Kalichman SC, Kalichman MO, Cherry C, Swetzes C, Amaral CM, White D, et al. Behavioral target: MA studies focused exclusively on MA. The review process is addressed by a "Good Review Practice" document within the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) "that discusses any aspect related to the process, format, content and/or management of a product review." 24. The primary studies in this project examined implementation as the proportion of prescribed drugs which were consumed. Sublocade is for subcutaneous injection only. A multicenter disease management program for hospitalized patients with heart failure. Unless otherwise stated, all analyses and results in the report address the treatment versus control post-intervention comparisons. Powered by. hb``` fVqA !GCg#XRLrk-$#X\iz]zm$,$'wCP!0 e In Europe about 85% of solid unit doses are packed in blister packs with only about 20% in North America.[4]. Although the agency didn't mention Halloween specifically, people . Package each drug item separately to eliminate the possibility of cross-contamination. In the U.S., repackaged blister packs are used almost exclusively in long-term care settings, while in other countries such practices are more common. An excerpt from this "Best Practices Protocol" relates specifically to evidence submission and packing to the laboratory for analysis. Rationale and design of the Pharmacist Intervention for Low Literacy in Cardiovascular Disease (PILL-CVD) study. The liquids or powders can be measured and put into primary packages. Extensive literature search strategies included examination of 13 computerized databases and 19 research registries, hand searches of 57 journal, and author and ancestry searches. The following section is a broad overview of the major antifungal agents. k denotes number of comparisons, Q is a conventional homogeneity statistic, I2 is the percentage of total variation among studies observed ES due to heterogeneity. MA + studies targeted MA and other health behaviors such as diet, exercise, etc. Health Canada requires new applicants for cultivation, processing or sale for medical purposes licences to have a fully built site that meets all the requirements of the Cannabis Regulations at the time of their application, as well as satisfying other application criteria. This study used a specific operational definition of packaging interventions consistent with extant research. Evidence Packaging All evidence submitted for drug analysis should be dry prior to final packaging and submission to the laboratory. Compliance aids--do they work? Patient adherence ot medical treatment regimens. The primary component of a blister pack is a cavity or pocket made from a thermoformed plastic. Employees shall package all property, except narcotics and dangerous drugs in a suitable . N Overall, meta-analysis findings support the use of packaging interventions to effectively increase medication adherence. The numbers of studies that have examined packaging interventions have increased in recent years. Homogeneity was assessed using a conventional heterogeneity statistic (Q) and computing the I2 index of heterogeneity beyond within-study sampling error26. Park DC, Morrell RW, Frieske D, Kincaid D. Medication adherence behaviors in older adults: Effects of external cognitive supports. It involves all of the operations from production through drug distribution channels to the end consumer. A self-medication administration program for transplant recipients. Kalichman SC, Cherry J, Cain D. Nurse-delivered antiretroviral treatment adherence intervention for people with low literacy skills and living with HIV/AIDS. Potential heterogeneity was explored with moderator analyses. Intervention characteristics coded included whether the intervention was a pill box or blister pack. Holzemer WL, Bakken S, Portillo CJ, Grimes R, Welch J, Wantland D, et al. The most common tests involve urine or saliva samples . The Handbook of Research Synthesis and Meta-Analysis. The positive ES documents that treatment subjects had significantly better MA outcomes than were reported for control subjects. Chain of Drug Test Evidence. Package evidence for safety by using boxes or breathable tubes for sharp items, marking items and informing the laboratory if a biohazard is present. Packaging interventions were combined with other MA intervention components in 33 comparisons. Observed ESs should be symmetrical around the overall average ES regardless of sample size in the absence of publication bias. The Toxicology Lab will also analyze urine (drug-facilitated sexual assaults) and unknown liquids believed to contain alcohol (alcoholic beverage content). Corresponding author: Vicki Conn, S317 Sinclair Building, University of Missouri, Columbia MO 65211 USA, The publisher's final edited version of this article is available at, medication adherence, meta-analysis, intervention, medication compliance, Declaration of financial/other relationships. Dichotomous moderators were examined by testing effects of between-group heterogeneity statistics (Qbetween), which is a meta-analytic analogue of ANOVA. Finally, the interpretation of findings considered the context of discovered heterogeneity. Drug evidence includes powders, liquids, tablets, capsules, or plan samples suspected of being or containing legally controlled substances. Curr Med Res Opin. 3) Do the effects of packaging interventions on MA outcomes vary depending on study design or sample characteristics? 