I wonder if it would be productive to write a written manual. But the idea that a change of government, at this late stage of the game, can fundamentally change the course of this decade is a stretch. Hello. An astute observation if I may say so. - Approval from Senior (Defense) Leaders secured. $65.00 (View Picture), 21910 U.S. NAVY 3/50 CARTRIDGE (76.2 x 585mmR) WITH MARK 33 HE PROJECTILE (INERT LOADED) - Case and the projectile are dated circa1953-54, but it was likely loaded in this configuration in the 1980s-90s. I also took the opportunity to tag out all the plumbing so anyone else coming in can figure out what pipe goes where. Whoever it was demonstrated how fragile energy trade is. And the FDIC is using cooked book accounting to pretend propping it all up. #30 jack my youngest daughter is almost journeyman level red seal electrician. Uncertain if this is the 1945 Remington project or modified for a post WW2 effort. This is in nice shape with only minor bruising and scrapes and should polish up nicely. It sounds as though your lights and appliances get their power (in a steady stream regulated, I suppose, by adapters) from the batteries, and these in turn get their power directly from the solar array, all using ordinary extension cords that I can get off the shelf in a hardware store. Dear JMG, would you mind if I make a short comment to offer free Ogham readings by email for the commentariat? Candace, thats one of the possibilities, yes. if i tried harder though, im sure i could come up with better ones, lol ! I use the concept of the Epic Confrontation and explain how we will lose this. The headstamps definitely look French, and we believe it is WW1 era, but it may be a later WW2 era case. Clay, yep. First Reader is free. Quos Ego, there are too many variables in play for the results to be predictable, nor does that outcome seem plausible to me at this point. The set of three cartridges for $20.00 (View Picture), 23387 WW2 Japanese 7CM Type 41 Mountain Gun brass cartridge case (75 x 184mmR) - The Type 41 Mountain Gun which was a license-built copy of the Krupp M.08 mountain gun. Seriously, have you looked into Vedic mathematics? Starting from that premise, I work out the entire plot at a high level so that I know exactly what will happen in act 1, 2 and 3. Entertaining improbabilities (granted, they do exist) is fine in the world of fiction but pretty lame in the real world which moves faster and with the mad gusto of a glutton or an addict. I understand, but consider it slightly misguided, the National Granges endeavor to get internet to all of rural America, but think a program to improve the efficiency of all members homes would be a better thing to do. Its open source, If Microsoft goes down the source code will be gone as well. I want to adress some people who said some things in the comments section. The 30 pounders with a 4.2 inch bore were widely used with army barrels weighing 4,200 pounds and navy barrels only 3,550 pounds. For background, I used to work downtown in the heart of the city where bus access was easy and frequent. It is always a mistake to analyze and predict the outcome of major wars based on tactics, minor reversals and matchups of minutia as Quos Ego and others do. Rather than heating it on my electric kitchen stove. As shown in the photos. Im sure that gender reassignment surgery for minors goes over like a lead balloon in Russia. This noble gas is critical to these fabs ( at leasts the new ones) and the world supply of it is running low with almost no way to make it in industrial quantities. It could penetrate 70mm of armor (regardless of range. Loaded, live round, but due to age and expired status sold as display item only and not safe for actual use. These cartridges use regular cartridge cases and INERT projectiles with a heavy crimp, empty primer pocket and bronze colored projectiles to indicate INERT drill status. That will likely make the decline and fall of Faustian civilization a little faster than usual, and more richly stocked with local and regional catastrophes. The entire chip industry is dependent on Optics from Zeiss. It has a sheet metal warhead body with a swage mounted nose cap. It has detailed drawings of the bullets used in most small arms types, and also illustrates many types of clips and links, and the different types of shipping crates and their markings. The Oerlikon rounds are easily spotted by their distinctive rebated rim which is smaller than the case diameter. This means the end of the cartridge case has to be plugged with something to keep the powder in and water and crud out. The Viva Victoria slate platform looked okay to me, and the candidates seem to have diverse thoughts from each other that make me think they allow some dissensus with each other, a good sign. One of the fascinating things about this entire war is that its been a cascade of failed assumptions on both sides Russia thought Ukraine would crumple promptly in the face of invasion, NATO thought Russia would crumple promptly in the face of