Finding God in all things. For one, I knew financial management was big. The term cura personalis is typically heard in Jesuit universities and institutions. St. Louis University High School in St. Louis, like all educational institutions in the province, was faced with the prospect of a graduating class unable to experience many of the lasts that the schools seniors typically do chief among them a graduation ceremony. [1] With that support system in place, I was back on the road achieving new heights. The service included participants from across the United States and even from other countries. Here is one that might help you create your schools' Magis Mannequin Challenge scene. Spiritual exercises are as important as physical exercises. Cura Personalis from Le Moyne College on Vimeo. Here are some more essential questions. They even paid for my emergency root canal surgery; that was the kind of support I received. We worked with student leaders to build on financial literacy efforts at Georgetown and produce a program geared toward first-generation college students to help them save and prepare for life after college. But mermaids? The provinces colleges and universities also faced challenges as the pandemic spread, chief among them how to get their students safely off campus. Few things undermine us quite as dramatically as a lack of sleep. I am also a campus ambassador for UBS at Georgetown. I try to do things for the greater glory of God and always keep people at the center of what Im doing. Tampa Jesuits new Native American Club found a unique need to fill. Do we have healthy, rested minds? This was a great way for us to lead by example and show our students and the St. Louis community the embodiment of Men for Others, Schaefer said. On June 5th, 2020 the global community of Educate Magis gathered online to participate in the Webinar "Cura Personalis in the Crisis: How Can We Take Care of Ourselves and Our Students?" Educators from Jesuit schools in India, Philippines, United States, Mexico, Nepal, Spain, Argentina, Ecuador, and many other countries listened and reflected during this fabulous experience led by Irish . I didnt even get to see her and tell her what Georgetown was like. Province universities had another situation to address: some students cannot go home or have no safe place to call home other than their school. I had a lot of self-doubt. Jesuit Values - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Examples of these values include cura personalis, a Latin phrase meaning care for the whole person, and the tenet of being 'men and women for and with others.'. Jesuit Values The following values were chosen from a fellow Jesuit institution -- Regis University -- who lists these six in their "Key Values in Jesuit Higher Education." Cura Personalis: Latin phrase meaning "care for the person," cura personalis is having concern and care for the personal development of the whole person. When Marquez first landed in Washington, DC, a GSP alumnus was at the airport to pick him up so he wouldnt have to arrive to college alone. We didnt want students to feel interrogated or like they had to justify their need to stay on campus, Lohe said. Knights and jousting and turkey legsobviously. What is Magis for St Ignatius Loyola? The benefits of looking after ourselves physically and mentally are manifold. He has been touched by the experience. If we could all get on that level, wed be an unstoppable force. It denotes care for all aspects of a person's health, from the physical to the mental and the spiritual. The parish received $8,500 in grants from several organizations, and now is able to include an additional prepared meal as part of its weekly food distribution efforts to its predominantly low-income community. We helped build professional development training, wellness opportunities, intramurals, everything. I always teach students about being Men for Others, but this was a chance for me to put that into practice myself, he said. Speed; flexibility; the ability to solve problems, to remember, to pay attention these are all skills that we need to nurture and protect, both in and out of the workplace. Province universities also cared for the students who returned home. Moreover, a recent Scientific American article reveals that sleep is essential for "brain drain": an internal plumbing system that rids the brain of toxic wastes. As a Jesuit Catholic university, Regis seeks to build a more just and humane world through transformative education at the frontiers of faith, reason and culture. Cura Personalis is the care of the individual person with an interest in and an advocacy for their unique potential. Hundreds of students used the grant to buy monitors, keyboards, desks, chairs, lamps, you name it. This has been manifested throughout the province, as each apostolate has continued to be of service in a distinct and inventive way. Cura Personalis. While this pandemic has made food distribution efforts more difficult for many community outreach efforts, Sacred Heart Parish in El Paso, Texas, has bolstered its operations. With its Catholic and Jesuit roots, Georgetown affirms a commitment to a number of different values. "Cura Personalis" suggests . And I realized this was my moms dream. Services range from telephone counseling to food distribution. There are many ways to accomplish this goal but, according to Kari Larsen, J.D., associate professor of criminal . My mom was a housecleaner and street vendor. 