3. Zillich AJ, Jaynes HAW, Snyder ME, Harrison J, Hudmon KS, de Moor C, et al. k denotes number of comparisons, effect size is standardized mean difference, Q is a conventional homogeneity statistic. Secondly, to prevent the item contaminating other packaged evidence. The Forensic Chemistry Unit evidence should be submitted at least 60 days prior to the first trial date to allow Packaging requirements are different.[3]. To preserve the chain of custody for the evidence. The evidence is a crucial part of identifying why and how a crime occurred. Adherence to long-term therapies: evidence for action. Declaration of financial/other relationships: The authors report no conflicts of interest. Packaging is often involved in dispensing, dosing, and use of the pharmaceutical product. Goujard C, Bernard N, Sohier N, Peyramond D, Lancon F, Chwalow J, et al. An experienced health sciences reference librarian performed searches in PubMED, MEDLINE, PsychINFO, EBSCO, CINAHL, PQDT, Cochrane Central Trials Register, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, ERIC, IndMed, International Pharmaceutical Abstracts, EBM Reviews - Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, and Communication and Mass Media. We noted the type of MA measure as an additional indicator of methodological quality in MA research. Procedures that meta-analysts use for missing ESs are to exclude the study from the analysis, set the ES to 0 for studies reporting lack of statistically significant effect, estimate possible ESs from studies with sample size and direction of effect information, or estimate the ES magnitude derived from other studies with nonsignificant or significant findings. A randomized controlled trial of cognitive behavioral therapy for adherence and depression (CBT-AD) in HIV-infected individuals. Among the two-group comparisons, 28 were conducted in North America, 9 in Europe, 5 in Asia, 4 in Africa, and 2 in Australia. Bosworth HB, Olsen MK, Dudley T, Orr M, Neary A, Harrelson M, et al. Future research should continue follow-up months or years after interventions to determine long-term benefits from packaging interventions. Double bag if possible to avoid skin contact. This meta-analysis encountered a few factors that could have limited the robustness of the results. One Spanish language study was included58. Co-packaged drug is a product that contains two or more separate drugs in their final dosage forms that are intended to be used together for a common or related therapeutic purpose and that are contained in a single package or unit. Soroka, W, "Fundamentals of Packaging Technology", IoPP, 2002. While the trend for interventions to be more effective when delivered by pharmacists (0.782) as compared to interventions without pharmacists (0.475) did not achieve statistical significance, interventions delivered in pharmacies reported significantly larger ESs (0.945) than interventions administered elsewhere (0.485). Drug trafficking evidence has shifted to more liberal interpretation of suspicious behavior around drugs delivered through the mail. Several common factors can include: assurance of patient safety, assurance of the efficacy of the drug through the intended shelf life, uniformity of the drug through different production lots, thorough documentation of all materials and processes, control of possible migration of packaging components into the drug, control of degradation of the drug by oxygen, moisture, heat, etc., prevention of microbial contamination, sterility, etc. The ESs did not differ between studies conducted in North America and studies conducted in Asia, Australia, Africa or Europe. An OTC drug product (except a dermatological, dentifrice . One possible explanation for this finding could be the increased number of medications among older adults and the additional burden that a heavy medication load imposes on MA. Effect of value-added utilities in promoting prescription refill compliance among patients with hypertension. Mail drug evidence separately from other types of evidence and send to the appropriate laboratory. Ensuring the evidence is gathered in an accurate and timely manner