sanctions, and both sides were wrong and have been scrambling for a Plan B since then. 1949 Frigidaires, 1969 Maytags. Having a huge gravity in our early lives would destroy us. Lathechuck, a valid point. I dont have any personal experience to draw on for Astral Projection, so I cant particularly recommend any of the books I have/have heard of on the subject, but I can help a bit with dreamwork. To think Russians are ignorant or drunk or stupid WRT pipelines is ignorance in itself. Both have 1959 date, which was prior to the December 1960 adoption of the M79 Greande Launcher which fired these. A- NICE U.S. NAVY BRASS CASE WITH JANUARY 1943 DATE with fired primer in place (not sure of date). Much the same sentiment, less starkly expressed, pervades many of his recent speeches, and also the speeches of Russias foreign minister, Lavrov. Lieutenant Colonel William Leroy Broun (commander of the Richmond Arsenal beginning in June 1863), is considered to be the developer of this projectile pattern. that would be very much appreciated. That means the impact could spread far beyond the agencys payday lending rule. $20.00 (View Picture), 18430 French 10.5cm Model 1913 Schneider Howitzer brass case- (105 x 390mmR) - In the early 1900s, the French company Schneider et Cie working with the Russian Putilov firm developed a gun using the Russian 107 mm round, featuring an interrupted screw breech that swung to the side. Ive also noticed a couple big YouTubers state they are taking a month or two off from posting. Case is standard brass M5A1 used with the 75mm howitzers, but with very heavy conical crimp applied. Rocket stoves can be used in urban areas. Russia has air superiority, long range missile dominance, artillery dominance, proximity, energy, raw materials and the industrial backing of China. My time on the internet is dwindling these days doesnt feel like it this week however. Same is true for the war reparations that Poland demanded a few weeks ago and Germany refused. You generally have to eat it fresh but cod in particular can be wind dried and preserved. There will always be part of me that wishes that he were my uncle! I also recall hearing of a railway in I _think_ Sweden that ran uphill to a mine but was electrified, and the regenerative braking of the loaded trains coming going put more power on the grid than the empty trains going up took off it. RandomActsOfKarma, I love stellarium though I used it for amateur astronomy in the present day. INERT- no explosive or flammable components. Weve got a new strain that targets only the Chinese and MAGA voters, anything red basically. As some may know, Welsh Unitarianism was closely connected to the development of druidry in the figure of Edward Williams, or Iolo Morganwg. Nomenclature is stenciled on the projectile. New condition There is likely a chapter of the IBEW not too far from you. Ive read the arguments but I still dont buy maintenance issues causing explosions on both pipelines inside of 24 hours. It has a black band on the upper part of the body, and the fuze is all black. Apologies for such an extended flight into the Twilight Zone but the whole topic inspired me! He is, in other words, smart enough to realize the narrative is lacking, but completely unable to question the underlying axiom Russia is evil incarnate. This scenario has to be a BRD scenario. Random, theres no particular rule. 4) inflation makes the yardstick change if stocks are up 10% and inflation is 20%, then really they are down 5) cash is more certain to keep its value but inflation eats it away 6) index funds make a certain amount of sense (low costs and they dont try to time the market) but have gotten big enough that instead of just tracking the market they shape it 7) Keynes dictum that the market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent means that even an intelligent strategy may fail 8) the stock market is probably less of a scam than crypto, but I still dont trust that the big fish arent rigging at least part of it 9) there is always, and increasingly, the specter of the loss of the dollars reserve currency status. Hang on to your hat. The majority of the research materials have been done. Projectile is 1941 dated. We have several, but these are being sold individually. The word "SALUTING is die-stamped on the base of each cartridge for 3- and 5-inch There are cloth pads securely glued to the legs, and we did not attempt to remove them to check headstamps. A claim like that needs fleshing out. Introduced in 1962, as a high explosive fragmentation round, these have folding fins to stabilize the round since firing from a smoothbore barrel does not impart spin to stabilize it. Having to do many in a row for money is the stuff of nightmares. Enhanced F88 (EF88), The Latest variant to improve modularity featuring extended accessories rail, a fixed barrel and bolt catch release. The mine, when fitted with a M604 fuze, is activated by the weight of an intermediate or heavy tank. I would like to say clearly that I am not looking for