create flat characters who feel too simple for the roles they are given in the story. Many people think that the term flat character is a criticism or description of how a character is written. Flat characters will have elements and traits that are recognizably stereotypical. A characters internal development isnt always straightforward (think Hamlet), but it does generally correspond to the events that are happening concurrently in the narrative arc. Example: Mr. Filch, the caretaker of Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a flat character, with his only undying obsession Summed up in one sentence: A popular high school student who isnt the brightest bulb in the box. Familiarizing yourself with examples will help you learn how to become a better writer, too. In this case, the flat character's simple nature can create a compelling reason for a round character to begin the story's journey. Is he a secret aficionado of Zumba on the weekends? She arranges a meeting with Hamlet, so that Claudius could spy on him, and also lets Polonius remain behind the curtains to hear the conversation between them. Hey! Here's how to turn a flat character round (without resorting to a pie-eating contest). Outwardly, Queen Gertrude seems to be a caring mother of Hamlet, but inwardly she is a weak-willed lady, who walks blindly through her life, is not aware that Claudius has trapped her by murdering her husband, or that he has seized her husbands throne. Examples of Static Characters in Literature. Flat characters are the opposite of round characters. As the story progresses,Harker's fiancand her friend become involved asDracula "infects" both of them by sucking their blood and infecting them so that they become vampires. The audience does not know much about these characters, because the writer does not provide detailed information about them. Example #3: Hamlet, Hamlet (by William Shakespeare) Yet another great example of a round character is Hamlet. In this post, we reveal the seven essential story elements and show you how they work together. Examples of Flat Character: In the Harry Potter series, Crabbe and Goyle are flat characters. Gertrude doesnt understand why Hamlet is opposed to her marriage. A flat or static character is a character in a story that lacks depth and complexity, and tends to remain in a fixed mindset. Harry himself is a round character, but J.K. Rowling makes brilliant use of several flat characters to advance the story in unique ways. A round character, on the other hand, changes over the course of the story. Jim has also escaped. Flat characters: lack depth or development. A round character is nuanced and well thought-out. Your friends, family, co-workers. Put differently:although readers don't tend torelateto flat characters very easily because they're not lifelike or complex, readers do understandflat characters very easily, because they usually follow familiar formulas. His contemplative nature also becomes his tragic . Minor characters are often flat characters simply because they aren't as important to the story as themain characters(so readers don't needto know a lot about them). Copyright 2022 Squibler, All Rights Reserved. He does advance the plot by trying to play peacekeeper between the families. They are characters that are mostly one-dimensional and dont have a lot of backstory or depth. In 10 days, learn to develop complex characters readers will love. If your first chapter or two is just a big list of information, no one will continue reading. In short, they have a Doubtand it keeps them seeking throughout the story, even as the undeniable power of their conviction in the Truth transforms other characters around them. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. Here's a quick and simple definition: A character is said to be "flat" if it is one-dimensional or lacking in complexity. Knowing how to write a book is knowing exactly what kind of characters you are going to use. The breaking of the curse would have gone through unhindered if it hadnt been for Gaston and his attempt to kill the beast. Learn more in this post #amwriting, read about great character development here. Originally a shy girl in the first five books, she's suddenly a strong-willed and outspoken teenager in the sixth book. Flat characters add something to the story without drawing too much attention to themselves. Of course, if your character is supposed to be round and it falls flat instead, this is a problem. Her change in character is for plot convenience more than anything else. Unless the evil character is a significant part of the story, they shouldnt change much. Butany character in a story can be flat, including main characters. While flat characters are often static, these two terms are not synonyms. Without the stepmother and her strict, unreasonable rules, Cinderella would have had no trouble staying at the ball. Phoeby is an honest woman who trusts her friend, but thats about all that Hurston reveals, which makes Phoeby a flat character. They feel more like real people because they are multi-dimensional. Summed up in one sentence:A brilliant, cold, and intelligent detective. Whether youre watching a movie or reading a novel, you want to get invested in the characters lives enough that you can write fanfic about them or ship your favorite characters. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. A flat character that is tragic or too serious will end up being a bore. If these quest givers became dynamic and grew and changed throughout the story, the story would be about them. An author may use a flat character as a way to reveal important details or information. The flat arc character may even hide their truth to shield themselves from other's judgement. For example, you may use a flat character to act as a bully and motivate the main character to seek self-discovery and personal growth. Characteristics of a Round Character. Round characters typically have fully fleshed-out and multi-faceted personalities, backgrounds, desires, and motivations. Answer (1 of 10): A flat character is one which does not change throughout the story. For example, Miss Havisham from Charles Dickens's novel Great Expectations, is a flat character who seeks only revenge for being abandoned on her wedding day. The role of a flat character is to help the main character in pursuing his ambitions and goals. To learn more about the flip side of the equation, we wrote extensively about what makes a dynamic character here. Summed up in one sentence: The girl next door whos the object of Peter Parkers affection. Which is why we want to illustrate exactly what is a flat character: with a clear definition, examples, and instructions on how to fix any flat characters you may come across in your writing. He is temperate, solid, and loyal, who always tries to maintain peace and harmony between the two families. Though he is shallow and static, he plays a significant role as a source of conflict. Download a template for one below. In other words, they're the opposite of a "round character," who has a fully fleshed out profile and changes throughout the story. In some of the Harry Potter books by J.K. Rowling, readers need a way to see what Draco Malfoy is doing behind the scenes and what he says in private. Because he is motivated by such simple desires, which are never complicated by new backgroundinformation or any of the many conflicts that arise, Dracula is a flat character. The term flat character may sound boring, but these types of characters play important roles in literature. Static Character vs. Flat Character. What is a flat character? As a general rule, the more complex and multi-dimensional you make your characters, the deeper you'll pull readers into the vivid world of your story and that goes for allcharacters, not just the ones we see the most. His main trait is his loyalty. Sherlock Holmes is a wonderfully rounded character who goes through a series of trials and yet always remains the same person. When a solicitor named Jonathan Harkervisits Dracula's castle, he is struck by Dracula's gracious manners, but soon comes to realize that he is being held prisoner. Every character should want something, even if its only a glass of water.
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