helps the investigators identify what exactly happened at the scene and aids in the . Lack of conceptual clarity may have contributed to the scant primary research which has evaluated different aspects of MA. Shipments to medical professionals could be at hospitals, nursing homes, veterinarians, dentists, etc. Soroka, W, Illustrated Glossary of Packaging Terminology, Institute of Packaging Professionals. Product safety management is vital. Topical or inhalants. For example, the primary MeSH terms upon which searches were constructed were Patient Compliance and Medication Adherence. Inadequate medication adherence is a widespread problem that contributes to increase chronic disease complications and health care expenditures. The ESs did not differ between trials with exclusively packaging interventions and studies with packaging as one component of multiple MA interventions. For example, imagine the consequences of a suspected drug in the form of a powder escaping from its package. Articles and guides on redaction, transcription and translation tips, industry best practices, and expert content on managing your data. No studies conducted in South America were retrieved. Using 0 may result in underestimating the ESs and distorting estimates of heterogeneity, if the treatment is effective but the primary study exhibited low statistical power. 2. Evidence packaging involves the specialized packaging methods and materials used for physical evidence.Items need to be collected at a crime scene or a fire scene, forwarded to a laboratory for forensic analysis, put in secure storage, and used in a courtroom, all while maintaining the chain of custody.Items might include DNA, drugs, hair samples, body parts, blood samples, sperm, knives . Kripalani S, Roumie CL, Dalal AK, Cawthon C, Businger A, Eden SK, et al. Beggs and Eggers tests were used to assess publication bias. Rudd P. Medication packaging: simple solutions to nonadherence problems? A positive d reflects more favorable outcomes for treatment groups or following interventions. A further limitation is that pill boxes and blister packs do not provide feedback to tell patients the time when previous doses were consumed. If it does, the . The functionality is limited to basic scrolling. Most studies (k=32) received funding. List the weight of each marijuana bag not just the total weight. Studies with younger subjects reported larger ESs than studies with older samples (1 =0.022). Impact of a tailored patient preference intervention in adherence to 5-aminosalicylic acid medication in ulcerative colitis: Results from an exploratory randomized controlled trial. With a large portion of pharmaceutical packaging being outsourced to contract packagers, additional demand is being placed on specialty areas, i.e. For example, 36 comparisons did not report whether allocation was concealed. evidence package(s). Track and trace systems are usually required. Patient-focused intervention to improve long-term adherence to evidence-based medications: A randomized trial. Insel KC, Cole L. Individualizing memory strategies to improve medication adherence. Multiple search strategies were employed to ensure a comprehensive search, move beyond previous narrow reviews, and limit the bias associated with limited searches20, 21. MA outcome measurement using self-report is a significant methodological weakness associated with significantly lower ES outcomes, leading us to think that intervention effectiveness may be masked by imprecise measurement of MA. Multicultural medication adherence: A comparative study. Bottles are commonly used for liquid pharmaceuticals as well as formed tablets and capsules. ESs ranged from 0.102 to 0.591: quality of life (ES=0.226), diastolic blood pressure (ES=0.318), systolic blood pressure (ES=0.416), knowledge (ES=0.456), mood (ES=0.591), and HIV viral load (ES=0.102). Aspects of MA, such as initiation, implementation, and persistence, may be influenced by different MA adherence interventions. Rothstein HR, Hopewell S. Grey literature. We recorded other intervention characteristics, such as information about MA intervention components in addition to the packaging, location of intervention delivery, and the professional background of the interventionist. Data were synthesized across 22,858 subjects from 52 reports. This meta-analysis addressed the following research questions: 1) What are the overall effects of packaging interventions on MA? Note. ES confidence intervals were constructed. To prevent loss of evidence. On Saturday, December 18, 2021, Police Officer Zachary Cottongim, age 29, died when he was struck by a vehicle while on the job. Evidence Submission. The number of chronic illnesses and prescribed medications were too infrequently reported for moderator analyses. Since the ANP program restricts