37th and O Streets, N.W. Magis With our Jesuit values of Cura Personalis, People for Others, and Community in Diversity, we are steadfast in our commitment to racial justice and to addressing the health inequities exacerbated by the recent pandemic. It also gave me a different way to think about cura personalis. Still, even in times of unprecedented loss and hardship, the apostolates of the UCS Province schools, churches, retreat and spirituality centers continue to be of service, providing the spiritual nourishment people thirst for, even if done virtually. Cura Personalis. storytelling series, we highlight Andy Marquez (SFS21), an alumnus who reflects cura personalis both in his community at home and on the Hilltop. Thank you so much for sharing this. Jesuit values mean that one should never force Jesuit values on individuals nor ostracize those who do not prefer to follow these values. Solidarity and kinship. Do we ever really detach from our working lives? I prayed to God to open doors for me to serve, and I am so glad those doors opened, he said. Spirituality is at the core of our mission as a Catholic, Jesuit institution of higher learning. This value isbased upon the promotion of the overall human dignity through showing care and concern topeople. Rev. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I created the Learn from Home grant program. I can see the logic now that I have gotten older. Do we walk enough? All rights reserved. James Martin, SJ, author and editor-at-large of America magazine discusses the Jesuit value of Cura Personalis, why it's important to a student's college. A lot of students had read Socrates or political theorists for the third time before they came to Georgetown. Students and faculty know Georgetown's history and can recite at least some of its Jesuit tenants, such as "Cura Personalis" ("Care of the Person") and "Women and Men for Others." But just how Jesuit values inform the educational programs might not be . Would you take important decisions or drive a car after three glasses of wine? Marquez also met with GSPs in-house Counseling and Psychiatric Service (CAPS) embedded counselor. Other parishes found inventive ways to continue to offer the sacraments. Jesuit Schools Help Define Cura Personalis in a Pandemic. I felt like an outsider my first year. Matt Donovan, S.J. These are small steps that we can implement relatively easily. Nonetheless, social media poses a challenge to individuals in that it shapes the way a person learns, teaches, and views the world. They told me they were taking my mom to the hospital. Copyright 2009-2022 Loyola Press. Can we listen and observe what happens around us and inside us? Seven months after sending a thousand students home amid the gathering storm of Covid-19, Sacramento's Jesuit High School opened its doors again this past October, offering a hybrid of . Father Kevin Dyer, a theology teacher at Jesuit High School in New Orleans, beca, me a hospital chaplain during this time. So what can we do to safeguard our health? Developing the habit of reflection centers and strengthens one's spiritual life and guides our actions. This is what makes a Jesuit education a worthy goal of any person who wants to improve themselves and, importantly, to help others. She had been the fuel that kept that engine running. This approach begins with a deep respect for the individual and his or her potential, a principle the Jesuits call cura personalis. Healthy eating, healthy living and practice good lifestyle. Parishioners also donated to two local organizations as part of a food drive, in addition to donating toiletries and other essentials to a 24-hour shelter for women experiencing homelessness during the pandemic. What I take away from Alejandro's reflections is that the Ignatian practice of cura personalis - the care of the whole person - sometimes pops up in places we least expect. Since that was out of the question for now, they instead assembled and distributed a sack lunch to their clientele. They guide us in everything we do, from developing new courses to each one-on-one interaction. While working in Belize, William Manaker, SJ, learned a new way laypeople and clergy can collaborate in serving a particular community in the local Church. It appropriates the mission of the Society of Jesus. CURA is designed for busy, mission-oriented people, who have completed some formal training in Ignatian spirituality. The Benedictines have a deep spirituality of work and prayer. Donations are being accepted. One of the central tenets driving the U of D Jesuit approach to education is cura personalis, a Latin phrase meaning care of the whole person. My mom couldnt get an education. To act in a way that reflects this growth. . Rooted in the Jesuit tradition, cura personalis is found in all aspects of the U of D Jesuit experience. Let's try, for example, to turn off the phone from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m., to play sports or even just take a long walk at least three times a week, to drink at least 2 liters of water a day, to improve our diets, to reduce alcohol and coffee, to stop smoking, to take a real digital detox by going on vacation in a place without an Internet connection. Cura Personalis is a Latin phrase used by the order of the Jesuits. Latin phrase meaning "care for the person," cura personalis is having concern and care for the personal development of the whole person. Marquez focused on his academics at a Cristo Rey Jesuit high school in Los Angeles and graduated as salutatorian, with scholarships from the John Gogian Family Foundation, All Ways Up Foundation, Minds Matter of Los Angeles and more. Georgetown offered Marquez a need-based scholarship, and he enrolled in Georgetowns School of Foreign Service in 2017. $3.50 (3.53) Average rating: 0 "Cura personalis" is considered a hallmark of Jesuit education. JESUIT VALUES IN PRACTICE3DiscussionThe first value is 'cura personalis', which refers to caring for the person. My GSP advisor helped me set up a game plan. As a historian, this is one to which I'm frequently drawn. Nearly all began to make Mass available online. For more information on Jesuit Spirituality and Ministries, see the resources below: Ignatian Spirituality Program(Denver)St. Ignatius Loyola Parish(Denver), Sacred Heart