medical advice. Projectile has 90%+ of the original blue paint. Robotic vehicles colliding with scaffolding and trashing millions of dollars worth of half finished chips, etc. Im sorry to say that Steiner is very poorly served by his current followers, many of whom are dogmatists swept up in a fundamentalist cult of personality. The container is designated M431, and these are a bit shorter than most of the 105mm gun ammunition due to the stubby projectile used instead of the traditional long HE rounds. Old Will, yep. $95.00 (View Picture), 21138 USAF BOMB FUZE FMU-112/(D-1)B (TRAINER VERSION) - The FMU-112/B fuze was developed by the Air Force as an electronic impact or short delay fuze designed to fit the standard 3-inch fuze well on guided or unguided series bombs such as the M117 or MK-80. 40mm Revolver Grenade Launcher Acquisition Project .50 Caliber Machine Gun Red Dot Sight System Acquisition Project for the Philippine Army, Tank Gunnery Simulator Acquisition Project of the Philippine Army, Assault Rifle 5.56mm M4/AR-15 Platform Acquisition Project of the Philippine Army, M113 Firepower Upgrade Project (Horizon 1) of the Philippine Army, Rocket Launcher Light Phase 2 Acquisition Project of the Philippine Army, Designated Marksman Rifle Project of the Philippine Army, Trucks, 2 1/2-ton Troop Carrier & Wrecker Acquisition Project of the Philippine Army and Philippine Navy (Marines), Corvette Acquisition Project (Lots 1 and 2) of the Philippine Navy, Offshore Patrol Vessel Acquisition Project of the Philippine Navy, Landing Docks Acquisition Project of the Philippine Navy, Del Pilar-class (Frigate) Upgrade Project of the Philippine Navy, Pohang-class Corvette Transfer Project of the Philippine Navy, MPAC (Batch 4) Combat System and Capability Upgrade Project of the Philippine Navy, Light Armor Systems Upgrade Joint Project of the Philippine Navy and Philippine Air Force, Mortar Acquisition Project Lot 2 - 81mm Mortar of the Philippine Navy, Squad Rocket Launcher Light Acquisition Project of the Philippine Navy (Marines). Card tattva: All. I wondered if you were interested in delving into them and writing about how they fit into the model of a Long Descent ? You can expect surprise failures in many aspects of the computer industry, even already. Today, she posted an article on the construction of a gas-powered insulated cooker. Yes, gladly so! Like with feeling the energy, it would begin okay and diminish as I continued through until for the last three segments I cant call anything to mind and trying to make the sphere appear and move doesnt work. Chris, I seem to recall that central Australia used to have pluvial (rain-fed) lakes back a couple of dozen millennia or so big ones. Some interesting data this month. The outcome is not in doubt, no matter how many times you replay the slow motion video or how many tweets the pundits put out about how the scrappy Ivy Leaguers are turning the tide with grit, determination and superior SAT scores. I just dont see the Russian military destroying their own infrastructure as part of their war fighting doctrine, unless they feel they will lose control of it like burning crops in retreat of an invading force, given their history. This is the truth I am not a fan of POlish konfederacja party but they hit the nail on this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIm5gkOZtvA German buisnessmen had been stea sorry taking Polish firewood and leaving nothing here. The SRTR is designed to be fired, recovered, refurbished, and refired. They dont have much power on steep hills and they max out at a slower top speed than I would prefer. 176 M252A1 81mm Lightweight Mortars were purchased together with the M32A1 Lightweight Handheld Mortar Ballistic Computer to replace the, The M224A1 60mm Lightweight Mortar is used by. They were made in many sizes, 10 and 20 pounders for field use (with the 3 inch and 3.67 inch barrels weighing 890 and 1795 pounds respectively). in the 155 mm M692 and M731 ADAM carry anti-personnel mines, while the 155 mm M718 and M741 RAAM, also known as Remote Anti-Armour Mine System (RAAMS), carry anti-tank mines. We need to go back to something like the lifestyles of the 1960s and 1970s. Oveall mellow patina and free from any significant dents or dings. Does anybody have any reading recommendations? Booklover, I have a copy of Peter Wohllebens book Trees. This is in Jacinda Adherns NZ. Before industrial indoor heating, how did people living through cold winters in the pre-petroleum age keep indoor plumbing from freezing? These gas operated cannons fired at about 600 rounds per minute with a muzzle velocity of 2,800 feet per second. More than 14,000 people have been killed so far. @ JMG et al look what we have here. Auntie Ursula is busy now doing everything in her power to destroy the recently elected Italian Prime Minister, Scholz in Germay is making teritory demands from Poland. Apologies for any conflagrations this comment may cause in this weeks thread. L. C/1907 was a German naval gun that was used as secondary