postal inspectors from using the contents of abandoned illicit drugs as evidence, it may limit opportunities for criminal prosecutions. Bakken S, Holzemer WL, Portillo CJ, Grimes R, Welch J, Wantland D. Utility of a standardized nursing terminology to evaluate dosage and tailoring of an HIV/AIDS adherence intervention. Burrelle TN. <> Participant characteristics included gender, age, ethnicity, chronic diseases, cognitive impairment, number of prescribed medications, and whether the subjects were selected because of poor MA. Considering these findings, it is not surprising that the World Health Organization (WHO) calls poor adherence a worldwide problem of striking magnitude1. A cost-consequences analysis of an adherence focused pharmacist-led medication review service. Larger shipments are sent in insulated shipping containers with dry ice or gel packs. Category: Note: glass vials should be packaged inside a cardboard box or other protective device to prevent Testing a nurse-tailored HIV medication adherence intervention. The DEA warned that the pills were a deliberate scheme by drug cartels to sell addictive fentanyl to children and young people. Random-effects models were used for analyses because they take into account heterogeneity beyond that explained by moderator analyses. hbbd``b`5@i2=MF l RH7 | Approval packages are available for prescription and over-the-counter drugs as well as . Shelf life of a moisture-sensitive drug can be extended by means of desiccants. Interventions to improve antihypertensive drug adherence: a quantitative review of trials. Insert needle fully into the abdominal subcutaneous tissue. [13] They help verify that enclosed drugs are what the package says they are. Urquhart J. Pharmionics: research on what patients do with prescription drugs. This sensitivity analysis was used to determine if findings were robust to variations in methodological quality. For treatment versus control comparisons, a standardized mean difference is the difference between treatment group versus control group post-intervention means divided by the pooled standard deviation. %PDF-1.5 We found two surprising results analyzing pill box interventions. However, every . Older subjects also benefited less from packaging interventions than younger subjects. We coded a wide variety of aspects of how researchers conducted their studies. © CaseGuard 2022 All rights reserved. Officer Chad Christiansen was 49 years old. Get answers to frequently asked questions about our redaction software purchasing, installtion, training, support, requirements and more. Uniformity, cleanliness (washdown), sterility, and other requirements are needed to maintain Good Manufacturing Practices. endobj On Friday, December 24, 2021, the residents on the Island of Puerto Rico learned that a local police officer had died in the line of duty. 802.3.2 NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS . A court can order a drug test for various reasons, including child custody disputes and after DUI arrests. Keywords used in searches were: medication(s), regimen(s), prescription(s), prescribed, drug(s), pill(s), tablet(s), agent(s), compliant, compliance, adherent, adherence, noncompliant, noncompliance, nonadherent, nonadherence, improve, promote, enhance, encourage, foster, advocate, influence, incentive, ensure, remind, optimize, increase, impact, prevent, address, decrease. In modern times, pills are coated, and thus the inclusion of a cotton ball is no longer necessary. The reported socio-economic status of participants was unrelated to ESs. Current Therapeutic Research - Clinical and Experimental. package the evidence collected from each pane separately. Everything in one place with clean UI and well-made animations and effects. Data calculations were handled by meta-analytic standardized mean difference (d) ES26. MA is not a unitary construct. . endobj Studies that reported continuous data outcomes had significantly larger ESs (1.160) than studies that reported dichotomous outcomes (0.535). Victim's clothing, impressions (tools, bite marks, shoe prints, tire markings), glass fragments, fingernail scrapings, head and pubic hairs, blood, swabs of body parts, recovered bullets, hand swabs from shooting victims (for gunshot residue analysis) Acceptable packaging containers. Desborough JA, Sach T, Bhattacharya D, Holland RC, Wright DJ. Pharmaceutical packaging is highly regulated but with some variation in the details, depending on the country of origin or the region. In: Cooper H, Hedges L, Valentine J, editors. We excluded from the meta-analysis studies without sufficient ES information. )M KfNX)r& ]7i5lw !;al~ldr%Dx.y4hc8DVOU_]L$_,y=)Mn8[PpZeTpS:v[yU=Qw)D":J=JZHTE'zF(&%!jL]KdHuX(ZIbz2%G?4jzGqOx9GeN8oM=s+3Bs1Y96n7]]wT%gf|o!%+. 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