Retreat House(Sedalia)Association of Jesuit Colleges and UniversitiesXavier University's Jesuit Resource, Regis University 2022. Loyola senior Baasel Syed used the schools 3-D printers to make face shields for health care workers. It was the start of Lent and as a community, we took as a Lenten sacrifice to skip snacks and desserts. The thinking behind Cura personalis has a profound human value and, above all, a spiritual one. A few weeks later, I did. Our talents, abilities, physical attributes, personalities, desires, hearts, faith, and minds are all equally worthy of care and attention. Most of my family is back in El Salvador, so its only us out here. Members lead active prayer lives and have had some initial formal experience of Ignatian formation, such as OIS's Magis or Contemplative Leaders in Action programs.. Members commit to participation in CURA through at least one two-year program cycle (membership is open-ended . Cura personalis encourages care and individualized attention to the needs of each person, distinct respect for his or her circumstances and concerns and an appropriate appreciation for his or her particular gifts and insights. The expression is a hallmark of Ignatian spirituality that is commonly used by the Catholic Church religious order, the Society of Jesus. Please describe how your values, life experiences, and your identity will contribute to these GUSOM priorities. Saint Ignatius High School is blessed to have a community of Jesuit priests, brothers and Jesuits-in-training who live and, in most cases work, on campus. Our physical state affects our cognitive and emotional abilities and our capacity to perform at work. I knew that if I was going to get through college, especially with parents who did not speak English and did not understand the process, I would need a village to help me through. 2. Cura Personalis: 'It Felt Like Georgetown Was Built for Us' February 3, 2022 One of the core Jesuit values that animates the Georgetown experience is cura personalis, or a profound care for the whole person and their unique circumstances, gifts and possibilities. How to build a savings account. They saw my hard work and wanted me to join GSP. Latin meaning the more, magis embodies the act of discerning the greater good in a given situation to better glorify or serve God. Cura Personalis We take the Jesuit educational principle, Care for the Whole Person (cura personalis), very seriously at Marquette University Law School. Our hearts and minds are not divided; they are congruent when the whole person is educated and engaged. It was my only motivating factor to get good grades. Just you wait. Discernment. One of the core Jesuit values that animates the Georgetown experience is cura personalis, or a profound care for the whole person and their unique circumstances, gifts and possibilities. I couldnt believe people thought of me this way. In addition to providing housing for students who could not return home, Loyola prepared three residence halls for health care workers should the need arise. . You cannot healthily have one without the other. In addition to his leadership role at GSP, Marquez worked two jobs throughout his four years on the Hilltop, played sports, and volunteered at nonprofits and at his local church. All too often, work spills over into all areas of our lives, and ironically, it makes us less able to perform well in the workplace. In turn, they recognize that body and soul are both gifts from God. Its the most robust support system that Ive seen specially designed for first-generation and low-income students. The quality of our decision-making will improve by waiting as opposed to anxiously procrastinating in order to listen to other views and consider options we miss as we hurtle along at 100 miles per hour. I,.too have to be careful because of the medication i am on and my bodys weakness after taking these meds. With community and mental health support emerging as the top two self-identified needs for students at home, Rockhurst worked to respond a great example ofcura personalis. The queen? Cura Personalis (meaning 'care for the whole self' in Latin) is demonstrated by personal attention in the classroom, a deep respect for diversity and difference and an emphasis on holistic care for the mind, body and spirit. All have their unique A Jesuit education is not simply about reading from a textbook or researching information online. Please describe how your values, life experiences, and your identity will contribute to these GUSOM priorities. He began applying to colleges and universities that could offer sizeable scholarships to make college affordable. Discernment. They are at the heart of everything we do, individually and as a university. When I was a kid, I used to pass my building on the highway. Fifteen minutes later, the fire department called. Learning is as important as a good diet. Where I grew up, we only had two career options: playing ball or rapping. Cura Personalis. (1000 characters) Being young and full of spirit and idealism, I was always up on my toes, at everyones beck and call until I got sick and then the community doctor has requested our Rector that I be given extra helpings at the dinner table to add to my nourishment. With more than 11.6 million cases and more than 535,000 deaths globally, the virus has devastated and disrupted lives. Rev. He produced more than 50 headbands, which were donated to hospitals and senior care centers. Or doctor, civil engineer, lawyer, CEO. Jesuit education is, has been, and always will be focused on educating the whole person: mind, spirit, and body. Im participating in at least two new communities: one to address a personal spiritual awakening for dietary restraint, and another group of practitioners to strengthen my physical fitness quest. This value embodies a spirit of giving and providing service to those in need and standing with