armament on pre-dreadnought battleships, protected cruisers and armored cruisers of the Imperial German Navy in World War I. Patricia M, of course the masses were impoverished. Destroying the pipelines would prevent Russia from sending gas through them even if it wanted to, which would cause them to back off on their propaganda, which would buy the government time to prove to the people that Germany really _doesnt_ need Russian gas. VT (Non-Frag) ammunition is used for anti-aircraft target practice against sleeves towed by aircraft or drone targets. . And probably create a few they dont have right now. Kunstler has complained recently of the problems hes had with the system he had installed at great expense a few years ago. She told me no, we only do yer whole house, or nothing. There is always the wildcard possibility, such as put forth at MOB referenced upthread, that it was some regional actor with a host of axes to grind like Poland. 468) Each state in the mid-1930s passed laws making the societies report to and file with the Insurance Commissioner in their state., And why would they do that? Immediately visible were dragonflies and a cabbage butterfly, and I could hear tree frogs calling. It was built in an era when fireplaces were not in vogue and although Ive done my best to get a masonry or multifuel stove in place I have not yet succeeded. CHEAP! Jack, youre most of the way there. INERT- no explosive or flammable components. Rumour has it that negotiations were ongoing between European powers and Russia for a possible end to the conflict and so the interpretation is that America ended any motivation for Europeans to seek a peace agreement by blowing up the pipeline. And of course theres always this suggestion: Ron, Im sorry to say that doesnt surprise me in the least. Since the mid 80s I have been fascinated by airships. Youngelephant, if you are OK with using a music theory app, theres a couple of free, competing ones for iPhone and Android devices I recommend. I do wonder, however, in 500 years there will be battle rifles that as famous as Excalibur, as they are passed down and maintained for generations. Bofur @ 407. Unfortunately I can only see a few specialist uses like scientific research, some military roles, or a truly monstorous airship that sacrifices any claim to efficiency in return for being the most powerful flying crane ever made. The replies are from across the planet some goof reading, https://sonar21.com/open-thread-what-is-your-economic-situation/. JMG, most of Engels work is in German, but this article in English is interesting: https://www.hungarianconservative.com/articles/reviews/handbook-for-the-decline-of-the-west/. the current versions of the BBC program Escape to the Country) it seems to me that a vast (and I mean really vast, perhaps only eclipsed by the medical industry) part of the income streams for the soon-to-be former first world countries and their satellites has been based on tourism and all the ancillary parts of that (restaurants not least of them). This provided some pressure for launching but mainly blew hot gasses out the side of the base tube which would ignite the attached bags of propelling powder increments. Amid rising prices and economic uncertaintyas well as deep partisan divisions over social and political issuesCalifornians are processing a great deal of information to help them choose state constitutional officers and We have looked at our state exchange, and the options there are not affordable either so it looks like its time for us to take the leap and do something different. He had succesfully placed curses on other people, he told me. It is painted gold, and (almost illegibly) stenciled "3"/50 MARK 29/ DUMMY-INERT/ FOR WESTERN DEMIL TEST." The M1866 projectile differed from the original Sprenggranate 1862 with improved attachement of the rear rotating band to the body, a polygonal powder chamber for better fragmentation, and the impact fuze instead of the earlier powder train time fuze. I feel my writing is more deliberate, and am starting to realize a lifetime of poor penmanship may be due to bad habits I picked up using ball points. More like diving under the table and waiting until the earthquake stops. Pump water by hand and take it upstairs to the bathtub by lantern without setting the house on fire and youll find out why. The Army has outlined a need for enhanced intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capability. $100.00, 19320 U.S. 2.75 INCH ROCKET MOTOR SHIPPING FIBER TUBE - Same type as used in Vietnam to now, differing only in marking details. Just keep at it and youll be there sooner than you think. The monthly count for completed wells increased accordingly from a low of 253 completed wells in June 2020 to 969 completed wells in August 2022 due in part to the accelerated completion of DUCs. The Self-Loading Pistol 9 millimetre Mark 3 is the standard issue service pistol of the Australian Defence Force. Youngelephant, Ill pass that on to the more musically inclined members of the commentariat. Von Franz also has a far better developed sense of humor! By calling ahead, you may be able to avoid the private equity owned practices which are more likely to take you to the cleaners. I had a book on engineering programs for AppleSoft, but it got lost somewhere. Then it makes some kind of sense what is happening. When is the US gonna get some young enthusiastic blood up there in the white house to match the youthful vibrant energy of the Kremlin? In the year 2000, Ireland had the oldest rail network and rolling stock in Europe. As a woman who made it half way through the 12 Rules even after the lobsters made my brain liquify and run out my ears I have to say that the daughter of someone with Petersons take on human sex relations ending up with a man like Tate is about the least surprising thing Ive read. Projectile body is dated 1956, and the case looks like the stenciled lot number and dates are 1952 vintage. Why then not destroy it and blame the US? This included current and expensive ones. JMG and Darkest, thank you for your suggestions. Also, if anyone has any other ideas on how to make this transition, we would appreciate it. @Chris and JMG re:legal systems Charles Dickens pinpointed the same thing in Victorian England in Bleak House. Ive got to visit the US in October, I might see if I can source one while Im over there. Also interested in Paracelsus and the Rosicrucians in this regard. I cannot seem to find anyone who makes these anymore. Then the page will stop where I want it. I would pay to have my goat hoof trimming shears sharpened. $29.00 (View Picture), **NEW ADDITION** 312 TM9-1900 AMMUNITION GENERAL (June 1956) - (Also designated USAF TO 11A-1-20) 320 pages 6 x 9 covering all aspects of ammunition types, their markings, identification. (Im not a scuba expert, but if my back-of-envelope calculations are right you could do a 90m dive with a controlled ascent if you were very careful, eliminating the need a pressurized chamber). Step 3 (optional): Im not sure whether I will be able to reach this stage, but if I do, it will essentially be Step 2 with slide rules instead of handheld calculators. Cheap resorces are gone from Europe. Can you point me to a couple of good sources? The steel outer casing or flanges started off at 28mm diameter, but the tapered bore in the barrel squeezed them down to 20mm before exiting at an impressive 4,500 feet per second. What I do feel pretty sure about is that Russia had been keeping its powder good and dry until just last week. Thanks Jeff and D. For your source recommendation. (Am I saying that this is what happened? With Hurricane Ian now sucking the water of the Tampa Bay out to sea and when I last checked 2 mph short of being a full-fledged Category 5 hurricane, I wonder what your thoughts are on the ethics of praying or doing magic in relation to weather and natural disasters, especially ones that are far away from where you live? Jungs Answer to Job is ripe for Spenglerian criticism, as it encapsulates the ability of one culture to completely misunderstanding a myth from another, and to write their own world feeling over the top of it. Thank you! 17183G- May 1917 St, G 106, MAI 1917, HL 25 made by Haniel Luege Dsseldorf $45.00 $40.00 (View Picture), 13378 U.S. 152mm PROJECTILE FOR VIETNAM ERA M551 Sheridan Armored Reconnaissance/Airborne Assault Vehicle/Light Tank - About 6 inches in diameter and about 20 inches long, about 35 pounds with a heavy steel body with a thin sheet metal windshield for ballistic purposes. Bearing in mind that the T-62 was an unpretentious tank by design, the high velocity APFSDS ammunition fired from its smoothbore 115mm gun allowed it to achieve a level of anti-tank performance that outmatched the M60A1 despite the absence of an optical rangefinder and a ballistic computer as found on American tanks - in the 1977 edition of the Rafael Spike-ER Missile, Typhoon MLS-ER Missile Launcher, and Mini Typhoon 12.7mm RCWS. Inkstamped markings on side of the case: 40mm L/70, DUMMY M851, GRT85G016-001. They are often on backorder. @JMG: that wasnt my question at all. I haul firewood and garden compost with it. Despite his flaws, Steiner deserved better than that. Electrician, sure you can do well by it. I elected to be notified when someone commented, but many separate emails were piling up, so I unsubscribed. As Jeff Russel notes, though, hes somewhat of a better populizer than a thinker. for pricing and availability. Overall good condition with a couple of minor dings to the mouth which will straighten out, and a mellow patina including some greenish patina. Price per amber star signal in shipping tube. Creative Dreaming by Patricia Garfield has a pretty straightforward and effective set of instructions to go from I dont even remember my dreams to Im lucidly dreaming pretty regularly. Molten sodium batteries? The public in NATO countries will not believe their leaders or MSM anyway and might also argue that it couldnt be Russia.
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