the poor and marginalized. I wish I could calm down enough to try it. Without their support, I wouldnt be here. With fewer than 3,000 undergraduates, a rich part of the Rockhurst experience entails students connecting emotionally and spiritually with fellow students and faculty. One of the main components of Jesuit education is the concept of cura personalis, a Latin term meaning care of the entire person; body, mind and spirit. But we kept them up just to be safe. Security knows my name. They have been meeting academic, economic and physical needs throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Jesuit education emphasizes the view that each person is a unique creation of God. This reflection gave a fond memory for me when I was still a young practical trainee in one of our schools. The message of being a Man for Others has really stuck with me, Syed said. 4. Core Values Intellectual Inquiry Sincere Care for Individuals and Communities Search for the Truth in All Things Using Knowledge in the Service of Others And Georgetown won me over. Values of Georgetown "Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam" (For the Greater Glory of God), the motto of the Society of Jesus, appears over the entrance of Wolfington Hall, the Jesuit Residence on campus, and above the stage in Gaston Hall. By his sophomore year, he felt back on track and joined the GSP Student Board, where he began developing programming to help incoming first year students in the program. Rev. Alejandro . Likewise, in Jesuit education, we often talk about cura personalis: caring for the whole person in mind, body and spirit. I was the kid with the fanny pack giving people change and counting the money, so it makes sense that Im in finance now. (GSP) reached out. First-generation. A Jesuit education focuses not . St. Martin de Porres Parish and St. John's College in Belize City suffered significant wind and water damage during Hurricane Lisa on Nov. 2. Im speaking that into existence.. Athletics Athletics Overview Hall of Champions All-County Athletes . RELATED STORIES Review: Silicon Valley's unlikely founders I was the kid with the fanny pack giving people change and counting the money, so it makes sense that Im in finance now. I was in the GSP office every day. As part of our Spirit of Georgetown storytelling series, we highlight Andy Marquez (SFS21), an alumnus who reflects cura personalis both in his community at home and on the Hilltop. In addition to providing those students with housing that allowed for social distancing, SLU gave additional assistance. He also used the schools laser cutter to cut and engrave templates for a group that is making fabric face masks. . Cwik to preside at her funeral, but she probably couldnt have imagined it happening in this format. Keeping a gratitude journal in which we write down the particular gifts of each day trains our brains to see the good around us. I could. What and how much do we eat? Follow this author to stay notified about their latest stories. RU began its effort by sending a survey to students to inquire about their needs. When I was with that community, it felt like Georgetown was built for us. When I worked at Georgetown University Hospital, cura personalis was a reminder to staff and patients that the hospitals mission included not just the health of the body but also the health of the entire person. St. Francis Xavier College Church in St. Louis determined that wasnt enough. The deceased had always wanted Fr. In conclusion, Cura personalis could become not only a way of defining our fitness in the conventional sense, but also a way of reminding ourselves that we need to ensure we are fit to lead authentic lives, where we are in control of our well-being, both in and out of the workplace. Washington, D.C. 20057 The Jesuit paradigms for care for our personal, collective and global well-being can be a powerful pathway to develop common good leadership mindsets. Originally a call for the kind of care Jesuit superiors were to give to their subordinates, cura personalis is a call for you and me to love ourselves and others: the entire person, the entire gift of life from God given to us. We pray, learn, and eat healthy as ways to glorify God and care for our entire selves. Their food boxes even contain fresh vegetables grown in the parishs on-site garden, cultivated by parish volunteers. I now work 15 minutes from where I grew up. Because students are revered and respected as individuals, our faculty challenges them to strive for ever-greater personal excellence in all aspects of life -- intellectual, emotional, moral, and physical. Can we count on a support group or a genuine friend with whom we can talk without being judged? Instead of taking time to think, we react quickly, as if we were in a constant battle against someone. He has been touched by the experience. This was one way for me to do that and help my community at the same time.. But this is exactly the effect that 18 consecutive hours of being awake has on your cognitive skills. Solidarity and kinship. Regis University is regionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). Indeed, Jesuit apostolates have gone beyond providing spiritual support. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Our goal was to keep campus open for whoever felt they had a real need to stay, whatever the reason for that was.. So we aspire for excellence with integrity (Magis), whole-person development, continuous improvement; BUT, we do so within a philosophical approach that is rooted in love and care for the person - "tough love." Service rooted in justice and love. With our Jesuit values of Cura Personalis, People for Others, and Community in Diversity, we are steadfast in our commitment to racial justice and to addressing the health inequities exacerbated by the recent pandemic. 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